Final Fantasy XIV HEAVENSWARD REACTION ( how have I never seen this)

I hope you enjoy my reaction to Final Fantasy XIV HEAVENSWARD trailer. Please feel free to leave comments and recommendations of what else I should watch in the comments. Thank you have a great day peeps.


10 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV HEAVENSWARD REACTION ( how have I never seen this)”

  1. here some context: You the player got betrayed and is now on the run ( being vague just incase you ever touch the game in the future ) now the only place to go is this far away cold and harsh Kingdom that you discover is in a century long War against Dragons! oh and the story and writing of this expansion is basically Final Fantasy Game of Thrones with political intrigue and deception. this is where FF14 elevated in quality and every aspect

  2. Spoilers but a bit of lore and explanation. At this point in the story the Warriors of Light are accused of Regicide toward the Sultana of the richest City in the realm, and caught unawares in the trap they lose most of their allies, several injured, left for dead and/or imprisoned. One of their few remaining allies is this game's version of Cid, that uses his airship to deliver them to another city-state to take refuge. There they are forced to get involved in their war that has lasted a thousand years against the dragons, and to unveil the dark mysteries of the Orthodox Church that rules the city.

  3. If you're going down the cinematic rabbit hole for video games… <3

    please please please do Bizzard's! WoW, Diablo, Overwatch, they're all beautifully made and my favorite (especially Overwatch)! If you decide to, hmu and I'll hook you up with an orderly playlist or comment with an order to do for the WoW and Overwatch franchises (I'm not so familiar with Diablo's).

  4. every character in the game has a different hair color and hairstyles, the scions (the main characters party) i call them the white hair gang, cause for the most part they all have white hair, cids hair is white so his beard is too

  5. It's always great to see these out-of-context reactions of someone who has not touched the game. Keep 'em coming! 😀

    As others have given you some story context already, I'll just add a bit about the music. You are absolutely right about how much the dev team cares about implementing music into the game. FF14 as it is now (starting with version 2.0, as 1.0 can't be played anymore after its disastrous launch) is 9 years old, starting back in August of 2013. By November 2016, before even the release of the second expansion, the game was holding TWO world records. One for the longest end credits in an MMO, and the other for the most original pieces of music in a video game with a whopping 384 songs at that time.
    That was with the base game and one expansion and by now, we are FOUR expansions in and the bangers still just keep coming. Main composer Masayoshi Soken and his sound team are going absolutely ham between reviving old, loved and nostalgic tracks from the Final Fantasy series and coming up with completely new stuff that keeps blowing the players away. The musical themes go across several genres and at this point it's getting hard to point out a genre that has not been done in some way for this game. And they always fit perfectly whenever they are played. Soken was even still working on the music for the previous expansion while he was in the hospital getting cancer treatment, which he kept hidden from his co-workers except a very small circle of people like his superiors, so nobody's work would be impaired out of worry for his well-being.
    The song Answers from the Flames of Truth cinematic is almost 10 years old. And it came back last December in the most recent expansion in a way that could only be called a full circle that nobody saw coming in its entirety. The dev team had not planned the story of the game this far ahead back then, yet they managed to incorporate the song so perfectly that you would think it was always meant to be like this. Let me tell you, a lot of tears were spilled. And it was beautiful.

  6. I'll just mention for a bit of additional context Cid (white beard guy) appears in the previous trailer you watched without the beard. The big imprisoned guy does as well, he was among the army leaders overlooking the battle. Wearing the bull helmet if I recall.

  7. If you eventually watching all the FFXIV cinematic intro, I suggest watching fan made one next. Since you don't seem to mind spoiler, this is an amazing one. It's called "Running up the hill FFXIV" by Amalzia.

  8. Just a passerby, but I'm going to echo what a lot of others here have said- if the cinematics interest you and you like RPGs definitely try out the free trial. It let's you go through the main story up through this expansion, Heavansward, which is hundreds of hours of content. Yet its all go at your own pace- if you only want to do the main story, you can do that! Plus the story builds with each new expansion and nothing is ever really left behind like in other games. If the MMO part is what is giving you pause, many people are willing to help you out with your questions both in game and out 🙂


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