An update on how things are going in my Final Fantasy XIV levelling process from a newbie Conjurer / White Mage perspective.
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I have now finished my A Realm Reborn (ARR) adventures and am looking forward to the cut scenes and the Heavensward expansion.
Included are my opinions of the levelling experience including joy, confusion and the odd niggle! I will continue to keep you updated in the coming days.
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Just wanted to say good job on pumping out dps in between healing. You're already a good player for actually trying to dps. Just keep it up and get a better feel for how comfortable you feel with last minute healing.
I don't know this gilgamesh you speak of. But I do know a Greg.
As someone else who enjoys having a clean, crisp UI, another nice trick is that you can disable the duty list while you're in an instanced duty by going into Character Configuration > UI Settings > HUD tab and it's the option right below the Number of Duties Displayed option. Cleans up that side of the UI nicely imo.
It is worth noting that Alisaie quests lead in to the Binding Coils of Bahumut, the lvl 50 8 man raid series. It has a really good story if you can get a couple of high level people to help you run through it. It is well worth it if you can do it. There are also quest that should be in Mor Dhona which opens up the Crystal Tower Alliance raid series. Those you can do through the Duty Finder cause they are on a roulette so they are easy to do. Hope you enjoy the cutscene. It is pretty good.
Enjoy Heavensward! I loved it so much! c:
Hildebrand quest chain is actually the devs' way of going wonky and over the top "do whatever the heck they want" comedy.
Thanks for another great video! The majority of extreme trials, raids, etc all drop some sort of totem or token which you've found and can be exchanged. Your level 50 poetics gear will definitely outscale them. What most people do is unlock "Glamour" aka Transmog, then you can mog the visuals of other gear like these neat weapons. You have to visit an innkeeper and retire to a room to access a glamor dresser.
Edit: Many people believe glamour to be the true endgame. /s
Ooh is it Heavensward time already? You're going to love it: it gets better. This is something common with most FF's, they start out a bit slow, but the deeper you go into the story, the better it gets. Also, you might like to look into Bahamut, as I'm sure some people have told you. No worries, you can come back later of course.
Also the music gets way more phenomenal in HW. As you seem to have been enjoying the in-game soundtrack, I'm sure HW will not disappoint 🙂
Also, the MSQ trials are usually kept on the easier side so players can complete them to progress with the game, which imo is a good step to reduce frustration in the playerbase. And if you want the hard content, that's exactly why the higher difficulty ones like Extreme. 😀
Looking forward to your reaction to the cutscenes! Keep enjoying this game
For the Blue Mage there are five or six spells available in low-level zones:
A lot of bats use Blood Drain. There's a FATE right outside Limsa with Cane Toads that use Sticky Tongue. Goblins on the overworld will often use Bomb Toss (probably your best spell until Blue Mage lv 30). If you want something silly available, you can also fight the bombs right outside the Copperbell Mines (or if you can get a group, bombs INSIDE Copperbell) to learn Self Destruct. You never know when you'll need to be able to explode.
I love that we can see the tub of popcorn as you're summing up; that being ready "with popcorn" for the giant string of cutscenes wasn't hyperbole.
Me: oh… Yes! A live reaction!
"That's it guys, we'll have to wait."
those tokens from the primal questline, were just the old reward back in the day/how you would get those weapons as glamours now. You can save them, or you can pick up any weapon you want and trade it into your grand company for seals
Glad you are enjoying the story it is really goofy sometimes but very encapsulated as far as those it brings in . good luck in your jouney
If you /pet the pup he rolls over for a belly rub. Some animals will respond to /beacon and land on your shoulder or climb up your leg onto your head or shoulders. For optional content, I recommend, you if you have a chance to complete Alisaie's quest line, you should. Mind you, they become very challenging and is the first raid tier of ff14. Coils of bahamut really fills in 1.0 into a relm reborn and is strongly referenced going forward. It's a powerful story and worth doing but you'll definitely need to party finder it. If you want any back story on 1.0 speakers of hydalyn has a documentary style videos for you to take in any lore. But its good you're enjoying your time in Eorzea, it's the most important thing in a game *fun*.
Hi Mashie! I'm Monado from Twitch! I certainly hope to be there when you do stream those cutscenes…you're gonna need that popcorn lol. I do like the UI changes you've made, I'm sure it's going to make your job as a healer easier from here on out. There is one piece of advice I do wanna give you regarding that – I dunno if you want your personal buffs up at the top of the screen, there is a way to move that around as well, looking at the buffs on your character are going to be extremely important for mechanics and maybe it would be worth considering moving it down so it can be easier to keep track of. Of course you can also look at your buffs on the party window but it may not be the easiest to keep track of it with the party's stuff right below it – just throwing out some food for thought 🙂 Glad to hear you've been enjoying the game despite a rough patch – hopefully things are better now 🙂
PS: I'm so happy you're using focus target on the tank you're definitely going to be a really great healer for harder endgame content I can feel it even if I said it multiple times in stream lol
Cant wait 4 u to play the expansions 😁
Boy, you weren't messing around. Still would recommend doing the raids for 2.x
One thing the game sadly doesn't tell you is that there are certain jobs that are good to level for a certain expansions. It enhances the experience considerably. I think for ARR that is Summoner because you are mostly cycling though Primals anyway, You meet Y'shotal's sister and generally have a good time. Leveling ninja before Yugiri arrives is also a nice idea. And absolutely level dragoon to make sure you know Estinien before meeting him in the MSQ. For HW absolutely dragoon is the main one. For Stormblood both Samurai and Red Mage fit, but I think Red Mage is the better choice due to how much it is connected to the actual main story. For Shadowbringers it is Dark Knight. For Endwalker, the trailer pushes Paladin, but we can only know once it arrives if there is a job more connected to events.
Gilgamesh…is a special case. So you know Final Fantasy games exist in their own self contained universes, but between them is the Rift. And Gilgamesh can travel the rift. While some games are quite suspect (9, 11, type-0, 15) the general rule of thumb is that it is the same Gilgamesh across all games.
I also recommend the 24 man raids (alliance raids) . I think each expansions has an alliance raid quest line. If I‘m not mistaken the first one is The Crystal Tower Raid.
So sorry to hear that you’ve had a rough week! But I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better and that you had the Hildebrand quest line to cheer you up 😊 Also just wanted to say that I appreciate your not showing spoilers from the second half of that quest line! I’m about halfway through it so that was perfect!
Cant wait to see your reaction to this final series of cutscenes!! Maybe I’ll be able to catch you on stream if you haven’t done it already.
The story is so good that it would be a complete shame as someone spoiled it for newer player. This game has so many good emotional highs and lows that spoiling any of them is a disservice. Congrats on finishing A Realm Reborn!
Ah! I'm so glad you found the Hildibrand quests. When you mentioned earlier on liking some of the sillier quests, I immediately thought you'd like that. I'd definitely love to see the cutscene reactions!
Ohhhhh!!! So glad you were able to unlock the Bahamut raid and Hildy quests! Doing the story for the Coils will actually change dialogue that happens later in Heavensward, much like getting dragoon to lvl50 which also changes how certain characters interact with you in HW, and Hildibrand is a reoccurring character that originally showed up in 1.0! Hildy's quests are always silly and a ton of good fun, so I always encourage people to check them out because they're hilarious. And I'm so glad you liked Gilgamesh. He and Ultros are both from other Final Fantasy games, and are reoccurring characters in the series (though Gilgamesh has far more reappearances than Ultros does by now). As for the Rowena tokens, you can always use them to get weapons for classes you want to try out. I'd make sure to try to unlock your lvl50 dungeons and raids just to make sure you have them, and while I'm pretty sure you've done the Crystal Tower alliance raids, you're definitely going to need those done because they're officially part of the MSQ now!
Smashie: "I've got my popcorn ready!" Me, remembering what's coming up next: Ooooohhhh I don't think you're gonna want popcorn for this one….
Now that they're handing out Hatching Tide costumes, you can play as a giant Enkidu and have the Greg minion follow you haha
HW has one of my favorite story lines ever
Previous years holiday events were much better imo but because of restrictions from covid alot of extra stuff like holiday events have been put on hold or merged together
If you ever see someone with a Paissa Brat minion (or if you have your own), go up and /poke it. ALSO, if we send a /tell directly to your player, or any actions that are not allowed with a trial account, the game actually tells us that you're on a trial account, so it's okay; we know! 🙂
i also change my hair/makeup every expansion lmaoo, nice
Gilgamesh is fun. He's a recurring character in the franchise except unlike the many Cid's which are in name only, the implication is that somehow it is always that actual same Gilgamesh somehow hopping between games in his search for amazing weapons. As you can see he is treated with a lot of levity. He first appeared in FF5 and was associated with his theme Battle on the Big Bridge and well, look where you fight him.
If you ever want to touch the Coils of Bahamut raids then you definitely want to get a group of friends and dive in unsynced. The story in it is super big and important but it is gated behind some very, very rusty proto-raid content. It doesn't even appear in the Normal Raid roulette because its default difficulty is scaled way high and it can be a mess.
Happy that you're still really enjoying it! it only gets better and better!
Hey Smashie, I got some of my friends to try out the trial version of ff14. Do you think you can go over the limitations you encountered? They cant seem to group or friend people.
For the UI, you can actually hide the duty list (information) / quest log when you are in duties (dungeons/trials/raids) and the it will show up again once you completed the battle. Less clutter in the screen during battle.
Japan typically takes european/american events and removes any tie to religion, like halloween or christmas, unfortunately that leaves it with christmas being a couple's holiday and their favorite english christmas song being last christmas… but to each their own
The primal weapons are fpr glamour at tgis point.
Love the 'Sergeant Spray' text from the Grand Company scene. I have a character whose surname is 'Honk.' And I laugh every time the GC cutscenes refer to her as 'Captain Honk.' (the final non PvP GC rank currently.)
Regarding the HUD/UI resizing and adjusting. I have 9 characters currently. 4 on one server and 5 on another. And my UI is different on pretty much every one of them. There's uniformity between them all in that I like the duty list where it actually defaults to. (Right side, middle.) But hotbars, size and placement of elements are all over the shop on different characters.
Damn I really need to get to end game on the base game that's hilarious XD
6:00 a throwback to Final Fantasy 6!