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I’m an Entertainer, gamer & Twitch Streamer. Overwatch, League of Legends, Skyrim, Rust, CS:GO, Guild Wars 2, PUBG, Apex Legends, Dead by Daylight, Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us are amongst my favourites. I tend to enjoy many types of games.
Favourite Games by Genre:
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Favourite Single player RPG: Witcher 3
Favourite MMORPG: Guild Wars 2
Favourite MOBA: League of Legends
Favourite survival game: Rust
Favourite Story telling game: The Last Of Us
Favourite Multiplayer Character: Ana Amari (Overwatch)
Favourite Single player Character: Geralt Of Rivia (Witcher 3)
Favourite Fighting game: Injustice
Favourite Stealth Game: Metal Gear Solid
Favourite Single Player Game Developers: CD Projekt Red (Witcher 3)
Favourite Multiplayer Game Developers: ArenaNet (Guild Wars 2)
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Best Stormblood moment
Told ya you would end up liking Yotsuyu! 😉 Great writing from Natsuko Ishikawa.
cant wait to see the look on your face when you find out who shadowhunter is, im not going to say anything else
If there's the scene Gosetu shaved his head and became a monk that would be perfect.
I think one of the biggest tragedies here is that you weren't able to control your WoL during the cutscenes lol. If I have to stand still and do nothing one more time… XDD
fyi : if you res, you will have a res immune, this res immune disappears if you use any actions, including sprint.
you died after res because healer is too struggle healing everyone and when you res you do an action that remove the res immune
4d chess 🤣🤣🤣 but i enjoy how he ends
Curious thing is zenos sees potential even in the weakest person fordola and yotsuyu are great examples
You should definitely check out the four lords, I think you get it from Soroban. The fights are pretty fun.
>Midnight Haze
>>*Focuses boss while the smoke clouds very nearly slips through.*
>>>*Demi-Bahamut appears*
>>>>"Focus ADD"
That made me laugh my fucking ass off.
I feel like they added Maxima to show not everyone in the empire is an insane jerk. A lot of them, sure, but not all of them.
And yes, Alphi is the diplomat of light haha.
It just dawned on me that that shitstain CLAPPED at HIS parents getting killed.
Wasn't HE the one that got SPOILED by said parents??!
You have a great thumbnail face.
well ascians are not that easy to kill without white auracite as you know. so this dude killed their vessels but unless you kill their soul they can still come back. still to "kill" an ascian you still need to be really strong
hey alninio have you done the four lords trial?
The last scene with various masks…. look again… 😉
I cried at Castrum Fluminis transition.
This is why max iLv ruins the story. He has no idea who "Shadowhunter" is, because boss mechanics get ignored, and killed before you see all the skills used.
If the skills werent skipped, he'd know who that is.
"Can I cut his head off so he cannot be resurrected?"
👁️👁️ 👀
I truly love yotsuyu. She's my mom waifu. FUCK ASAHI
Wayward Daughter is absurdly beautiful. Such a haunting song.
The fact that her parents mistreated her so bad but her brother is the first she wishes to kill proves that what she hated the most is not even the mistreatment, but the indifference from the bystanders. Which also explains why she is taking it on to the Dona people – they all pretended nothing is wrong and just stood and watched her pain
How did you predict the smoking as a boss mechanic?
Also Zenos isn’t talking because he’s tired. He’s talking like that because he’s recovering from a massive gash in his neck from killing himself with his katana.
I mean… Up until this point most of the pure garleands you met are pretty chill. The assholes usually are the AN, the ones that gain their citizenship through achievements like Fordola and Asahi, pure garleands have specific priorities most of the time, like Nero, Lucia, (spoiler), regula, the whole crew in the garlemald troupe in kugane that show us that most of garlemald civilians live in a lie about what the centurions really do in the lands they conquer. They all think their Nation is the hero in the story.
Damn I almost forgot the founder of the company with the best slogan Freedom through Technology same that
will shake the world in a distant future and will make the most knowledgeable person in existence raise an eyebrow XD.
Blue bahamut is Pet of summoner
If y dnt move after resing y have immun from hits near 5 sec
The arc of Yotsuyu or Tsuyu is one of my favorite because of the ambiguity of Yotsuyu’s tale of redemption.
On one hand, Hien is right, Yotsuyu was a cruel ruler who reveled in her personal sadism of her people whom she believed to be unforgivably ignorant.
On the other hand, Gosetsu believed in a form of redemption beyond one’s sins. What Yotsuyu did was unforgivable but as Tsuyu he believed as long as there is a will to live than there is reason to believe in atonement.
Did Yotsuyu deserve redemption? Did she deserve to die? We have every reason to believe either.
I loved Yotsuyu's story and was equally as angry as you watching it unfold haha. I have to replay the game.
A lot of people miss the point of all this, that villains don't become that way in a vacuume, and that "the good guys" can do the wrong thing sometimes. It's a very powerful message in a game that's been generally very simple up until now.