How to Heal Better as a White Mage in FFXIV Endwalker

WHM Damage Optimization Guide:

Sage next! Maybe one final WHM video coming, covering gearing and stat priorities. Otherwise that’s it for Endwalker!

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0:00 Intro
0:38 WHM Healing Style
1:39 Healing Spells & Priorities
14:56 Planning Heals
19:00 Anabaseios Examples
21:56 Recovery & Triage
26:07 Dungeons

#ffxiv #endwalker #guide


14 thoughts on “How to Heal Better as a White Mage in FFXIV Endwalker”

  1. This has been very interesting to watch. As a Tank Main (PLD when MT and GNB for OT specifically), I always liked having tools like Divine Veil to help healers after raidwides and Heart of Corundum/Aurora for myself and the other tank. I want to delve more into Healing since I always preferred the support role and I've been enjoying all of the healers, though I've been enjoying SCH and WHM more so. The one thing I wish Healers had is more damaging moves (I remember hearing WHM had like 3 DoTs back then). I like the Afflatus mechanic and I think damaging moves becoming active from healing is a neat way of being able to get that variety of damage. I also like the complexity of choice when it comes to healing/shielding, but I hope that Dawntrail will do something more to make the jobs more engaging offensively. Well, that's my veiw of it at least, I'm a Tank main so all I really know is hit and get hit for less.

    Great video btw, the detailed explanations really do help more than just looking at a static sheet saying "use this" and "use that if this happens".

  2. I've finally gotten around to leveling my whm and this definitely helps with the understanding endgame tools. I'm curious for shield healers how much should they be trying to mit with their gcd shields vs simply healing after? I always find myself using eukrasia prognosis on sage going into heavy raidwide, but not sure if that is right.

  3. Thank you for the note on recovery skill. It's so important for prog.
    This is a really thorough and complete WHM healing guide! Hit all the smaller notes too like exceptions.
    I'll definitely be using this as a reference for new players.

  4. Thanks a lot for the guide/information. I only have 1 complaint here, the music is overpowering over your voice in many sections I don't mind it but if you can lower it a smidge in the future it would make it perfect. again thanks a lot.

  5. Actually had no idea you could put cure 3 on someone else and the heal comes out from them. Though my instincts tell me to try to stay in the middle of everyone anyways when we don't need to be in certain spots for mechanics. Some questions about asylum and temperance though. Does asylum buff things like divine veil and shake it off? I believe the shields themselves aren't because they're a percentage of everyone's HP, but they do also provide a flat heal too and shake now has a regen.

    And for temperance, would it also buff healing magic from other players or does it just buff your own? Cuz I imagine if it buffed everyone, scholar could drop some extra fat spreadlo shields while you have that up.

  6. TYSM for this and the "how to do more dam." videos! I have been healing for my raid group for almost a year now, coming from 3 years of phys. range, and I am not the most confident in moving/removing more prog based heals in places to optimize for more damage, even after clears. As a result, I am a grey dam. parser, where as my healing parses are all colors of the rainbow. Your videos are great, and helped me realize that I just need to trust my instincts more, instead of second guessing myself for fear of my party members dropping, just because I decided to do more damage. I think I'm on the right track to getting a pretty color dam. parse, Thx again. 🤞


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