The official lyrics for “Forged in Crimson” are out! The words are ‘fire’, iykwim, though they’re pretty hard to sing along to 😅 Regardless, let’s enjoy this timeless FFIV masterpiece made possible by FFXIV!
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#FinalFantasyXIV #FFXIV #Endwalker
At 1:16 I thought it was saying golbez.
I personally would've displayed "Raw strength on a level mere mortals cannot contest" as "Raw strength on a level mere" "Mortals cannot contest" as it better reflects the rhythm of the delivery tbh
Round three ya honorable prick! Let's go!
This was already one of my favorite songs from the game when I thought the lyrics were gibberish, this makes a thousand percent better.
So Scarmiglione, Barbariccia, Cognazzo, and Rubicante are all from The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (so is Beatrice from The Fell Court of Troia, I was really struggling to remember her from FF4 before I remembered this), so I gotta give a tip of the hat to Soken for thinking to make the vocals for this FF4 track sing in the style of Italian Opera.
When u think u can sing along fine and then the part at around 1:50 comes along 💀💀
the little lala snowman dancer is so cute
3:01 "Shall I show you what's under my mantle?"
>///< … Why Rubicante?
I like how everyone is shocked this has lyrics LOL
It's worth noting that Hyadain also worked on this too. SE reached out to him to help create this piece. Pretty good for a meme remix becoming an actual thing in game!
Seeing the lyrics has broken my brain because ISTG I heard them name drop Golbez and one of the lines sounded like 'give in to this nascent melody' but apparently neither of those things are in the song. Amazing.
this song reminds me of Revolutionary Girl Utena
I refuse to believe it's not "fire man fire man" at 0:23
I did not know it was in English I thought it was Latin.
The 2009 rendition which this heavily bases from is worth checking out especially if you're looking for a laugh:
Arrangement credit goes to Kenichi Maeyamada, who also goes by the name of Hyadain (that's his channel in the link so let's give him subs and likes!)
The lyricist, Takashi Tokita, was Squaresoft part-time staff for the first three FFs until he became lead designer for FFIV. He went to work on future projects like being director for Parasite Eve, Live A Live and Chrono Trigger. He is now a senior manager and producer in SE's Business Division 8.
Here are Hyadain's original lyrics translated from Japanese to English:
Swelling swollen poison gas wears you down,
and he spreads his stench everywhere.
His Zombie minions are all dripping and sticky,
and they give you a back attack on the bridge.
But there's nothing out of the ordinary.
Next, Cagnazzo!
Cagnazzo of the damn Tsunami.
He's the turtle guy,
with a perfectly matched blue body,
while his head shines obscenely.
Today, too, he's full of water.
Ah~, this guy's soaking wet with water.
We are the Four Archfiends!
Earth, Water, dance into the sky!
You know, although I am called "Scarmiglione of Earth",
I think "Scarmiglione of Poison" would be more appropriate?
the woman who called forth one tornado after another.
Loving girls, loving girls.
She has no and no interest in men.
Your opponents today will be Sandy, Cindy and Mindy.
Which one will you pick?
Rubicante of Fire,
Ah~, Rubicant, Rubicant, Rubicant of flames.
He's weak against water.
At first he fights fair and square like a gentleman,
but then he bares his legs exhibitionistically
as though to show you exactly what's under his cloak.
We are the Four Archfiends!
Wind, Fire, dance into the sky!
I think I'm the sexiest
of the Four Archfiends?
Yep, probably.
Get a taste of
Lord Scarmiglione's fearsome earth
and enjoy your slow death.
Woohahaha, to think that you can beat me?
Actually, I feel quite lonely.
Hohohoho, to think that you injured Master Golbez,
I guess I underestimated you a little.
Now let me restore your health.
Charge at me with all you got!
Me? Okay,
I am Golby, Golby, Cecil's actual brother.
I imprison and brainwash the people on the moon,
and I do it with Kim Jong-Il's help.
I do everything to actualize Zemus' vision of the world.
Now, at Master Golbez's will and command,
go forth! My strongest Four Archfiends!
the lyrics being written by the lead designer of FF4 is a pretty classy move I must say
It's beautiful!
holy shit this song slaps! I was so focused on the fight that I didn't even notice
Are these actual lyrics for it or did you make it all up.
This song had lyrics? I thought they were just making vocalizations.
Okay but to be honest
"Flames consume, tides subsume
Cut down all who would dare hold you back, prove there's naught you lack
Earth befouled, fierce winds howl
Face hell now to prove your will unyielding
You must walk this path alone, but know that you are not the first nor last to seek purgation"
goes real fuckin hard ngl
I'm glad YoshiP allowed us to see what's under Rubicante's mantle. What a gentleman, gentleman.
Whats up with so many remixes lately?
I dont want to trample upon the effort and I am exaggerating but I kinda getting tired of having, feels like , 5 remixes of the same track(s) sprinkled all over the game.
Its cool to have one remix or remaster of a track, but at this point its getting kind of unoriginal. Especially I feel the EDM / Electro or whatever you call it (I have no idea about music) feels rather unfitting. If it were a void or thunder themed battle thats rather flashy or fast paced id like it more. Like the Ramuh Remix, whereas I think the ramuh remix was unique enough from its original track
"Face hell now to prove your will unyielding
You must walk this path alone, but know that you are not the first nor last to seek purgation"
Goes so damn hard holy shit.
1/10 Rubicante did not show me whats under his mantle.
1:55 Waitaminute. Is this part referring to Golbez? I clearly recall him monologuing "hereon I shall walk alone" in the cutscene right after the quest now that his Archfiends are gone. I mean yeah, Endwalker is literally the name of the game, but in the context of Rubicante's final battle the allusion seems a little more targeted. I get the sense these lyrics have some meaning that will not be obvious until a later update.
I am afraid all I hear is
this one's hardcore to sing holy shit.
Ima be real: this is a very rare miss. It's probably a track that they borrowed and updated from an old FF game (the archfiends are from like FFIX and thus the theme's probably borrowed from the same game), so I can't necessarily blame it on anyone but whoever decided to keep the track as-is.
In fact, I've just not been enjoying the new antagonists in general this post-expac cycle. There's another few patches to wait to see if this is any good, but I've not been impressed. Compared to heavensward, stormblood, shadowbringers and even ARR's post-.0 storylines, it's been rather lackluster. The only decent thing is Zero, yet while her arc has been of yet well-executed, it's been so predictable that she's hard to see as a real character and not just an exposition dump for the void.
I don't know. Compared to the other expansions, it's terribly lackluster. Maybe it's because they didn't obviously have a plan for the patch content made during the launch, unlike Heavensward, or that they had no interesting lore characters left, unlike Shadowbringers. Still, Stormblood managed an S+ tier storyline without either of those things; like this new patch content, they made old lore relevant again by spicing it up with new lore (the voids clarification for EW; and that ascians can possess corpses, that certain bodies have greater strength, the intricacies of garlean politics, and that the echo isn't necessary for a person to possess a primal for SB). Yet despite this, stormblood's storyline was still gripping during its' runtime, and not just its' finale.
The content's been good, but the story's been lacking unfortunately.
I just realized those "rocks" on the hell realm are giant burnt corpses
I feel like in this song, Rubicante and the rest of the fiends are warning us about what is to come… Golbez
4:34 man i wish it was like this the whole song bc DAMN
“Wherefore would you mourn the coming dawn” is a lot more sinister when you consider what Golbez is planning to do to make that dawn happen, and how it will play out.
FFIV fans are feasting, good God.