First Impressions – FF14 Differences from World of Warcraft (As a WoW Player)

Final Fantasy XIV, there’s been a lot of buzz about this game in the wow community recently, so I decided to give it a shot, and play the game for a few hours at night, every day, for about a week. And in this video I’m in a go over all of my first impressions from trying out the game, from the perspective of a longtime World of Warcraft player, going through essentially the intro level stuff.

(7 hours and 40 minutes of play time. Got to level 17 on a Archer. Not half bad, 5/7, would continue)

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30 thoughts on “First Impressions – FF14 Differences from World of Warcraft (As a WoW Player)”

  1. About the gcd maybe you would like playing monk, they have the shortest gcd of all class. Ut it is a positional dps class. Meaning skill have to be triggered on the flank or back for maximum damage.

  2. Leveling in FF XIV is 100% story driven now but it was not always like this. At first leveling to 50 was as hard as Wow classic. So you had Story talking->do 5-10 sidequests for XP->Story talking and repeat. So the talking was a nice break. Now you can level to 70 just by doing the storyline quest and has become a bit storyheavy but way better than boosting or skipping. Through storyline you visit almost every dungeon in game, you have time to learn your character and from crafting to 50lvl dungeons has meaning, thats why even max lvl players participate in lower level dungeons for various reasons.

  3. "As I just put out two hours a day just to read"

    God, what a champ you are. Knowledge is power, isn't it? IDK why I'm posting this comment, for some reason it just makes me very happy when I hear that people actually read these days. I hope me saying this BS will motivate myself to read more as well…

    Keep reading, and ROCK ON!

  4. Do Not Boost.
    Not because of the story.
    But because you are NOT gonna enter in a Raid and start doing shit like in WoW.
    Every Class has a Learning curve, and it is there, it is noticeable, I really mean it, the reason the game is slow at first its on puporse, the developers said that at lvl 1 and even 10 or 15, you have to feel weak, because you ARE weak. After 30, you start getting power, at 50 to 60, every class starts getting complex and even more…
    For example: Samurai, there will be a moment at lvl 50… something, where if you do not read every single combo attack, you will NEVER do anything with that class.
    And yes everyone knows 2.5 sec is bad and blah blah blah at early levels, but when you get the good stuff, and then the Bosses gets complex too.
    You will be failing your 2.5 sec rotation just to try to stay alive.

  5. Regarding the temporary password field (the "one-time password"), you only have to use that if you have the authenticator set up for your Square Enix account. The temporary password field will always appear regardless of whether you actually need to use it or not, and leaving the field blank will work.

    It is definitely confusing, and when I originally tried the game it tripped me up. While other games ask for the one-time password after you enter your credentials, it is asked for up-front, which is more streamlined I guess?

  6. I hope you do a review after hitting 60, thats where the free trial ends. Theirs alot of stuff you've either missed from going only to 17 or some1 just told you wrong.

  7. For the PVP, people always exaggerate how bad it is.
    It is not THAT bad. I personally find the 4v4 mode quite fun and challenging.
    And with a game that is so much more balanced like FF14 compared to WoW, that is also a plus to me.

  8. I’m a long long time FFXI player, that moved on to WoW for many years. Realm first raiding through multiple expansions, top 1-3 world logs back in the time of WoWHeroes, etc. I went on to the 2.0 launch of FFXIV. I was there day 1. I went on to many realm first kills at the beginning onto high tier World first kills for a bit. Moved on to consistently clearing all content as it released. The start of FXIV is not at all indicative to how it feels post 50, the original level cap. Which is where combat starts to resemble an actual game. Prior to it, it feels slow and clunky. Once you reach the cap and comparing both games, FXIV overall taken as a package is an excellent MMO, but if you’re combat focused? WoW hands down is the better mechanical game. Overall the content is easier even at the bleeding edge tier. It’s not easy, no. Easier. Yes. I think if you’re reading this and you’re tired of WoW, FFXIV isn’t an unworthy replacement. They’re different games, but combat gurus that are being honest, are going to find FXIV a lot easier at the bleeding edge, and they’re also going to find their failures are coming from people not being good enough to clear content. That was consistently what I ran into, oftentimes failure to clear was on groups that weren’t up to snuff, and it can frustrate WoW players, especially experienced raiders, whether they were realm/world first or not, if you’re consistently ahead of the curve or clearing mythic, universally you’ll find the greatest challenge is finding 7 players that can clear the content you’re wanting to do. As petty and shallow as that sounds, many, many former WoW players, consistently clearing non mythic raiders even, have said the same. You spend a lot of time looking for people who can consistently clear current content while it’s current. Which isn’t hard to do, but it’s something you’ll face. You will fail often enough to make it worth mentioning because a group wasn’t good enough. Reason being FFXIV is very friendly to actual casuals, the type many WoW players accuse other WoW players of being, that truly aren’t. You’ll find those people in droves in FFXIV. Overall everything about FFXIV in a package it’s an exceptional game, despite WoW having a far better combat system.

  9. Tl;dr,the start of FFXIV isn’t I indicative of how it actually plays later.

    I found the story absolute crap myself until after 2.0 was over. Once heavens ward came out, I didn’t like the story. That’s just me though, I’ve been dead shocked hearing all the WoW players praising the story. I thought it was absolutely terrible.

  10. He fell into the trap I kept falling into when I played FF14 originally back in 2013 and 2015. I kept playing Archer cause I loved the archetype, but it was soooooo boring early level and I'd always peter out in the mid 20s. Archer feels notoriously bad in the early game until you get more abilities to weave in. This time around when I started playing again in Feb of this year, I tried playing through the game as a different job (a caster this time) it felt so much better. That jarring nature of waiting for the gcd to pass was much more forgiving and it felt more normal.

  11. the biggest problem that most WoW refugees have with FFXIV is that they expect it to be an alternate WoW. which it isn't, but they don't know better. for many of them, WoW was their only mmorpg experience. and so they can't help but compare. i didn't.
    back in august of 2020, when after 15 years i got bored with WoW to the point of looking to other games, FFXIV was my first pick based on it's fresh fame. 2 days of trial is all it took to make me abandon ALL i had in WoW on the spot. and not just the game, but everything related to it, including settings, gameplay style, etc. i wanted to start fresh. to forget WoW alltogether and play FF as it's own game.
    and that is something i would advise to anyone willing to give FF an honest shot. approach it as a single player RPG with MMO elements. a fresh new game, and not a WoW substitute. the UI can be customized to be nearly identical to that of WoW's – addons & all – for comfort purposes, but i encourage exploring all the options for a possibly even better experience. and give it time. i believe the reason the devs allow the free trial to include up to the whole of the 1st expansion is that they know the base game is a slow start, but it is the basis on which the rest of the game was built on, so it can't be changed. in the end, it is well worth going through.

  12. 6:30 In my time with FFXIV so far, I would describe the differences as "FFXIV tells you about the world and events, while WoW shows you the world and things happening in front of you". Frankly, I don't like novel-length NPC quest text. If it's too complicated to explain in a one-page quest text, it's probably too complicated to be one quest. For all everyone brags on about FFXIV's storytelling abilities and emphasis on story, so far in my experience WoW has done a much better job of getting me engaged in their stories.

    P.S. The argument around 9:00 is total crap. You're comparing apples to elephants here: one is fungi and it's natural process, hardly a huge plot thread, while the other (finding out Sylvanas' motivations) is literally a main crux of the storyline and not something you can give away right at the start. Nobody's going to play 100 hours of FFXIV to find out how the fungi works, but someone may play 100+ hours of WoW to find out how Sylvanas' mind is working.

  13. dude.. i didn't have anywhere near the trouble you did installing the game for the first time, im lvl 50 and have been playing for a week so it was recent. just made a new account, downloaded the client, then logged in and began the download, no extra security bullshit.

  14. character creation is very bad.. and i only have about 4-5 hors to play, and i found my self reading for 3-4 hours out of 4-5 hours of my play time.. BORING!!!
    i really want to play this game, but its just a digital book, you spend most of your time, reading, and with silent (no voice or music… or any sound at all for that matter) cutscenes its gets tiering fast. its 2021 no excuse for not having voice actors.. even SWTOR has voice actors and that game is old as shit.. i also keep hearing that the ff14 community is non-toxic … MY ASS, i saw more toxic crap my 1st day of playing then i did in months of WoW.. example: just say you skipped the story in chat, and watch the hate poor out… and most of the cutscenes with voices, are SLOOOOW, (timing it) it takes 5-15 sec. in-between each character speaking, almost like there's a moment of silence in between each character talking point… this is not a great game, (watch the hate come poring in, from the "NON" toxic players).. this game is WAY to over hyped.. i tried, i really did, but its just not a good game.. my friends are all in end game content, and i'm sitting here being told, its ok, just take your time.. while my friends are playing, im reading .. ooo, so fun..

  15. I purchased it through steam and had no issues at all, just had to go on the website to enter the product codes from steam to fully verify the purchase, took like 20 minutes at most to get everything sorted if you count account creation, so I’d probably recommend to anyone looking to get it to just get it through Steam


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