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That's so disappointing…
I'm sorry but that story wasn't cute or funny that was awful NO MEANS NO
Emma (paraphrased): "Yoshi-P's mouth said No-No, but he's eyes said Yes-Yes"
Your wife is a national treasure Preach
Wow, cripes. Emma seriously harassed Yoshi-P even though he said no? "He said no, but I saw a glint in his eye that told me yes." That is some fucked up rationalization. Seriously. Goddamn. Does Preach Gaming need to have the same kind of discussions that the Blizzard staff needed about consent, no means no, and all that?
The amount of people that got Mad "on Behalf" of Yoshi-P is soooo cringe tbh. Like chill….
When Yoshi P saw Emma after the incident and he laughed about it.
Sounds like a lot of fun and chaotic moments. Not huge fan of emmas actions.
The Joshy B incident
I thought this channel was dead after not being updated for a week.
THANKYOU Preach Was a Genuine pleasure to meet you amd get a pic with you , traut me after the whole fest i shed alot of tears
That Red Mage Vierra CosPlay was pretty awesome.
I genuinely feel sorry for Yoshida after the Joshi B story. Like that was borderline stalker energy
LMAO YOO Is This that New " The Double Standards (Unreal) " ? Can you Imagine the gender swapped scenario ? A Guys No don't mean a damn thing apparently xD.
Looks like Emma is very adventurous, but she gotta be careful and respect some boundaries, because that was very disrespectful and it could've gone very wrong.
Aaaaand now you know why the security is getting tightier, Mike.
I mean….if she was a long time fan, it wouldn't be nice anyway but at least I would get it.
It's disappointing to see hironobu sakaguchi act as a billboard for FF14. They must be paying him well.
Makes you question how responsible he really was for the success of the better games or if he just surrounded himself with talent. He only directed FF4 and FF9, produced the other ones. Yoshinori Kitase did FF6, FF7, FF8, FF10.
I think sakaguchi's main contribution was the humor. All the quirky elements.
Not so much the stories, locations. That would explain why his mobile phone games feature pink haired girls and why it's not beneath him to promote FF14. He's an eccentric guy.
Yoshinori Kitase and Nobuo Uematsu are the real heavy lifters.
Plenty of people have said it already but I'm just gonna join in for the sake of reiterating the point. That Emma story was absolutely disgusting on so many levels, from the violation of consent to the way it ruins the experience for others (this is exactly the type of scenario that makes security so tight and photos banned for the general public). Absolutely no excuse or justification for that kind of behaviour.
Ngl, what Emma did to Joshi P is cringe
I'm amazed nothing has come of this Emma story yet, incredibly disappointing and disrespectful way to interact with a creator that puts himself out there. This is why we can't have nice things.