I Really Don't Play Endgame Content | FFXIV

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5 thoughts on “I Really Don't Play Endgame Content | FFXIV”

  1. I think the question for yourself should be if you would enjoy raiding and doing Ultimate fights if you didn't feel anxious about the social interactions.

    I myself had major issues to do high end content but it was because of fear of messing up or being the one holding people back. I never really had issues talking to new people as I work in the service industry. The reason I got through it was persistent help from my gf who loved this type of content and eventually when I had done it enough to feel like I had nothing to prove to people then the fear started to be controlable.

    It is something I am happy I did even though it was difficult, because it removed a hinderance for me to enjoy myself.

    So what I'm saying is basically that perhaps it is good to try to put yourself in these difficult social situations to get used to the awkwardness and learn that it doesn't matter. So that you aren't hindered by the fear so you can do the things that you enjoy.

    But single player content is always welcome imo. I love crafting, gathering and island sanctuary

  2. I understand that anxious feeling because I too dont make friends or so late to warm up to someone (sometimes could take years) so I usually be as lone wolf. Though I dont mind lending help whenever someone asks and it's within my capability. I really want to try doing savages and ultimates but as someone who is not good in confrontation it's hard for me to communicate if there will be some kind of "drama". It's okay though. Just play whichever content you want right now because along the way we will meet new people and who knows maybe that time would be the right time for us to get good friend(s) who understands us. For me, I havent find that friend in FF14 yet. Sure I met lots of kind players and joined nice FCs but… yeah. Someday xD

  3. I dont have any problem playing with other people, but doing content solo idk is more relaxing and I can concentrate more. I can play long hours farming and killing stuff, doing hard bosses, gathering the materials to craft gear for all my jobs. Is more rewarding when you know you did it alone.


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