Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers – #35 – Renda-Rae

Time to stop ignoring those role quests!

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_______▼ CREDITS ▼________

Edited by Daniel Floyd

Thumbnail art by Dan Jones

________▼ MUSIC ▼_________

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

________▼ CHAPTERS ▼_________

0:00 – Introduction

0:27 – To explain…

2:18 – QUEST: “No Greater Sport”

12:26 – QUEST: “Vengeance in Defeat”

22:47 – QUEST: “Freedom from Privilege”

31:58 – QUEST: “The Hunter’s Legacy”

56:45 – QUEST: “Fellowship Restored”

1:06:58 – QUEST: “Courage Born of Fear”

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26 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers – #35 – Renda-Rae”

  1. It's really funny they characterize Reeq the way they do
    I know people that have bought 10 retainers and have them gather and store and trade every maner of item

  2. Gillionaire is such a good term tbh. Not the first time it was used in the series tho! I encountered it in my first FF game, FFX, as an ability that doubled Gil drops, useful when grinding in the Omega Ruins. :>

  3. If there’s one thing I do love about the Rolequests is that they are very much woven into the plot better imo. I love the Job Quests to the point X’rhun is one of my wol’s boyfriends, but I also get why the devs would want to do only 4-5 of these quest lines instead of like 20+ now.

  4. As someone who loved the Adventurers from the cinematics, I'm still somewhat peeved that in canon they suffered such a tragic fate.

    I know the FFXIV cast is stuffed enough as it is but still…

  5. 0:18. XD. All of us looking at the runtime: Lmao. XD. Ughghghhg We knew these had to be fit in somewhere and I AM hype for them, I am also just so damn hype for more MSQ. XD; 59:40, Dan, you dont /have/ to time these to a LA-HEE~. and yet you do >P.

  6. 0:17 That is a good editor's note. Also, yea, I just saw the video length.
    5:27 From a gameplay standpoint, yea, probably. Narratively, I think some ludonarrative discobiscuits are involved. Durmin is on a timer for his life, after all.
    13:34 I think I've got a read on this guy. Not my kind of bounty hunter.
    20:37 We learn about them and then kill them (again?). Definitely interesting.
    22:11 One fascinating note about real world rich people. While some definitely spend chunks of money, just as many you'd never know they were rich until they just buy something stupidly expensive without a thought. They don't dress fancy, they don't like spending money they don't have to, and they can just pay cash for luxury cars if theirs dies.
    25:07 He did use those words, in fact.
    44:01 Lue-Reeq, this isn't even the worst time it's happened.
    55:40 Durmin, a disappointment? And to think, this is you turning out "good"… though we have met what passes for you parents.
    55:54 Corgi! And he's got a cute scarf!
    1:07:31 Yea, I expected as much.
    1:07:48 Well, you're not a dungeon boss, so… yea, Durmin was very aware that he's leagues above you.
    1:08:55 So… a bag of flashbangs?
    1:25:08 Oh, if only you knew…
    1:25:26 But, you acknowledge it, and are taking steps to remedy it.

  7. Playfriends, I hope you're handling FFXIV withdrawal okay. I know, new expansion maintenance is hard on us. But today, Durmin's hunting Cardinal Virtues! This is your spoiler free lore comment.

    2:00 – Don't worry, I intend to go over the new jobs if/when a Jobs 401 video is released. If not, I'll cover it sometime during the patch quests. Also, you might notice that Dan is doing these quests as part of New Game+. I believe that is due to the job skips to 80 clearing this content automatically.

    The Role Quests help the dev team deal with the previous problem of writing all the job quests. In Heavensward, each job had 6 quests in the 50-60 range (every 2 levels). This was pared back in Stormblood to 5 quests in the 60-70 range (every 2.5 levels), but as more jobs continued to be added, writing all of these quests and keeping them compelling was becoming unwieldy. Shadowbringers prunes this back to 6 quests for 4 roles: Tank, Healer, Physical DPS, and Magical DPS (Dan could have undertaken this quest as a Melee DPS, if he wanted). This helps the dev team try to keep these stories engaging. Shadowbringers specifically uses these role quests to flesh out the world, showing what it was like in the past, as well as what it is like for adventurers and common folk today. World building!

    9:10 – The Cardinal Virtues are known to be terrifying. They don't just tend to command other Sin Eaters. They are terrifying because they look like us. They move like us. And to add insult to Ardbert's team, they are the risen corpses of his friends. They who gave up their souls to stop the Flood of Light. Renda-Rae was once an adventurer who fought Ascians. She was a Warrior of Light. And now, her corpse is a Sin Eater, terrorizing the people of Norvrandt.

    Andreia refers to the Ancient Greek virtue for Fortitude or Courage. As the group name indicates, the Cardinal Virtues are named after the their namesakes in classical philosophy. These date back to Ancient Greece, and influenced Christian theology, but should not be confused with the Christian 7 Capital Virtues.

    15:35 – Scorpions are arachnids, so… close enough?

    16:50 – Balam-Quitz was a Level 53 Notorious Monster in FF11. B'alam Quitz is the Mayan name for the mythological "Jaguar with a sweet smile", the first of men created from maize after the Great Flood.

    28:40 – Ah, it seems that Lue-Reeq's mother is also afflicted with ARR syndrome. She looks so young! But this quest also introduces a plot hole. All free citizens of Eulmore turn over their property to the city. So how does Lue-Reeq's family have coin and riches? It's possible that they joined Eulmore prior to the current policy, but I have a feeling this is what it is, a plot hole.

    44:40 – The challenging bit here is because we're playing AS Renda-Rae. Welcome to Bard, everyone! Or at least 5 button Bard. This sets the stage for our role quests, we'll be getting to know Ardbert's friends real well!

    Renda-Rae seeks to slay the monster who killed her companions. Who menaces a world. For revenge. And she's ready do it alone. She has the courage to see this through… or see this to her end.

    46:55 – And her courage will be bolstered by those she fights alongside.

    54:05 – The story of how she got her crystal, how she became a Warrior of Light. But I wonder who this Elf is with her? Maybe just a groupie.

    1:04:50 – Sorry buddy, stoic nods are all you get.

    1:09:00 – I have to say, this dialogue is funnier if you're doing these quests as a Machinist. "Oh, you need something that makes a loud noise? I have a gun!"

    1:13:10 – Might as well knock back a pint while we wait for our catboy.

    1:15:50 – Good news, Lue-Reeq is on your side! Bad news, because he's not in your party (as evidenced that there is no party list), that means Durmin can't buff his damage with Dance Partner. But Good news, Lue-Reeq has some healing ability, but he's mostly going to use it on himself.

    1:17:05 – Similar to The Exarch, the Knight here is using Paladin's Cover, which prevents any damage from hitting Andreia.

    1:19:30 – We've heard of two of these problems. But we'll learn of the middle one, The Shadowkeeper, eventually.

    Next time: Another old friend. Another horrible monster puppeting their corpse.

  8. Ooh you did Renda-Rae first, which means you met Lue-Reeq, who is…. yes, actually my second favorite Role quest contact in this expansion. He reminds me of Emmanelain, to the point where I genuinely wonder if this is a shard of Emannelain- and part of the reason I like him is that you are never called upon to like or respect him out of hand. The writing allows you to be exasperated and annoyed with an exasperated and annoying character (wow, one forgets what a meanie the WoL can be in conversation). But as the quest goes on, you get more of what he's about: you see the aching need for companionship and to be recognized, to fill the void that unloving parents have left, but- when all you really have t prove yourself is your money, what do you do? When no one expects anything of you, it's hard to expect anything of yourself- especially when everyone telling you to "do better" doesn't actually elucidate what "doing better" means… Emmanelain struck me as having a similar journey, and while I was annoyed at the time that the WoL was not sympathetic at the time*, I am glad that you, the player, have an opportunity to help the silly boy out and teach him a better path through example.

    Orrr maybe I just have a thing for poor-little-rich-kid failsons, I don't know. Six of one, I guess.

    *I mean, it was on the tail of an intense moment in Post HW- no one was exactly at their Sunday best there.

    PS: ooh, is that what the new DT interface looks like?

  9. If this is an indication of what's to come (comments are telling me some are better) then I'm eagerly awaiting the next 3. Forget about my burning MSQ question I want to know what's up with Ardberts crew, and then experience sad boy hours after gaining that knowledge. I really do feel for the WoD, like of all the individuals in 14 so far I feel they've gotten the hardest lot. They were good people who played into the hands of bad people, and then were forced to roll that dice once more because there was nothing else they could do. I love the glimpse of thier friendship we just saw and man it sucks knowing how it ends T-T.

  10. If this is an indication of what's to come (comments are telling me some are better) then I'm eagerly awaiting the next 3. Forget about my burning MSQ question I want to know what's up with Ardberts crew, and then experience sad boy hours after gaining that knowledge. I really do feel for the WoD, like of all the individuals in 14 so far I feel they've gotten the hardest lot. They were good people who played into the hands of bad people, and then were forced to roll that dice once more because there was nothing else they could do. I love the glimpse of thier friendship we just saw and man it sucks knowing how it ends T-T.

  11. – yep, nothing sets Reeq's character like using the music from the Hildibrand quests
    – kid, I'm sure you didn't even try to hide you are a Gillionaire from Eulmore
    – hooray the La-Hee is back!
    – Reeq's parents totally knew what Meol was & will keep consuming it until The First runs out of Sin Eaters

  12. So this quest is interesting because Yujo did make a mistake early in the story in assuming the CV would return to the site of the deaths instead of the woods, already giving Jocat here reason to not entirely trust her or the Echo.

    Also one of the strongest rebukes in the replies. Right up there with "Piss off, Kupo."

  13. For those who don't know, the Virtues, like all things Sineater, are references to angelic and "holy" imagery and tradition, this being the Four Heavenly Virtues. Sometimes there's seven as a counterpoint to the Seven Deadly Sins, but, more often, it's simply four. Courage or Fortitude, Justice, Prudence, and Temperance

    Andreia is the Greek word used for the virtue of Courage or Fortitude, meaning strength both of the physical body and will.


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