I Finished Every Eureka Relic – Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #31

After hours and hours and weeks and weeks, I’ve finally finished every relic in Final Fantasy XIV’s Eureka – the exploratory zone from Stormblood. Just in time for Dawntrail, which is going to add a new exploratory zone. Cut my life into pieces. At least we got a bunch of achievements and money out of the deal.

twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ciderspider
twitter: https://twitter.com/CiderSpiderr
lalachievements: https://lalachievements.com/char/35184079/


38 thoughts on “I Finished Every Eureka Relic – Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV #31”

  1. The 100 million amuses me because I've probably spent that much on registrable stuff like Orchestrion Rolls and mounts. I rarely have more than a couple million, but it's absolutely correct that you can make a lot of money just playing the game normally.

  2. i'm working on my last 5 eureka relics and finally finished the current batch in Pagos tonight. what a horrible, horrible zone that is.

    some part of the chaos is inevitably just the influx of new players and the sharp jump in difficulty present in Pagos, but a good chunk of it is still just how weirdly trigger happy the instances have been lately.

    it makes it a lot harder to trust they'll wait if someone dies on the way to an NM like Louhi or Penny so nobody (myself included) will leave prep to fetch them for justified fear they'll miss the entire NM for it.

  3. Stuff that lol it was a grind enough for 1 weapon in 1 go, still need to get my BA clear hopefully before DT, shouldn't be hard as groups run every couple of hours

  4. Just wanted to say you do a really good job with your thumbnails and titles. Considering you put out multiple videos a week and they are all on the one topic essentially. Very good job Mr Spider claps

  5. I absolutely love the BLM staff – the not-glowing version specifically.
    Dyed metallic orange, it's a deep red when sheathed and burning orange when drawn.

    DRK sword and WHM cane are also great

  6. My favorite relic jokes today are the card game ones 15:26

    You asked which relics are our favorites, and I think I like the same ones you do. I will probably go for the Dark Knight sword first. If I have it in me to grind for a second Eureka relic, it will probably be Torigashira, the SAM katana.

    You're a champ! Great job on getting all these relics done!

  7. 23:00 Hi! I used to be an avid Eureka farmer. There are actually some REALLY efficient ways to farm Moisture-warped Lockboxes, and I can confirm that the platinum pieces are generally what you look for out of those. The Yukinko Snowflake minion might still be worth a bit as well, but the emotes have tanked in recent months and never sell unless you've got a stack of 20+ and can offload them on someone trying to play the market by offering a steep discount. I usually just give away those emotes to friends for free because they're so hard to sell.

    The aether oil can't even be vendored, so trash it. Tacticals get given to the Doman Enclave. Orchestrion rolls get burned to serve as fuel for the poor kids in the Brume. And the platinum pieces are just 10k gil to a vendor,so really, that's all you want out of them.

  8. 2:20 oh my sweet summer child. You finished Eureka without ever knowing SAM is the most OP job. You can solo prep any NM, yes including Ceto and PW, doing the whole pack and super fast too, while also being the bulkiest job. But oh well, not like you need to know that now lol


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