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This is hardcore levels of min-max, I commend you for it!
Will the current materia still be worth much next expansion you think? I can't recall if the gear this time round used many grade 5/6s or not.
Also, is your macro in the description for coffee biscuits using the dwarven set?
What's your opinion on the Dwarven Mythril File vs the Tincture of Mind leve turn in? The File seems better for crystals but takes up inventory space, whereas the Tincture gives the same amount of gil as reward but requires lower tier Aethersand. Some of which have them in abundance.
To your horror i heard that Yoshi will delete "files" in FF14. Your complete FF14 content is now at risk! 😀
Do you have any tricks to keep up with Crystals? (Specifically Lightning) Or just The Giving Land and The Twelve's Bounty?
A guide to be more efficient in your Gillowance? IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Hi Ashe after doing many leves and now recently coffee biscuits/dwarven Mythril files, I got the title "Honest Gillionaire, was such a surprise hehe, kind regards to you and Jiji {Pip} carry on the excellent videos you do ^^
for anyone who needs extra Hi cordials you can do ocean fishing and spend any yellow scripts on hi cordials. I have 3450 after doing it for about a month about 3 boats a day. Pretty low effort way to get them if you have extra time.
As for Better Crowned Pie, you said you exchange moonstones for them. I noticed that using duck bones is cheaper seals-wise in case you spend GC seals to buy them. For 1 pie you need 1 moonstone or 6 duck bones, 1 moonstone = 4000 seals, 6 bones = 600 * 6 = 3600. There are other options with 6 mats turn-in as well, although I haven't counted their prices, but I assume, that the difference might be the same. Hope this helps 🙂
leveled up all my crafters and my gatherers except fsh inspired by this guide
hello Ashe , thank you for great content, would like to show you this macro is just 1 second faster i think
/ac "Reflect" <wait.3>
/ac "Innovation" <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
/ac veneration <wait.2>
/ac "Groundwork"