I asked final fantasy 14 players how they feel about world of warcraft refugees

Welcome to my new series, where I interview YOU! Here, I am interviewing ff14 players about what they think of WoW refugees and the influx o0f new players to the game. There are so many sprouts that come from world of warcraft lately, and I wanted to find out how ffxiv veterans feel about that.

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I asked final fantasy 14 players how they feel about world of warcraft refugees

ffxiv veterans


30 thoughts on “I asked final fantasy 14 players how they feel about world of warcraft refugees”

  1. I feel with WoW players coming in, we might experience more frustrations in dungeons when it doesn't go their way. I played WoW for 4 years before making the switch and FFXIV is so much more community-based. I really hope they understand it's an RPG before an MMO.

  2. I feel like if people are open minded enough to try out the “other” game, they’ll already be coming into the game pretty chill. I noticed WoW players love to talk a lot. And they apologize profusely when they mess up. It’s kinda cute ahahha

    Also they’re right. The exodus made me realize that the ffxiv community can be toxic to WoW players and it makes me a little ashamed to be part of that community. Those few who are negative to the refugees can really have a lasting effect on people.

  3. To give some background first. I'm an old WoW player who began in vanilla and played regularly on a casual level for about 10 years. I got FFXIV in early 2015 and have since stayed here, except for shorter or longer breaks while trying other games. I also have attempted to return to WoW a few times, but none lasted more than a few weeks at most.

    The only negative I've so far experienced with the WoW refugees (on EU) are when it comes to tanks. On my alt character, which I currently level as a Scholar in ARR, I've noticed more rushing tanks in my groups. People who pull more or less wall to wall. Now, I know that's not uncommon in dungeons at higher levels, but most tanks before the influx of people from WoW know that it's pointless in lower level dungeons because some DPS doesn't have their AoE yet, and/or the healers have limited tools to keep people alive. And this Speedy Gonzales attitude was common in WoW when I played before, and according to an RL friend who tried Shadowlands, it's still there.

    This makes me nervous since my next dungeon in the MSQ is Stone Vigil, a place I know from tanking on my main has mobs that hit hard. Not a place where you want to have a tank that thinks it's okay to pull everything at once.

    So you could say that my biggest worry for the WoW refugees is those who bring their bad dungeon habits over to FFXIV, which would not be a good thing. There is, after all, a reason why I never tried much of tanking or healing in WoW, wherein FFXIV, these are the roles I want to focus on. But if they don't carry over those bad habits, then I welcome them.

  4. As someone who never played WoW, but a longtime FF fan, I want to say Welcome to Eorzea! I'm very sorry to see Azeroth in its current state, and I know that a lot of people have so many fond memories of their time there. I very much hope that Azeroth recovers so that you can return and enjoy yourself there again, but I also hope that you can have tons of fun here in Eorzea as well. In an ideal world, both games can coexist and be good games together. I'm about to subscribe to your channel as soon as I leave this comment, and I look forward to seeing your future adventures in Final Fantasy XIV! ^_^

  5. As a mentor myself – it is quite easy to see toxicity as a mentor as you deal with sprouts a lot and, well, wow refugees are mostly sprouts at this point. I've had to deal with people shitting on the game for not being like wow in Novice Network and explaining how wow is a superior game or how we don't need to teach them because they used to hardcore raid in wow so they are good enough to do all of the content in ffxiv (why join NN then?). These kinds of people are VERY rare tho, overall I'd say most wow refugees either get used to and embrace the community or they stay mostly quiet and not engage with it much (from my personal experience with my friends, I am an ex-wow player myself and know some refugees). I feel like most of the toxic wow playerbase wouldn't touch ffxiv with a stick.

  6. As a wowfugee myself having played WoW for 15 years, getting my first job through all available content, and reaching ilvl 530 with 535 bozja relic, I’ve come to the realization that both communities are the same. I play on Aether Jenova. I just get a really weird vibe from the ff14 community. Like something is off. People act nice but the moment you try to actually get friendly they either take it too far and go crazy, or completely ignore you. There was a person I befriended when I first joined the game who played with me every step of the way and they were the reason I kept playing. But they’ve stopped and now I just feel… alone? It’s very hard to describe why I feel the WoW community and ff14 community are the same. Perhaps it’s my experience on all the discord’s I’ve joined.

  7. Been playing FFXIV myself since ARR, and have been a mentor since day one. All I can say is that the community is divided, but truthfully, it's the self entitled people who have the issue. Most end game raiders don't care, cause 90% of them are taking breaks right now since there's no new content. The new players are happy that they have people to play with who are experiencing their content at the same pace as them. The people in between are typically on the more casual side and don't really have a strong feeling one way or the other. I haven't met anyone in my community who has said a negative thing about the WoW players themselves. Most are just lamenting over the strain on the servers honestly.
    Since you seem to be fairly new to the game, I will caution you against taking the word of mentors as gospel. A lot of mentors wear the burger king crown because it looks cool, and not because they actually want to mentor new players; And likewise, the crown next to their name also doesn't mean they know what they're talking about. I've regularly had to correct mentors for giving sprouts incorrect information. If you've been around the community for any length of time, you'll come to know that mentors are memed on pretty hard, and there's a reason for that. If you are looking for information on classes/playstyles, check the balance discord for thorough job information; if you're looking for something in world like an item or quest, a google search is probably your best bet. Anything else, truthfully if you reach out, I can probably give an answer or point you to a place that has the answer. o7 that said, enjoy your adventures in Eorzea

  8. I'm a 2.0 since player and my oponion on wow refuges is as follows. Wow players are only toxic in the enviroment that breeds their toxicity. The fact of the matter is that Wow in most of its aspects that I've taken a look at just makes people super toxic.

    Meanwhile FFXIV to its core designs breeds out as much of the toxicity as humanly possible before their tos even has to kick in.

    In wow for example, there's a design philosphy that pushes players to reach raiding as FAST as humanly possible. Day one raids means that people don't have a incentive to sit down and smell the roses so to speak and then you can watch the sparks fly as the raider clashes with the casual and you can watch all hell break lose.

    Meanwhile in FFXIV, the raiding cycles at least on expansion are time locked 4 weeks after the expansion thus there's no reason to rush through ANY content. There's no pressure to rush on ANYTHING.

    And thats just one example.

    As for the players themselves, I'm a 2.0 player and I remember back in the day most of the people who were on ffxiv 2.0 were either former wow vets or FFXI players and I would say the bulk of the community would be that at least for 2.0 players and we turned out just fine.

    Infact my only complaint about former wow players is could you tanks stop dancing, you got no dance floor skills. XD.

  9. Look at this algorithm showing me all this nice new content.

    I think that one veteran is right: we as FFXIV players are more concerned about other FFXIV gatekeeping people coming from other mmos, especially since passions can run high as FFXIV and WoW have always been compared to each other.

    But I think even if I was the kind of person who ran the shitty memes and stereotypes of WoW players into the ground, my heart just goes out to them joining FFXIV after hearing all the exploitive game design they’ve gone through. Nobody deserves to be put through the wringer from what I’ve heard of farming fame or whatever. We’re all just looking for a good time after all.

  10. Hey, welcome to the game. As someone who's been playing since early 1.0 and the 2.0 alpha I'll tell you that I've seen more sprouts on my old launch server than I have at any other time in its history. It's been pretty damn awesome. Haven't seen any of that there toxicity but my server has a pretty good mentor/novice network so at least as far as that stuff goes we tend to quash it pretty quickly.

    Also, for what it's worth regarding the long-term health of the game, the man attributed for it's revival, Naoki Yoshida, came out during fan fest and explicitly stated that he considered FF14 his "life's work" and that he had no intention of stopping work on the game. He'll be around as long as his players want him around.

  11. I've been playing FFxiv since the middle of BFA, i just couldn't stand the toxicity of the mythic + runners and RaiderIO. + the dungeons themselves were pretty bad too imo. I like all of the wow players coming over, i just wish they found something else to talk about than wow. It's like every wow player need to inform me that they had been playing since vanilla and are world first raiders and have all the rarest mounts and transmogs….neat i guess.

  12. Been only playing since early 2018 (patch 4.2) – no life'd the game and have 80 on every combat class lol. Was definitely interesting to see all of the different takes, all completely valid. If anything I think I would fall into the camp of being worried how some of the more toxic ff14 vets may gatekeep the game in a sense, we've already seen it a bit with big names jumping over to try out the game unfortunately. But at the end of the day they are just a drop of water in an ocean of fantastic people who are all just looking to have fun, so hopefully they won't end up being a big issue. It's been so nice seeing so many new people run around, hope you and all the other new players are enjoying the game!

  13. it won't at all.. the original creator of Final Fantasy was excluded and he eventually left after the Square Enix merger. The game will continue ! Even greater than ever~~

  14. The people who aren't serious about the game won't make it very far before they quit. The experience is very different and the ones that do enjoy it will stay. The Toxicity will be be in the lower levels unless it's just a toxic player. Had a guy call me a loser scum for bringing up "well new world beta started, all the twitch streams have changed" He was a new player so… could have been a WoW player? KeK

    Truly though FFXIV takes so much longer to level compare to WoW just gotta see if they will stick it out. It's always the minority with the loudest mouths… the people voicing their complaints are the few you'll hear.

  15. I Just had really bad experiences in solo queueing content in WoW. I don't know what kind of portion of the whole they make up and I don't care.

    My opinion of WoW players is that they're dismissive of social content, addicted to the gear ladder, and easily tilted at anything that goes wrong.

  16. As a wow refugee, I have definitely seen hints of toxicity coming from raiders and long time players, but it’s incredibly tame compared to the toxic sludge you would see trying to run mythic+ 15s or a pug heroic raid

  17. I’ve been in XIV a little over a year. I used to play WoW. Burnt out in the Firelands part of Cata. Came back to WoW for Legion, left in BfA. I will say that WoW’s design has fallen apart. Think of the meme about the free trial. If you had that same trial in WoW, it would be about six hours of game time. So much of the game has been made obsolete and phased out. Now it is all just about the latest patch’s raid, and Mythic+. And Mythic+ design is BUILT to create toxicity. A random dungeon, a random key, and one mistake downgrades it. So people are super hostile to each other. There’s nothing left in WoW except the ultra competitive stuff, and it just generates toxicity. Imagine finally getting a chance to do the Mythic raid you want, and if you fail you have to go clear another raid on Heroic, and if you win, you get to try a random Mythic raid. FFXIV understands how to respect its players’ time, and that there is more to the game than just cutting edge fights. FFXIV also doesn’t punish you for dying, so people are much more willing to just try again, rather than raging. I’ve only ever had two runs fall apart without clearing a dungeon. Both after dying to the same boss more than five times.

  18. Oh yeah, wow players sure are toxic! Lets just not mention things like skip cutscenes, don't ask for help or tactics, you don't pay my sub, you're a mentor hater and all the other lovely comments thrown our way.
    To be honest, if I que for a dungeon and get a full sprout group, I'm instantly a lot happier because these people share my mental wounds and will try their best within reason to make everyones experience enjoyable. Its when good for nothing older players, who are sadly often the healers, come along and basically piss on us because if we defend ourselves, we become 'toxic'.
    TLDR; from a wow refugee's perspective, FFXIV is full of degenerate snowflakes with a couple of good, adult people running around that somewhat dilute the problem.

  19. So the toxicity i have seen about this, mostly comes from ff14 vets, most have a mindset of wow players are just toxic and so on, some even go further than that and to that i can only say, every game has bad apples as we call them ff14 has them to, imo they are just more rare to find and they are ez to deal with, either ignore them which i do in most cases or report if u feel like it is really bad, will say this i like most of the new blood just keep coming you guys can make old content more fun 👀✨ with love from a former wow player that quit in bfa and never looked back, can't say i regret it tho :3


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