Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Reactions! [Part 7]

All of these Viera are amazing and WOW the exposition here. The scene with Emet really helped me to understand the whole Hydaelin/Zodiark situation and the motives that have really driven the Ascians to all that they’ve done. Also thank you Emet for bringing back Shtola we love and need her very much. I hope you all enjoy, thank you so much for watching ^-^
I stream on twitch ^-^


9 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Reactions! [Part 7]”

  1. Natsuko Ishikawa used a single cutscene to turn what originally seemed like one-note, mustache-twirling, cliched villains into perhaps the best written villains in the final fantasy franchise. At least Emet-Selch and Elidibus. And once you see this cutscene and ones later on in 5.0, you can look back at the entirety of 2.0-5.0 and it reframes so much of the story.

    This was another moment where it hit me and I thought, 'Man this expansion is something special.'

  2. God that lore dump still gives me chills.

    Emet Selch is one of the most interesting antagonists I've ever seen in a game, like he's not physically imposing, he walks with his shoulders hunched like the world has beaten him down, he's sassy and catty. He's not actually out to rule and conquer like the mask that he puts on, he's merely just an opportunist, he sees his chance and takes it. And like as the game goes on you understand why he's like that, you understand why this beaten beacon of depression is such a threat to everything and everyone.

    Also that lore dump just throws a lot of the game on it's head like, it introduces a bunch of answers but also introduces so many more questions. It's great.

  3. Emeeeeet 😭😭😭💕 God the lore they filled this whole expansion with was pure gold, that bit on Hydaelyn and Zodiark and the world before the sundering made me love Emet even more as a character!!

    AND BTW that glam you were using is ADORABLE!! I love how the colors revolve around each other, accentuated by the glow from Tsukuyomi's staff 🥺👍🏽

  4. 46:58 It's so precious you thought to add a disclaimer here haha. It's a really good twist that makes you actually sympathize with the enemy, as any good story worth it's antagonists will do.


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