Curiously, the instrumental version of this song does not appear on the official soundtrack album.
Full Endwalker playlist here:
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FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
I was looking for this and I thank you
We're all here for 2:32
I think it's basically the same as Flow, except that the voice part was replaced to piano. (But oh gosh it's not in the official album???! this is my favorite one
Thank you very much, I've been searching for this 🙂
Oh. My. God. Its not in the official soundtrack they released. WTH
Well come and well met, my brave little spark
How long you've wandered, burned bright as a star
Oh, I have awaited you patiently all this time
Past every fate
Now sing with me once more, share of your life
Far greater than memory, its loss and love words cannot hold
Boundless the tale overflows
And carries your light out to sea
Remember the rain, near and far beloved
Each drop a blessing from heavens above
And how as time flowed on those waters became one
Streams, rivers and lakes
Reaching for the horizon and far beyond
They carry onward however changed with each brief reflection, by setting sun
By storm's wake
Til welcomed home to gentle sea
Sinking deeper and deeper in calm embrace
Loving tides sweep in and bear you down
Should you meet a soul rising surface-ways
With your unbeating heart, wish them well
Deep, dark, far away, I have heard your voice, weighed your every choice
Now our hands join round the meaning you sought
I'll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy til you near the shore
Where in time, all shall as hope be reborn, ah
Hush, love, close your eyes, and in sleep abide
As sun's distant light, echoes down to dreams below
Know you will wake, on winds rise again
For this journey's end is but one step forward to tomorrow
A mother's comfort.
My favorite part is around the 4 minute mark. That drop just makes me feel
The way the strings are played at 1:44 kinda reminds me of ff4 for some reason
The 3 minute mark still hits so hard in the feels
I love this game so much. I wish I started playing it sooner. Better late than never I guess.
i cant express how good this song is. itll always have a place in my heart
I love how haunting yet so beautiful this track is
Alphinaud, Y’shtola, and Grahatia I love them so much ! 🥹🥹🥹