FFXIV Fan Festival 2024 in Tokyo:

FFXIV Dawntrail Site (for thumbnail images):


Hello everyone I am Jmulls of Jmulls Gaming and welcome to my little corner of the internet!

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In today’s video, I react to the Tokyo Fanfest Opening Presentation… mostly, for Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail !

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  1. One more thing to mention. Now that they no longer have to think about building the game from scratch in two years like they did with ARR, they can tell a new 10-year saga that is truly organic in every way.
    Because if you go back to ARR and HW you notice some retcons that went unnoticed and only from Shadowbringers onwards did the narrative direction become clear

  2. I hope the stuff like Solution Nine and the lunar recreation stuff leads us to do background planetary exploration. Kinda like how phantasy star or star ocean:tteot dipped into a larger more advanced race to explore.

  3. As exciting and cool as seeing the future-tech city of Solution Nine is, my hope is that they don't just straight catapult us back into some crazy mega bad. I want this to be something really cool and mysterious for us to explore, but not have it have some kind of big world ending consequence if we were not able to solve it thereby thrusting us back into having to save the world yet again. Shadowbringers and Endwalker did so well because it took its time to build up to that point with it's previous expansion. And yes people will say that coming off a big high to something simple and grounded may seem dull and boring, but you need those low moments in order to appreciate the high moments, if you're just chasing the next big high, then you just end up looking for whatever the next big bad is which then makes the whole experience and adventure feel very dull and a can make past achievements in the story feel watered down.

  4. Solution Nine is protected from Meteon's Final Song I guess – that's their final "solution" against Calamity, by the civilization more advance than Garlean, Sharlayan combined. So the plot is — what's next over there?

  5. I'm so curious about Solution 9. Who are the ones who built this city ? Survivors of an ancient civilisation ? Allagans ? Something older ? Colonists from a Shard still spared by the Asciens machinations ? Can't wait to be this summer ><

  6. One of Final Fantasy XIV's big strong points to me is the design of Zones and locations. It has just that big variety of themes that really gets you every time you enter a zone. And unlike other MMO games like WoW, you do not need to re-experience a Zone a bajillion times for every character. And that is great.

  7. If anybody knows anything about what they will do INVENTORY management let me know. I ran out of space for glams and my retainers are peaking. So far I have liked everything they have presented. But Inventory is my biggest problem with the game.

  8. I didn’t realize ffxiv had a biggest need to fix problem…..oh wait, it doesn’t, not where story is concerned with enough ideas to grasp from since the franchises inception waaaaay back in the 80’s when I started playing them……god I’m old.

  9. I mean if people genuinely thought the expansion was just going to be a summer vacation and chill…that's really on them. The devs made jokes multiple times about how "yeah sure it's just a vacation." in other keynotes. It's pretty crazy to hear them say "We have a lot of surprises in store" and for people to go "Yeah whatever, I know what this expansion is going to be, yawn"

  10. If you thought it was just 60 hours of lying on a beach then I kinda admire your naivety. For all its flaws (of which there are many) I don't understand that particular one toward XIV. That being said, an ancient, hightly advanced civilization is hardly a new concepts in RPGs let alone FF. Like literally 50% of all FF story have that trope..


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