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if you’re looking at getting into ffxiv raiding i hope this gives a clearer picture on what to expect near the highest tier of content. in our group 6 had never finished an ultimate before, other 2 got their first clear less than two weeks before we started progging. really happy with how the group did and can’t wait to do more ultimates later down the line.
Song List:
The Valevictorian Elegy – Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Stal – Reasons (feat. XI)
Sonic Colors – Reach for the Starts (Orchestral)
Pentakill – Lost Chapter
FFXIV – Under the Weight (Pulse Remix)
The Witch from Mercury Main Theme
Fairy Tale OST – Dragon Force
Haikyuu!! OST – Makko Shobu
Undertale – Hopes and Dreams/Save the World (Karu Orchestral)
The Irregular at Magic High School OST – Happy End
#ffxiv #ff14 #scien
Hey, just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS (uwu was harder in 2018) on the THE MINSTREL'S BALLAD: THE WEAPON'S REFRAIN 2023 (it's the easy one) CLEAR. I know you've been working really hard (2018 it was harder) at it, and I'm happy that you've (uwu was harder in 2018) achieved your goal of completion. I know your journey through (uwu was harder in 2018) the content was filled with ups and downs, but you and (uwu was harder in 2018) your group stuck (also ucob is harder) together through them all and you were rewarded for your patience and (ucob is harder was 2017 & UwU was harder in 2018) tenacity. Congratulations (uwu was harder in 2018) once again, and here's to more success in your future (ucob was harder in 2017, uwu was harder in 2018 & tea was harder in 2019) endeavors!!!
Very good job!
Thanks for the journey ♥
Hey, just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS (uwu was harder in 2018) on the THE MINSTREL'S BALLAD: THE WEAPON'S REFRAIN 2023 (it's the easy one) CLEAR. I know you've been working really hard (2018 it was harder) at it, and I'm happy that you've (uwu was harder in 2018) achieved your goal of completion. I know your journey through (uwu was harder in 2018) the content was filled with ups and downs, but you and (uwu was harder in 2018) your group stuck (also ucob is harder) together through them all and you were rewarded for your patience and (ucob is harder was 2017 & UwU was harder in 2018) tenacity. Congratulations (uwu was harder in 2018) once again, and here's to more success in your future (ucob was harder in 2017, uwu was harder in 2018 & tea was harder in 2019) endeavors!!!
Hey, just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS (uwu was harder in 2018) on the THE MINSTREL'S BALLAD: THE WEAPON'S REFRAIN 2021 (it's the easy one) CLEAR. I know you've been working really hard (2018 it was harder) at it, and I'm happy that you've (uwu was harder in 2018) achieved your goal of completion. I know your journey through (uwu was harder in 2018) the content was filled with ups and downs, but you and (uwu was harder in 2018) your group stuck (also ucob is harder) together through them all and you were rewarded for your patience and (ucob is harder was 2017 & UwU was harder in 2018) tenacity. Congratulations (uwu was harder in 2018) once again, and here's to more success in your future (ucob was harder in 2017, uwu was harder in 2018 & tea was harder in 2019) endeavors!!!
Is so happy to see another video!
WELL DONE!!! Also! HURRAH, another video!!! Your edits are so good! This was a lot of fun to watch.
Another wonderful video buddy. FFXIV really does need more quality content like this.
Hey, just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS (uwu was harder in 2018) on the THE MINSTREL'S BALLAD: THE WEAPON'S REFRAIN 2023 (it's the easy one) CLEAR. I know you've been working really hard (2018 it was harder) at it, and I'm happy that you've (uwu was harder in 2018) achieved your goal of completion. I know your journey through (uwu was harder in 2018) the content was filled with ups and downs, but you and (uwu was harder in 2018) your group stuck (also ucob is harder) together through them all and you were rewarded for your patience and (ucob is harder was 2017 & UwU was harder in 2018) tenacity. Congratulations (uwu was harder in 2018) once again, and here's to more success in your future (ucob was harder in 2017, uwu was harder in 2018 & tea was harder in 2019) endeavors!!!
Another absolute banger video, and another huge congrats, but most importantly:
Hey, just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS (uwu was harder in 2018) on the THE MINSTREL'S BALLAD: THE WEAPON'S REFRAIN 2023 (it's the easy one) CLEAR. I know you've been working really hard (2018 it was harder) at it, and I'm happy that you've (uwu was harder in 2018) achieved your goal of completion. I know your journey through (uwu was harder in 2018) the content was filled with ups and downs, but you and (uwu was harder in 2018) your group stuck (also ucob is harder) together through them all and you were rewarded for your patience and (ucob is harder was 2017 & UwU was harder in 2018) tenacity. Congratulations (uwu was harder in 2018) once again, and here's to more success in your future (ucob was harder in 2017, uwu was harder in 2018 & tea was harder in 2019) endeavors!!!
Loving the editing. Also thought I'd mention that your class video helped me choose what jobs to choose when I start playing FF14 as a catgirl Warrior and Summoner.
Amazing video, really great all the way through, 10/10 for humour, editing, structure, narration, EVERYTHING. 😍❤
When I saw you had uploaded I was stoked.
This is so wildly entertaining and wonderfully edited the whole way through. And just looking at some of the shots and knowing how much time and effort would've gone into just a few seconds of footage for a nearly 20 minute video, massively increased the enjoyment factor for me, personally.
Also, 2:39, what's Ligma???
So good to see you upload! Your editing never fails to impress.
P.S. I'm the one that forgets feather rain, it's me. (Maybe with this video I have a chance at uwu though)
Been waiting on a new video from ya man, amazing work!
Absolutely incredible video sir! Completely captured the magic of getting your first ultimate clear! Congratulations on getting your clear and best of luck with the future fights!
Woah.. Random Legendary Ultimate Guide. ✨️ Very unexpected but poggers; I'm getting educated on UWU mechanics I would otherwise never bother looking up. My biggest takeaway is the death, taxes and Titan ass mech.
Also, Ligma Ultimate when? 😇