THE JOURNEY BEGINS! My playthrough of final fantasy 14 starts here…ngl lets see how this goes as I don’t even know what CLASS I am making yet xD HELP!
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enjoy the journey! It will be a long long one but a great one nonetheless
I hope you realize that if you sell merch, we're going to all need big red E'jecht buttons.
I really hope you enjoy this experience. I initially played up to lvl 15 and just wasn’t feeling it. My friend told me to give it another shot and now it a one of my favorite games of all time. Heavensward and Shadowbringers in particular have some of my favorite stories in video games.
Aww I missed the first stream. Oh well… VOD squad it is!
You probably have this figured out by now, but regarding targeting:
There are soft and hard targets. Hard targets have that arrow over their heads, soft targets are marked with a circle. In general you want to be hard targeting. Soft targeting is usually used to use a single action (e.g. healing spell) on a different target than the current one, as you'll jump back to the hard targeted enemy after one action.
Targeting via the directional buttons will give you only soft targets. That's why you are having trouble "locking on" to an enemy (I'm using this expression loosely, as there is an actual "lock on" function that's hardly ever used). To turn a soft target into a hard target, use the "confirm" (e.g. X) button.
There are other targeting methods, though. The one I use the most is via the shoulder buttons. If you keep the lower shoulder buttons (e.g. L2 or R2) button pressed, which you are doing anyway when executing skills, you can press one of the upper ones (e.g. L1 or R1) to cycle through the enemies.
Or if there aren't that many potential targets, just walk up to one and press the "confirm (X) button to make it a hard target.
There are many settings affecting how this works exactly, but I think this is the most important step.
Good controller targeting guide by Squintina:
For button layouts for specific jobs I like these by Bun Boss FFXIV: (not up to date for some classes, though).
I know that on PS4 you can use the left and right bumpers to scroll through targets. You can also press x (or whatever your controller's "select that" button is) to target the nearest thing in a cone in front of your character, kind of like how combat autotargeting worked in Kingdom Hearts. Because it targets closer things first it's less likely you'll get situations like you saw at the caves where you were accidentally targeting bats way off in the distance and couldn't cast spells.
If you're going to kill critters to try out moves, the best targets are the ones with the radar-wave looking things overhead. Those are your hunt targets and give you bonus xp after a couple kills. Eventually you'll also unlock "marks" (another kind of hunt target) which will have a little onion monster icon over them (borrowed from FFXII).
In terms of priorities, in my opinion you probably ought to go:
Goofing off: Having fun is the most important thing. It's a game!
Job quests: These are good stories and they unlock job abilities for you so it can be really bad if you forget them. Whenever you level if that little dropdown under the MSQ shows up you should go back and continue the job quest line.
Blue quests: Not "blue mage quests" though I like those a lot. Quests with blue in the icon unlock some piece of content, so you want to do those. They'll be things like unlocking storage, getting access to a new mechanic, or getting your own chocobo companion.
MSQ: This opens up how much of the world you can see and is generally the main limiter on which blue quests are available to you.
The thing is, you really dont need to do a bunch of side quest. Most of them are fluff and you gain most of your actual XP from doing the MSQ and class quests.
Another note to understand about the free trial. You are unable to access the markets, you cannot make parties and you cannot send tells. those are some of the restrictions placed on free trial accounts (specifically these are anti-gilbot actions) however as you probably could find there's gil bots around the main hubs.
Your character looks adorable! I hope you enjoy your journey, can't wait to see more! 😀
1:08:50 gallileo gallileo?
Lalafel for life!
Basically: Humes, Elves, Halflings, Cat-people, Chonky-people, Dragon-people, Lion/Tiger-people, Bunnies.
My favorites for each type:
Tank: Warrior (Gunbreaker)
Melee DPS: Samurai (Monk)
Ranged DPS: Dancer (Machinist)
Magical DPS: Red Mage (Black Mage)
Healer: White Mage (Astrologian)
Others have mentioned this, but some things to consider when picking a job:
1) Locked out by Level – only need to be at min level to unlock and purchased the relevant expansion
2) Locked behind story – need to reach Heavensward to access
3) Starting city associated with starting job
* common abbreviations in "[ ]"
A Realm Reborn [ARR, 2.0]
Starting class turns into job(s) at level 30 with soul crystal
GRIDANIA – forest city, mostly single level, 2 zones
Archer [ARC] (Ranged DPS) => Bard [BRD]
Lancer [LNC ](Melee DPS) => Dragoon [DRG]
Conjuror [CNJ] (Healer) => White Mage [WHM]
Level 60, must own Shadowbringers
Gunbreaker [GNB] (Tank)
UL'DAH – Desert city, multi- level zones. 3 zones somewhat confusing to navigate
A Realm Reborn [ARR, 2.0]
Starting class turns into job(s) at level 30 with soul crystal
Gladiator [GLD] (Tank) => Paladin [PLD]
Pugilist [PGL] (Melee DPS) => Monk [MNK]
Thaumaturge [THM] (Magic DPS) => Black Mage [BLM]
Level 50 and must own Stormblood
Red Mage [RDM] (Magic DPS)
Level 70 and must own Endwalker
Reaper [RPR] (Melee DPS)
LIMSA LOMINSA – Port/ex-pirate city, multi-level city, 3 zones, most confusing to navigate
Marauder [MRD] (Tank) => Warrior [WAR]
Arcanist [ACN] (Magic DPS) => Scholar [SCH] (Healer) or Summoner [SMN](Magic DPS)
Reach Level 10 on any combat job.
Rogue [ROG] (Melee DPS) => Ninja [NIN]
Level 60 and must own Shadowbringers
Dancer [DNC] (Ranged DPS)
Level 70 and must own Endwalker
Sage [SGE] (Healer)
Heavensward Expansion -must have finished the last Main Scenario Quest of A Realm Reborn and 1 combat job at 50.
Ishgard- snowy gothic town, Multi-level, 2 zones. All jobs start at level 30.
Dark Knight [DRK] (Tank)
Machinist [MCH] (Ranged DPS)
Astrologian [AST] (Healer)
try the controller, Summoner/Scholar (what youll be at 30) are actually probably the best for controller users, Summoner has the least amount of skills you would have to fill slots, their combos are more from using one thing that changes the others, Scholar has more but early level not so much, their pet does most of it for you early on.
FF14 is probably the best MMO to use a controller for controls, keyboard is far easier in my opinion, but since it was made with PS3 in mind, they did put some thought into the controller option so it is very much doable if you enjoy it, though you may have to look into macros at higher level as you will have more skills than you can fit easily.