First Time Raiding Omega | Our FFXIV Playthrough Continues

We have Choo Choo Chosen. Having completed our Omega journey its time we had a talk. Spanning multiple Stormblood patches, the raid series represents the next step up in FFXIV’s content production. Garrett and Kyle, MMO Podcast veterans, share their thoughts following their blind play-through.

0:00 – Omega Raid
5:20 – Deltascape
10:28 – Sigmascape
17:41 – Alphascape
32:55 – The Story

#GrindingGear #FFXIV

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46 thoughts on “First Time Raiding Omega | Our FFXIV Playthrough Continues”

  1. Back in Stormblood when I started playing, Guardian was the first time I ever saw people leave an instance. It took forever to queue into and took a long time to clear. It was so gratifying to finally kill it

  2. The attacks aren't called left/right in Japan. They're called Port and Starboard.

    The problem is that the kanji for Port (左舷) and Starboard (右舷) have the kanji for Left

    (左) and Right (右) in them*. So even without knowing boat terms and directions discerning the difference is *as easy as if it was left/right.

    This same idea does not translate well to English (or other languages). And while Koji caught some heat for this, it actually ended up impacting the way attacks are named in **all languages**, to make sure that the Japanese version checking in with other languages before naming things whatever they wanted.

  3. Cid and Nero are my favorite bitter exes who work in the same niche field. While they never truly reconcile, they know there's few others who will ever understand them as well as the other.

  4. i mean i look forward to see your journey further and further anyways, but DUDES, especially after your hype level here in the omega raids (and the side content in general), this journey´s gonna be so MUCH richer for you!

  5. Fun fact, now that you've completed this storyline, you will now randomly see alpha at different places you go to around the world because alpha is still exploring! Everywhere you go, you have a chance of randomly encountering alpha and his little omega minion! Its a really nice touch by the developers

  6. The pervasive rumor that Omega's attack being using "left/right" is a misunderstanding of how Japanese word structure works. The words do contain the characters for left and right, but they also contain the characters for shipside, which combined do translate to port and starboard. To translate the attack to "right/left shipside wave cannon" would be like translating ninja to "spy person."

    I will say from someone who doesn't read Japanese to any frequency, left and right 左/右 do look a little similar at glance value, but someone who's fluent might not have any confusion.

  7. About the range and where characters stand, standing in melee range or near is the most optimal in 90% of bosses since the cone AoEs are smallest there and it's fastest to move to the other side of the enemy in case of large sweeping strikes like Omega has. It also helps healers as they can use AoE heals that originate from them (medica and such) and hit everyone, also if you are out of my range as a dps I propably won't run to find and heal you, you'll get the swiftcast+raise when I'll find the time for it.

  8. Loving your journey and the steady pace of it. For a continuation of Cid's lore, there is additional side content (Bozjan Front unlock) in post-Shadowbringer's that revisits Cid's past in a deep way – hopefully, you'll get a chance to do that when you get there!

  9. I want to say, I don't often comment, but I've been watching your stuff for a while after a friend showed me some. I love your positivity, and even when you don't like something, you're fair about it, and I enjoy seeing you going through this stuff because it brings back memories of doing it myself and my friends doing it. Thanks!

  10. If you think Omega-M and Omega-F looked like Amano art… just wait until you reach the 5.3 MSQ trial. All I'll say about that.

    And for more Cid emotions, make sure to do at least a bit of Bozja after 5.0 MSQ.

  11. Math boss made no sense because the community kept trying to lead you down the path of ONLY looking for Prime Numbers. There is a massive outbreak of "Main Character Syndrome" from a bunch of the super chatters that are ruining not just your first experiences of these fights, but the viewers experience too.

  12. Omega is a love letter to previous Final Fantasy games. If you haven't played 1, 5, 6 it won't land quite as hard. But you're fighting bosses you fought in middle school ALL OVER AGAIN!

  13. I don't know how much time you have alotted for your sidequesting in each of these expansions, but you may want to consider looking into Eureka here in Stormblood and Bozja in Shadowbringers. Although they are both very large time sinks, there is an absolute WEALTH of Character Backstory for several of the side cast members (and at least one of the Main Cast Members) hidden away in those corners.

  14. Sigmascape are all bosses from FFVI (released as FFIII in north america on the SNES). It's also game that features Doma Castle and Doma's castle theme music.

    Most relevant plot-wise, Kefka poisons the waters of Doma castle killing everyone except for the swordsman Cyan, who loses his wife and child. As your party leaves the area, they find a train in the woods. They board, then realize this is the train that takes souls to the afterlife. You fight your way through the passenger cars (meeting the chump Sigfried, who shows up randomly in one of the cars in the raid fight too!), before fighting the engine itself in a boss battle. And yes, one of your party members has a "Suplex" attack that can hilariously be used on the train.

    After winning, the boss agrees to let you off at the next stop, where it is picking up the souls from Doma. Cyan sees his wife and child board the train, but cannot join them, as they say a final goodbye.

  15. Other people have said it, but you guys should do the savage raids at least for exdeath and kefka. Also, Chaos being very "classic" is funny since he's the original final boss of the entire franchise

  16. Now that they've cleared Omegascape, time for me to ruin robot Omega for everyone.

    It uses the giant frog animations. It's a giant metal frog with laser beams. (This is normal and reasonable in MMO content creation; template and reuse everything you can for speed)

  17. You can actually find Alpha and Omega out in the world. It's actually very rare to find them even though there are supposedly a lot of locations they can be, and has only happened to me once. However the one time I did run into them it was this incredibly cute Easter egg where two other NPCs were just fawning over them. And this was in an Endwalker area too.

    They've also made cameos in Seasonal events. Not like, major roles, but they might show up in the audience or something. It's rare but always great to see them.

  18. If you ever want to see a silly mechanic from Savage, look up Pantokrator 2 from the first Omega fight. It's not the hardest Savage mechanic ever, but it's just… a lot. A lot going on at once. Fun to look at.
    As a side note, the two Omega fights have had some fan nicknames to differentiate them. The first one is usually called Beetle Bot. The second one, due to taking a liquid form to swap between the two forms, has been called the Gender Fluid boss :p

  19. FYI For Endwalker prep, you should be looking into doing the tribe content… ALL OF IT. When you combine that with all of the side content you have already done, it will only make several points of Endwalker BETTER. That said, while the The ARR ones are a grind, it's better to be doing all the tribe quests each day (you can do 12) until you have maxed out the rep with each faction. Given how long this is going to take with how many factions you have, it's a good thing to start NOW if you haven't already, and just make it a point to do the beast tribe dailies until you're maxed out. These would also be good things to have a discussion video on (after wrapping up a particular beast tribe) rather than doing it live due to how hard it would be to get this to an interesting thing to do live (unlike the rest of your other content).

    If you also get at least one crafter (aka DoH – Disciple of the Hand) to the 60's, you will be able to do the crafter tribes from ARR, HW, and SB which will let you complete the tribe quests for each expansion. As an FYI, ShB is the first expansion to have a gatherer tribe, but that's not really relevant to most of the EW content because ShB is largely self-contained… at least for the time being.

  20. I highly recommend doing the savage for omega raid series now, while the memory is fresh for best experience, specifically all the 4.0
    (Sigmascape 4.0, deltascape 4.0, alphascape 4.0)

    There is an extra phase where it takes the fight to a whole completely unique visual and mechanic,
    Music is also completely unique.

    If worried that it will take long time, can just do them unsync with high level viewers.
    It will take no time at all.

  21. I do hope you guys try out the savage version of each 4th floor boss (just do it unsync to check it out), Stormblood is when they tried out something new.

    Also, about the look away on the statue, I recommend you check out Thordan EXtreme.


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