Final Fantasy XIV – How to Make Easy Gil as Battle Jobs Patch 6.05

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11 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV – How to Make Easy Gil as Battle Jobs Patch 6.05”

  1. The tome mats situation is kinda crazy. Why are battle resources gating the crafter progression? As much as I hated it, maybe we need to go back to Heavensward when gatherers had to run Favors for the rare crafting mats. Or maybe gate the mats behind purple crafter scrips, similar to CUL.

  2. The crafter version of the cracked Antho and Dendro (noncombat ones are crystals not clusters) are ONLY available through Khloe certificates. 6 Anthos for a gold or 1 for a bronze and 12 dendro for a gold or 2 for a bronze. frankly I am unsure why they are in the game if that is the only way to obtain them. Who in their right mind would ever trade a gold certificate for 6 X materia ?!?!?!

  3. Materia is always a nice income if you can catch the raid night release. Usually I have a job with cheap pentameld gears and do hunt trains and expert dungeons with it. Spiritbonding materias and slowly stacking it for the raid night release. I don’t pentameld myself so I sell all the 9 materia. Well now that this patch is over time to grind for next one lol.


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