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Macros are a tried and true tradition of many games, especially MMO’s, and Final Fantasy 14 is no exception. With ways to improve ways to use skills and abilities, toggling UI and system settings, to communication and roleplay purposes. Improve your FF14 gameplay and efficiency with this quick and compact guide.
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Absolutely DO NOT under any circumstances use macros for your GCD attacks. I use <mo> macros for all my healer heals, but using macros for attacks, especially queueing up attacks like a tank's 1-2-3 combo is deeply suboptimal. In addition to leaving your GCD off for a little bit each cycle (It adds up fast), if you get interrupted in the middle (say by the target jumping out of range) then you've just screwed yourself over.
One thing that wasn't mentioned – as macros don't queue, if you have a combat macro, such as self-target Holmgang, or mouseover Aetherial Manipulation (with one line of optional fallback <target>/<t>), you'll want to fill most of the macro with lines of the respective /ac. This means it'll be more likely the macro will go off during combat, as each line is a further frame of coverage for if you press it a tiny bit too early in your weave window. (or to be more clear, each line of /ac is a frame that action will be "pressed")
Much appreciated, I hardly ever used macros when I played WoW, but there is a lot more to this game, so I think i will have to be learning them at some point.
I have a question, are targeting macros for healing ok? Like I have my focus target as tank, then I can keep my attacks on mob and use macro focus target with healing spell on tank, without switching targets, or is that "forbidden"?
Here's a fun trick to use in combination with the unused jobs macro swap or in place of it. If you are on mouse and keyboard You can use your cross hotbar just like any other hotbar in your collapsing menu setup, you can even have a macro to switch which set the cross hotbar is in giving you an extra 128 hotbar slots that can either be shared or change job to job.
The 2 commands you need are /crosshotbar display this will show and hide your cross hotbar and /crosshotbar change # where # = 1-8 this will show different crosshotbar sets.
I would recommend having a dedicated numbered hotbar for the sets
I have the first set of my crosshotbar unshared, this is where I put all the non time sensitive class specific macros like your kardian and grit macros
I started using macros for crafting my God what a game changer
Is there any way to make a macro to toggle the "limit mouse movement to game window" option. When I'm in dungeons sometime I end up with my mouse on my other screen and start freaking out when I can't find my cursor, but outside of combat, I would still like the option to go back and forth between the game window and all the websites that make life so much easier in this game, or Discord etc.
I tried that mount/sprint macro, but I really wish there was a way to stop those onscreen errors T_T This was super helpful!
Would there be a way to tell a macro to target the furthest party member specifically? Rescuing on a controller sucks SO MUCH
Can i use an an Item in a macro? like have a macro that uses say, Magicked Prism (Wings) and then emotes real quick?
I stopped trusting macros when my living dead macro where every single line was the /ac for it except for the one that was announcing it was being used still would not work 60% of the time.
Did the summon actions stop working in macros after 6.4 patch dropped?
Ok, so I'm new to ffxiv, it's been about a week of playing so far, finished ARR yesterday, thought I'd start working on my fisher but thought I'd try macro fishing, and the one guide I found wasn't working at all for me, one such macro being
/merror off
/ac Mooch II
/ac Mooch
/ac Patience II
/ac Precision Hookset
/ac Cast
/ac Hook
/micon Precision Hookset
note however, i am on console so I don't know what I might be doing wrong since in the guide it was, for some reason, queuing the varying actions whenever they were ready, but for me it wouldn't trigger anything besides cast
note, my fisher is level 30, so while I am missing some of the actions I don't think that's the issue
Hey, I liked the video I would like to know How can I change macro image to next /ac that will happen. Like I have three /ac How to change to icon to them previously It Will be executated
Great video, Thanks for posting this. As someone who doesn't really use macro's normally I got a biiiiit tired of my hotbars clogging up with say the gunbreaker 123 combo. I just wish Square enix (if they haven't already) add what already exists in the game to where these 123 combos would literally replace the previous action on the same button. Much like in PvP.
So usefull!! Thx!!