16 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV Hildibrand Reactions – Here We Go Again”
Just wanted to be the first. I see you finaly decided to rejoin the greatest heroine of all time on her glorious quest to find Hiödibrand. I need to get some sleep but I will watch this tomorrow because "Walking is for peasants and I have slayn gods!"
everyone: "Damn, this is great watching his reactions" me: "I mean, that's great and all, but can we talk about the pronunciation of the intro blurb? Might as well be spittin' bars at that speed."
Just wanted to be the first. I see you finaly decided to rejoin the greatest heroine of all time on her glorious quest to find Hiödibrand. I need to get some sleep but I will watch this tomorrow because "Walking is for peasants and I have slayn gods!"
😀 awwww yis can’t wait for you to get to the end…
Also lol, namazu as skarven is accurate
I knew there was MORE!
ah yes, the joys of stormblood hildibrand! where the WoL is just. so done with this nonsense in the funniest way
Y'know, Hildy says being a gentleman inspector is his true calling, but I think he's got a future as a living statue!
…at least until Nashu blows him up, but hey, one must suffer for their art!
I hope you have done the Kugane Castle dungeon for unique dialogue in these quests.
Booooooo! Make them long videos cause it's fun watching you. Haha
Fun fact, I believe that mustache can be bought on the Mog Station, and is not gender locked.
everyone: "Damn, this is great watching his reactions"
me: "I mean, that's great and all, but can we talk about the pronunciation of the intro blurb? Might as well be spittin' bars at that speed."
Told ya you'd met her admirer eventually ^w^.
Little creep doesn't know the meaning of international borders xD
Is it just me or is there no sound for most of this?
I just realized we're on the same server.
WTB next episode 🙁
Is there any point doing these there are no rewards worth having?
GOD, I hope the Hildi team have things cooked up for Endwalker…its clearly time for a reunion!