The patch 7.1 brings a brand new ultimate to the table, Future’s Rewritten Ultimate or FRU. Which I personally has been looking forward to since the day it was announced- because Eden was the first raid tier that I started to get into FFXIV, which I believe a lot of you guys too.
With it some talks regarding how the world first cheated (again) by using pixel perfect or maybe how broken Pictomancer is in this ultimate with 73.7% of usage in the top 50 clears and 0% on Blackmage.
But I don’t want to talk about all of that, instead I want to talk about the current tank meta in FRU and how each tank performs and why
some are more preferred by the top players than the other.

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13 thoughts on “FRU FFXIV Tank Meta EXPOSED!”

  1. Hi Ayla!

    I wanted to share a suggestion for Gunbreaker.

    Paladin and Warrior need to perform their 1-2-3 combos before bursting: PLD does it to unlock the Atonement combo, and WAR for its damage buff.

    The issue with Gunbreaker is that it needs to perform the 1-2-3 combo twice to generate two cartridges, unless you save them in advance.

    A potential solution could be: making Double Down the fourth GCD hit in the Gnashing Fang combo. This way, it would only consume one cartridge to unlock everything:

    1 cartridge = Gnashing Fang > Savage Claw > Wicked Talon > Double Down.

    This entire sequence would start with Gnashing Fang and require only one cartridge.

    Another idea would be to separate cartridge generation into two sources:

    Two cartridge slots unlockable through the 1-2-3 combo.

    Two additional cartridge slots that can only be unlocked via Bloodfest.

    What do you think?


  2. You missed an important detail that top end groups consider. you only compared the rdps, but top end groups will typically run a high party buff roster, which means you also want to look at how the tank burst window works. dark knight especially has a massive burst window which works really well with party buff comps, but doesn't translate to rdps.
    You also made no mention of passage of arms, which for a blind ultimate (as happened with the first groups) is something you would expect to be extremely useful. as it turns out, last phase had surprisingly little incoming party damage, but that's something we can only look at in hindsight.

  3. Expectation: GNB + WAR
    Reality: PLD + DRK
    Which I think is totally fine, it's healthy for the game to have a Tank meta that plays around their full toolkit, it's extremely dull when only one or two jobs are dominating, I think all 4 tanks feel great to play, and it's great that all of them are viable. Unlike Casters where you play PCT or nothing.

  4. I feel like the section on world progging groups is a bit misguided. (Im assuming here with "top 50 teams" you meant top 50 progression since you pictured Lucrezia in the video)
    World Prog groups do not pick jobs solely based on the highest damage output. Moreso on the contrary.
    In Dawntrail everyone knew that the dps checks wouldn't matter much, it's just following trends. In reality people pick jobs based on their prog value into a raid.

    PLD is almost always chosen in raid comps, as they bring Clemency, Passage and Cover, which are all hugely effective utility tools that other tanks simply dont have.
    The reason why PLD wasn't used in Endwalker can moreso be attributed to a lack of comfort on the jobs and the fact that DPS was most definitely still relevant and other jobs were heavily outweighing PLD in dps.

    Dawntrail changes things. PLD is no longer a dps slug, and actually hits quite hard, so suddenly theres no "higher dps tank" to bring anymore.

    DRK is insanely good due to the amount of single target cover it can provide to members in the party. You have 2 stacks of Oblation and the ever powerful TBN to save healers from death on raidwide damage. Top 50 groups who are quick at reacting to save their healers can more easily slug into further mechanics, even in ultimate phases. Also, DRK was buffed in damage in last patch, which signified that DRK, which was already a strong dps job (the public lies), was going to be even stronger, making it even more worth to bring along.

    Lastly, comfort is key, and those who don't run Paladin this ultimate are running something else due to comfort. Playing PLD at a world prog level actually requires levels of skill and especially experience, and most people who don't bring a Paladin simply don't feel confident to do so, prompting them to (understandably) go to another tank job.

  5. I don't think P4 explains PLD honestly, especially in the one phase that's always "either you did the last mech right or you enrage from too many DDs" which PLD damage isn't gonna save. PLD has always been a strong choice for race groups because a smart player can recover mistakes with clem/cover/passage.

    Outside of race groups then, I think it's just become more accepted that tanks within hardcore (month 1) groups should be expected to be able to omni tank for prog. A lot of people I know started WAR/DRK expecting to be able to get more value out of invuls with the comp only to then realize that keeping up Surging Tempest is a huge pain in p1-p2. At that point, race groups had shown that not only were there basically no tank busters this Ultimate (making invuls kinda useless) and virtually no autos to deal with (making most of WAR's kit that usually is fantastic for being MT kinda moot).

  6. I like the quote that FRU isn't an Ultimate unless you don't have a PCT in your party XD, you really feel it when P1 enrages with 0.2% left even though your team played almost perfectly (have VPR as well as one of our melee which I heard is pretty struggle bus in Ultimate so far).

    Progging on DRK cause it's my fave job in the game, in a "semi-midcore" static raiding 3 times a week for 3 hours, with our prog point of P2 Mirror Mirror. I have to say figuring out DRK optimization has been really fun both in terms of opener/rotation and mit as FRU is probably the first Ultimate I will clear (have gotten to Mario Kart in TEA and P3 Enrage of DSR), so I haven't had a lot of overall experience with Ultimates and even less as my main role of tank (only did the first phase of TEA as PLD in the last 2 weeks of ShB, progged DSR on DNC until static disbanded). But yeah, it's fun, hoping to clear before 7.2 with the static but will go into PF if it doesn't seem like that will happen.

    I would like to see how GNB optimizes in FRU as DT first tier was my first time maining GNB with my new static and learning how to optimize rotation, as my main co-tank at the time in ShB and EW was a GNB main.But yeah, looking to clear Soon™and have fun while doing it XD.


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