GRAPHICS UPDATE! – FFXIV Live Letter 68 Overview & Thoughts

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40 thoughts on “GRAPHICS UPDATE! – FFXIV Live Letter 68 Overview & Thoughts”

  1. It would be cool if they add more graphics options for the PS5 versions. PS5 can do 120fps, so it would be cool if you could turn the graphics down a little on the 1080p option and bump the frame rate to 120fps. Because right now there really isn’t a reason to use the 1080p option over the 4K upscale option, with both only achieving 60fps.

  2. Yoshi P and the combat team need to try healing in literally any other mmo or moba bc healing in 14 doesn’t NOT feel good anymore. Felt great in HW and SB. I hope they listen to feedback and suggestions and really change healers

  3. Graphical update is nice but, for us non PC plebs, its gonna be a struggle, the game is already optimized weirdly on Ps5. I hope they get it right, because standard 60 frames would be nice with improved graphics.

  4. not a meme to community when they by them self's created a meme with praetorium survivor and wanna see me doing it again stuff

    and about trust update maybe npc finally will be able rise player when he die instead of starting fight again and also FINALLY will be able to attack while doing mechanics in boss fights

  5. I still don’t get why there isn’t a shield animation when us barrier healers gives it to the group. they need to put that in so that we can actually see that they have shields on.

  6. Oof we have to wait until 6.3. for the island sanctuary, that is gonna be a very long wait. Thinking about taking a long break. Almost no new content in the next weeks/months…..

  7. Hoping Criterion is some sort of Savage alt content. Lots of folk struggle with clearing or just don't have the time to devote hours a day will have this, myself included. My only worry is they will undertune gear rewards.

  8. I'm so excited for graphic update no matter what anyone says. I think they should spend 7 months between patches instead of just four. When you see how much work they do they deserve to work at an easier pace.

  9. That new lighting reminded me a lot of the warframe update that made pretty much the entire game better/more immersively lit
    And that bit of thavnair was beautiful for visual storytelling, all the produce piled up and useless because of story events
    Super excited to see how far this goes

  10. The visual upgrade really is a prime example of what better lighting and textures can do, since the polygon count is clearly almost the same or exactly the same. It's the same reason why games like MGSV still look amazing despite having rather low poly models and enviroments.

  11. I'm really interested to see if there will be any story significance with the pre-ShB trusts. As in, will they be new 'adventurer' characters or people we may actually know? Also interested in just how different the MSQ dungeons will be after the change.

  12. With DragonQuest X getting a single-player offline version, I think they are doing the same with FFXIV.
    They will finally put to bed all the spaghetti code stuff that stops them from doing what they want to do, and release FFXIV-2.

  13. God I love the dev team so much.

    Honestly, I would like them to just make Castrum/Praetorum as a Trust only encounter that gets removed from duty finder entirely.

    As a Roegadyn Male who is constantly disappointed by the skins of my gear being distorted on my brick shithouse of a frame, I am very happy about the gear overhaul potential

    Speaking of Roegadyns: FACIAL HAIR OPTIONS PLEASE!

  14. I'm glad Koji got a promotion, and ok with the employees getting more time off. Graphics update finally! I wish it was an engine change, but with the amount of spaghetti code, I don't think they could do that at this point.


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