Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers – #22 – To Lakeland's Defense

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_______▼ CREDITS ▼________

Edited by Daniel Floyd

Thumbnail art by Dan Jones

________▼ MUSIC ▼_________

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

________▼ CHAPTERS ▼_________

0:00 – Introduction

0:25 – QUEST: “Bearing with It”

9:18 – QUEST: “Out of the Wood”

23:45 – QUEST: “When It Rains”

44:10 – QUEST: “Word from On High”

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21 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers – #22 – To Lakeland's Defense”

  1. I suspected the Hydaelyn reveal for a while now (partly because of minor spoilers) but it is still super cool to see the characters address it in-story. I can't wait to see the characters discuss it.

    In other news… man. This episode. Everyone's VA's killed it, especially Lyna's. The designers did not go light on revelations or drama these last two episodes. I can see why people love Shadowbringers so much.

  2. some thoughts I’ve had with this and previous episodes (potentially spoilery if things go the way I think they will):

    So Durmin has been absorbing the light aether from the lightwardens, and the people pray to the Warriors of Darkness. This is . . . not a good mix from past experience with primals

    Anyway fingers crossed for shadowbringers final boss where you are actually the primal. no idea if that's actually going to happen but I want it to

  3. Playfriends, we're at 3 lightwardens down, 2 to go! This is your spoiler free lore comment!

    7:00 – Dan, he might be thinking of Y'shtola more than you when addressing the group. He's probably thinking a lot about "Master Matoya" these days.

    10:45 – Victory is coming at a cost. The bill hasn't come due yet, but the question is how high that tab will be and how will we pay it?

    17:30 – Even the greatest champions hold their doubts. What if I fail? What if I'm not fast enough, strong enough, smart enough? What if victory harms me in irreparable ways? What if we're the baddies? Adbert knows these doubts better than most. He's had a century to contemplate them.

    19:50 – "Estinean and Gaius! (Oh god they're so cool!)" – JoCat

    22:25 – And then there's this guy. He's real into the whole Frenemy archetype.

    23:27 – "Look, I get that we abstract a lot of things for gameplay and flow reasons, but putting on your armor should take more than a round!" – Your Local DM

    23:40 – "Why do I hear boss music!?"

    25:20 – This feels like a time for a big warning horn. Like an air raid siren. Or an Emergency Alert System. [A SIN EATER SWARM HAS BEEN SIGHTED NEAR THE CITY. REPORT TO YOUR DESIGNATED SHELTER SITE IMMEDIATELY. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.]

    30:55 – Dan is partially right here. He can take aggro away from the sin eaters, but like many instanced fights, he'll need to do a sizable amount of damage to be at the top of the aggro list. This sometimes means the enemies fall before you can fully get their attention.

    38:15 – Alphinaud is casting Scholar's Sacred Soil here. Typically, this reduced incoming damage by 10% for anyone in the bubble, but Alphinaud's applied the Vulnerability Down buff, a reversal of the Vulnerability Up stacks that we're more acquainted with.

    40:10 – Sometimes you are too slow, too weak. And sometimes those nearest you pay the price. For every Crystarium guard out here, how many were converted to sin eaters, joining the ranks of the enemy?

    41:30 – Welcome to one of my worst nightmares. Watching the carnage all around you, seeing people cut down. And not just being too slow, too weak, or too dumb to make a difference. Knowing that you could never have made a difference in the first place. Your only role is to play witness to horrors.

    46:10 – The wounds of this battle are not limited to gashes and broken bones. They're going to linger for a long time. And Lyna knows this. She knows it first hand.

    48:30 – Vauthry has decided that fielding troops is no longer sufficient. He is sending in the big guns. And what's worse: there's little to say that this attack depleted his ranks of sin eaters at all. He could do this again next week.

    Next time: Picking up the pieces.

  4. "When it rains" is a good quest, but "Word from on High" is one of the best quests in all of Final Fantasy.
    The calm, the despair, the simplicity of it all.

  5. On the subject of Hydaelyn being a primal, I started suspecting that ever since I fought Ifrit and he explains how you cannot be tempered by more than one primal. Made me think that maybe the blessing of light is a form of tempering that doesn't brainwash you. Later on considering the much larger scope of Hydaelyn compared to any primal I started considering her an actual deity.

    Also I met Alexander and Shiva, 2 primals that didn't do any tempering despite so many opportunities to do so.

    So, when Emet-Selch did his revelation I was more like "I suspected from the beginning" instead of shocked, specially because what he says does not contradict anything you haven't seen before regarding primals. The consistency of the writing is amazing.

  6. 1:00 One of the things that's subtle but I love about the Shadowbringers zones is you only hear their night themes AFTER you've returned night to the zone. It makes those calm, gentle themes feel all the more special, and the night just a little more of a THING.

  7. It was hard to tell in the dark of night, but it looked like the architecture of the Garlean capitol might draw some influence from the look of Vector, the capitol of the Empire from FFVI. Neat!

  8. – yeah, that's one of those Plot Twists that you can infer from previous clues, but once the story just delivers it to you it makes it all click, yet still leaves a lot of room for questioning it
    – still doesn't change the fact the Asciens caused 8 interplanetary genocides
    – well… the thing with Kingdom Hearts is that Nomura writes from an Emotional Narrative, while Yoshi-P writes FF14 from a Logical Narrative
    – those meanwhile scenes would have made a lot of previous Storylines better, like the whole "whoops the Sultanma dying in front of you isn't actually dead" … ok we give crap to Nomura a lot but Yoshi-P backpedaling almost every death is pretty laughable
    – can we get some o7 in Chat for the loss of La-Hee

  9. 22:12 – Well, at least they're not playing coy about that anymore. Just finished Stormblood's base game, and it took playing it myself for it to register that his artificial echo likely meant… well… exactly this.

    More immediately important – HOW is Vauthry able to control the Eaters? It's so weird. I'd ask if he's got an Ascian in him, but Emet made it sound like the rest of them are elsewhere. Unless he's lying, which is FULLY possible.

  10. 1:18 I think the source being questionable got a lot of people to write it off. I probably would have, the guy's a manipulator/pathological liar, he'll say whatever he suspects will get his way.
    1:58 And everything you're talking about is why I think FF16 got unfair treatment. The idea that a single game would even come close to 10yrs worth of writing is absurd. You weren't going to even get in the same ballpark as that one line, simply because of how much buildup there was. Buildup that you didn't know (or might not have been) buildup.
    2:17 Every time KH tries a twist, everyone accuses them of retconning things again.
    9:13 I wonder if, now that the night has returned, they will stop using "fake" names and "true" names or not. Or how might that change over time.
    16:50 Ah yes, the obligatory Ardbert conference.
    18:34 That whole "matter of perspective" thing does hold some weight. Not in the way it's usually used, but very rarely is anything like "hero" or "villain" cut and dry.
    30:52 This is one of those moments where I like playing dps-y types. Who needs a tank if everything's dead?
    33:44 It is at this point I wonder how many MMOs have a ranged tank? I'm kinda surprised SWTOR didn't, you always had to be close -unless you were an accidental tank who just kept ripping aggro-.
    46:07 Yea, sin eaters must generate a special kind of PTSD.
    47:52 You are far from "fine".
    48:03 Yea, you're not fine. That last line is eerily familiar to me of late.
    48:52 "Benevolent", "saviour"? Vauthry, you have no clue what you're talking about.

  11. Every character in this game has a distinct moment when they just Click for me. The moment I finally start to love their writing. Thancred's was when he punched Emmanellain back in the HS post-patches, passing on the lesson "Make your choices, and deal with the consequences"; Alphinaud when he rushed to the possessed Estinien's side, hellbent on saving his friend no matter the cost; Lyse rousing Fordola from her stupour to help fight a primal, etc etc.
    The scene with Lyna at the end was her moment. Until then she was just the no-nonsense, tough as nails captain. A soldier. But then we see her pushed to her breaking point, and that scene made her Click.

  12. This is super minor, but 23:04 props for switching Durmin into pajamas for this scene. When played in-game for the first time, it's all one uninterrupted sequence from entering the inn room -> the Garlemald flashback -> waking up. So normally the game doesn't give you the chance to switch from the armor you first enter the room wearing (at 16:40) into something else. Dan must have re-recorded the cutscene a second time while wearing PJs to get the shot of Durmin in his Chocobo pajamas + slippers.

  13. 23:00 when i played through this scene recently i thought. hmm, I wonder if dan will splice this scene to show durmin in his PJ's. and you never dissapoint. such a smooth edit too, great work.


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