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Get that high score bro!!! Congrats!
Congratulations on a staggering & monumental achievement buddy. That is a jaw droppingly impressive accomplishment. Surely the richest FFXIV player! Your commitment & determination to keep beating that high score, is really something to witness. Truly, well done bro! Have a great 2024 & I wish you all the success in the new year! Your bro & oil supplier, Belazarus Bin Salman <3
Gil is easy to get, try you luck at collecting stacks of every single old school elemental materia. Good luck finding all the VI's
Damn my guy is literally sitting on almost a decade of economy Gil lol that’s literally worth 1000s of dollars but on your relm gill is probably worth less but still a easy 5-10 k worth of irl cash right there
I take that back after I saw the whole video bro has enough gill to shut down irl selling and tank it lol if you unloaded even 1 or two retainer caps worth of gill into the irl economy you would shut it down lol that’s a insane accomplishment GG ashe
all i need is 5m to buy some stuffs and save the rest.
Luca doll! 💕
I pretty much given up on making gil via crafting, theres just too many bots on the market board its insane
congrats, hapy new year !! WOOOHOO
yay!!! love u ashe ty for all your work and grinding, we love to see it, happy new years!!
Happy New Year mr. McDuck ;D
I feel like your attitude on making gil is similar to the attitude of some billionaires in real life.
10 retaners wow how you get 10
Absolutely understand your "high score" mentality. That's my reason too.
you have quite the commitment to making gil, very impressive Ashe! you must do so much crafting and I can’t imagine the time it would take to get mats plus having to deal with undercutters and checking your retainers regularly. Happy new year!
We have to raid your FC houses Ashe lmao 😂😂
Thats insane! But did u fill the FC chest with gil too? XD
Happy New Year 🎉
Current Minimum Gil NetWorth: G 27,396,781,419
If he had the max character count with max retainers (if I did my math right, correct me if I'm wrong) is 7,304 × 999,999,999 = Max Gil Networth. G 7,303,999,992,696. (83 worlds 88 cac+retainers for each world = 7,304 characters made)
I dont want to be negative but i really hope you have a real income ashe, i hope you have real friends and some kind of social life, i hope you have a girlfriend and plan for the future.
I know in the video you said this makes you happy which is great and something i completely, COMPLETELY understand, trust me. But time is not free or refundable. These games come and go but every minute goes.
I hope you have a IRL plan for what your doing making all this gil. God bless.
That's wild man!! Keep it up!! Your channel has been so helpful to us non caps lol!
Awesome achievement man! Happy new year!
That is insanity!!! Congrats on the achievement!! As someone who played this game for years I only ever got like 80mill total maybe? I wish I was better at making gil, Its always irregular for me and I get overwhelmed lol.
jeez man, may i ask how much your monthly sub costs, with all them retainers n stuff?
also.. have you even got a male character?? ahaha
Awesome thank you for all the guides and happy new year look forward to seeing more guides for even more Gil ❤️❤️