Final Fantasy XIV: Is It Any Good Though? First Impressions!

I Finally take my first steps into the world of Eorzea, join me on the adventure as I delve in and give my first impressions!
But… it it any good though?
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48 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Is It Any Good Though? First Impressions!”

  1. Tried FFXIV, too, but can't get into it. Feels like SE should stay with single player games as 14 feels like a good rpg but like a really bad MMO. And why the hell are there just english/multilingual servers? Disgusting. My english isn't exactly shit but it just doesn't make fun this way, even if it may just me being lazy.

  2. Tbc classic is the sweet spot for me, effort required fits well with the amount of time i have to play nowadays. Thats whats great about these vids, i get to feel like ive played ff14 without needing 150 hours to do so 😂 you play the game and i’ll watch the video. Sounds good to me 👍

  3. The fireworks were for the anniversary event 🙂 Also, do yourself a favour once you've completed the main story quest, and do the noctis event that is on until mid october 😀

  4. I like how WoW players usually don't "chill out" with other players, which was really one of the most things I did during my gaming life, Ragnarok, BDO, Asia based MMOs, Albion, the fun of just being with a group of friends and chatting and chilling seems like a concept alien to WoW players, it's interesting!

  5. The pacing of combat is very jarring to a new player, and made worse if you're playing a caster TBH. I played Bard for all of ARR as my main and the combat was never dull due to boss mechanics and positioning. Also, melee classes are usually constantly shifting positions due to bonuses to damage if you're flanking or at the rear. Learning to weave combos at correct timings in tune with boss conal attacks takes skill, so there's a long road to mastery and being a dps king.

    That said, I played all classes to 50 when I played for two years and I'd never go back now even though the game is excellent. There's just way too much to tackle in terms of content and you'll never be bored because the next grind is whatever you want it to be. I will say, if you do make it to 50 then the elemental boss trials (on whatever the highest difficulty is; nightmare maybe?) are the most challenging/fun thing you could possibly do. I did pony runs with friends and random groups so often I started doing it just for fun even after acquiring my own Kirin mount. This is the type of game where downing a boss feels like a personal achievement because you can't be a scrublord rollface on your keyboard or you will die. Titan alone probably made baddies cry and quit the game because he's actually very hard for anyone who can't grasp pattern recognition.

  6. i watched some of your wow videos previous to this one and i must say: the way you describe your position ( being a wow refugee) and how you felt when starting this game from a wow veteran point of view, most players watching this will likely relate to that. most people are afraid to try new experiences and there is a sense of belonging which is hard to leave behind but this video certainly will help them make the first step.

  7. I play rogue in wow because I love the faster gcd, so I was expecting to hate the 2.5 sec ff14 gcd. However, I've reached level 67 so far and I love how the gcd is interacting with other gameplay elements.

    In wow we set up weak auras to alert us to things. Ff14 does all the alerting built in. Thus, the game is balanced knowing we have alerts. Thus, the longer gcd gives them the ability scale difficulty finely (a human can respond to 3-4 things in that time, fewer at shorter durations.). Additionally, there is no downtime. With the longer gcd, if you cast the wrong spell you really regret it.

  8. As someone who is a relatively a new "WoW refugee" in FFXIV, it really helped me out to have friends who are FFXIV veterans tell me on the get go what different things mean in the game, otherwise I probably would been super clueless in the start. The meaning of different quest marks/ symbols, jobs, dungeons etc. were so confusing for me, especially the map is cluttered af and kind of annoying to use, but you'll get used to it when you start to get more familiar with the game. The leveling speed is insane if you just focus on the MQL and unlock some quests with content (the blue ones with a plus mark on them). Ofc don't forget to have fun between (like in the Gold Saucer) and to try different jobs when ever you feel like it, I love how I don't need to stick with one job, whether it'll be crafting, gathering, DPS, tank or a healer 🙂

    At first I thought I'll just visit FFXIV after my WoW game time ran out last month, but yesterday I finally finished FFXIV 2.0 and my journey into ARR is just starting. After all these years I've finally achieved the same cozy and satisfied feeling I had when I played WoW many years ago. The last time I felt this passional about MMORPG was probably before Cataclysm. I hope all good to you and fellow WoW players if you jump into the world of FFXIV, I hope you'll enjoy your stay as much as I do.

  9. Dont worry about GCD in the late game. It will get complex enough. I play black mage as main and keeping your rotation alive and avoid being dead all the time needs some concentration.

  10. The one thing that a find frustrating is all the load screens and teleporting back and forth. Even within the city. This breaks the experience for me and get me out of the flow. Esp. compared to wow.

  11. As a long time 14 player, it still is so odd to me that the game is getting attention. Not even a year ago it was that weeb cat girl game.

    Trust me when I say that 14 hasn’t changed in philosophy or overall mechanical design since Heavensward. What you see there is what the game has been for 7 years.

  12. ARR is painfully slow. Only the end of ARR and post ARR felt really rewarding and interesting. ARR is too slow and it’s by far the worst part of the game from what I hear. I’m onto heavenward now and I’m really excited to keep going. For your reference, it took me 88 hours to finish ARR.

  13. Hey WillE, welcome to FF:)
    Great choice of race! I only have one tip for you, just stick to MSQ and your job quests for faster leveling and overall better experience. You'll get all gear thru MSQ but it will look weird if your level is way above MSQ level. Oh and blue quests that unlock other dungeons.
    Game will pick up, around 50 you'll have more actions that you would like tbh. And the best part is, there is no rush, you can't be left behind so just enjoy it:)

  14. As a wow player, the biggest thing that puts me off of this is the anime style characters. Otherwise it looks like my kind of game i just cant push myself to try it due to the art style

  15. I always find it funny when people go "whoa, that's crazy" at the FFXIV char creator, because in comparison to most modern MMOs, it's pretty basic as well. Makes me wonder how bad WoW's char creator must be.

  16. 1. There's a button on the equip screen that auto-equips your best gear, its blue and looks like a little character holding swords.
    2. Do the hall of the novice questline in a main city, it has a green leaf icon and it gives you a ring that gives 30% more exp to jobs level 30 and below.
    3. Job change at level 30. Arcanist is a great choice because at that point you will level Summoner and Scholar simultaneously by only playing one, but be sure to unlock them both with the job quests.
    4. GCD admittedly feels terrible early game, but by level 80 you will have so many buttons to press you will want a vacation. My main complaint about the game is most classes don't feel right at lower levels and when synching down to lower levels.

  17. I Just started about a week ago with 3 friends slow start but its crazy how deep alot of things in the game go haha would love to see more of this game from you! Honestly something similar to what peons doing with the game haha would be great to watch


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