I Played Final Fantasy XIV in 2024…. Here’s What I’ve Concluded (So Far)

This game can be intimidating- but I highly suggest it! What’d you guys think of this video! Drop a comment! Help me hit my goal of …


20 thoughts on “I Played Final Fantasy XIV in 2024…. Here’s What I’ve Concluded (So Far)”

  1. Square Enix accounts are a NIGHTMARE to setup, and if you mess up your address you're permanently boned.

    Game crashing is an AMD issue not a game issue, hate to say it. It can be caused by not doing a proper initial config, you can also just fix this by readjusting your display settings. Then again AMD glitching is not uncommon, blame them not the game here.

  2. If you're loving it right now, you're gonna adore this game with the later expansions. FFXIV was my first mmorpg too, and I took my time playing it. It took me until… around two years to finish the entire msq and just. The payoff is amazing once they finish all the set up. This game probably has the best story I've ever played, besides the Xenoblade series. I'll also say that this community is incredibly friendly too, and people usually want you to experience the story in the best way possible. Can't wait for you to fully finish this game and feel free to take your time! If you get burned out, it'll always still be there waiting for you.

  3. glad you're enjoying it so far! make sure you're reading your tooltips and learning what abilities to combo after each other based on your gameplay video you're doing a lot of ruin spamming but summoner has a LOT more abilities to pump for high damage. Also once your carbuncle is summoned you won't have to resummon him so that button is usually never pressed unless you're logging in for the first time or you die

  4. Most of the standard "New player" tips have been already shared, what I will say is pay attention to all the small details around you; especially those presented as a part of the main story quest; as you get further and further into the game you'll be surprised at how often even the little things pop back up. Additional blue quests to research/look out for; Gold Saucer (If you're wanting some casual fun it's really hard to miss here), and definitely probably going to want to check out Palace of the Dead if you are wanting to get some real experience on other classes, it is very good experience for leveling especially on DPS classes since they tend to have much longer queue times to get into dungeons. When/If you decide to try to learn tanking or healing, you'll probably get plenty of understanding with your sprout tag, but do not be afraid to ask your party members to slow down to a pace you are comfortable with as you build your skill and comfort levels; chances are if someone takes issue, the rest of the party is gonna turn on them not you.

  5. nice to hear that you are enjoying the game. a tip I can give you is check out any blue quests ( like the one for your job quest ) you come across. they unlock new features like the "glamour system" and "dye system" in vesper bay, new emotes, new areas like " gold saucer " in Uldah ( its a casino/carnival like place where you can play mini games to earn points which you can exchange for mounts, minions, emotes etc. on the 23th of May ff14 x fall guys collab will start again so be sure to check that out 🙂 check " ff14 lodestone " for more info ). one blue quest i highly recommend doing if you havent already is the one in Limsa near the adventures guild/inn ( teleport to aftcastle then north of the map ). with this quest you unlock the challenge log. its a log which gives small tasks that give exp and gill ( good for when you are leveling other jobs ) and it resets weekly every tuesday.
    anyway, enjoy the journey because it will be one amazing ride ^^

  6. As a controller user, whose first MMO was also FFXIV, I am glad to hear you're having a blast! The community was the high point for me with this game and it's kept me playing for going on eight years now, here's hoping you're in for as good a time!

  7. Glad to see you enjoying the game! It has a ton of heart and story tucked away in all of the provided content, quests and otherwise! I will say, if you do enjoy further story, try to tackle all blue background quest notifications. These quests provide unlocks of content in some form, beyond the general RPG quest rewards, such as skills, additional dungeons, and conveniences. This will also include the high-end raids, at least high end for each of the game's expansions. The raiding does provide a lot of good story, especially the base game's raids, I do highly recommend trying to complete those when you get the chance!

    Though, I wouldn't recommend tackling anything that involves a guy name Gerolt. While these quests involving him do provide some expanded story, the quests are long and tedious and the rewards, while achievements in their own right, aren't worthwhile unless you know it's what you're gunning for. It's not to say you need to avoid him like the plague, though, if you feel you do wish to take on whatever he tasks you with!

    Oh! And don't be afraid to try early game dungeons with other people. Teamwork does become a more involved aspect, so it's good to dip your toe into the experience early, where it's understood people are still finding their footing. Just don't feel anxious about communicating that you're new to a dungeon, or new to a role, or rusty, or what have you! Other players appreciate knowing what to expect with their team and are more often than not willing to adjust themselves to assist you!

  8. It's got a great controller setup because the game is designed to also be played on PlayStation and now Xbox! You'll find a whole bunch of people playing on console, so controller play is very smooth and customizable. Enjoy your time in Eorzea!

  9. Stick to the grind of FFXIV. First off…welcome to the community. Second….getting thru A Realm Reborn can be quite tedious. However, what exists on the other side of ARR is gaming Shakespeare. Class design is top notch, dungeons are fun, the story really ramps up. The side content is some of the best in gaming. My personal favorite is the Palace of the Dead. Beyond all that the FFXIV community is simply the most inviting community in gaming. So strap in for the ride and enjoy the journey. Looking forward to seeing you in Dawntrail which releases in a little over a month.

  10. Welcome in! Ive been playing for about four years now and FFXIV is a great game and yeah its very cutscene heavy. Much like all other Final Fantasy games, the story is its bread and butter so youre going to get a LOT of it. And trust me, yeah its great and super easy for beginners to get into, but it has its fair share of exceptionally difficult content that really test your skills. Its an overall great experiance for everyone regardless of how intensively they play and i really hope you continue to have a great time!

  11. Great vid! Welcome to the FFXIV Family! I am going to go to controller for 7.0 Dawntrail! I have been keyboard/mouse since 1.0 so this will be unique for me! Liked & Subbed! Looking forward to seeing you in game!


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