#FinalFantasyXIV #SquareEnix #ShadowBringer
Hey Guys,
Here’s my 2021 Review for the mmo rpg Final Fantasy XIV. I Hope It helps you out.
Thank you for watching
#FinalFantasyXIV #SquareEnix #ShadowBringer
Hey Guys,
Here’s my 2021 Review for the mmo rpg Final Fantasy XIV. I Hope It helps you out.
Thank you for watching
Ayo sorry I haven’t seen the past two videos had to get finals out the way. I’m finally out of school, btw nice vid I haven’t been able to give this game a proper chance. Might try it again who knows
No offence, but this isn't an FFXIV on PS4 review, just an FFXIV review. I was hoping you'd talk about the pros and cons of using a console.
Hey im interested in getting into ffxiv but when i looked the game up on my ps4 i couldn't find anything at all? Did they remove the game from the ps store? Or am i just missing something here