I once had a battle of… "size"…, then that player pulled the Nine-tail mount (that I didn't have), and I was like "fck" then pulled my Regalia, they were so amazed that I offered a tour and we became friends.
I have it from the event, but it looks so out place everywhere except Garlemald :/ I'll use it to help somebody in zones where they haven't unlocked flying yet, but never by myself.
Hop in loser. We’re going to save Eorzea!
Clearly doesn't own it
I once had a battle of… "size"…, then that player pulled the Nine-tail mount (that I didn't have), and I was like "fck" then pulled my Regalia, they were so amazed that I offered a tour and we became friends.
I have it from the event, but it looks so out place everywhere except Garlemald :/ I'll use it to help somebody in zones where they haven't unlocked flying yet, but never by myself.
Feeling like a princess being taxied around in it
i specifically grinded that event so i could taxi my friends around, now they won’t leave me alone about it anytime i’m online lmao
Youre not using the lunar whale for yourself and seven sprout friends …smh
Blackjack or riot, whale blimp that cost 4 mil MGP is the only taxi I need.
I started playing the game the day this event ended earlier this year.
I'm so pissed I missed it.
Passenger princess in video games and real life ❤
I wish we'd also get the Regalia type-D.
God would some character look dope on it
sprout spend 30 min's just doing this LOL all the while were waiting for them to get in the thing. Lol