On July 28th to July 29th, Final Fantasy Fan Festival 2023 was held in Las Vegas, California. A celebration of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy FFXIV, Fanfest was the first hub of a series of conventions between 2023-2024 to share the love of the franchise and the 10 year journey it has shared among countless fans. An energetic event with many a number of cosplayers, here are but a few that I was able to witness in person! Please enjoy the video!
Edited by LIMit/Timps4Life:
Neath Dark Waters – Masayoshi Soken (Pulse Remix)
Warrior of Light IG @antextreme
Ancients Cosplay Group:
SHB Alisaie IG @fluffypupgoespoop
SHB Alphinaud IG @aloofdaydreamer
Miner – Jonathan Fortnight: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/41791051/
Monk WOL IG @kirrundcosplay
Dancer WOL Twitter @timespacecos
White Mage WOL IG @bacitracinplz
Yotsuyu IG @diyferret
Loporrit IG @Zavage_cosplay , @Owl_and_coffee
Danger Marker:
Hythlodaeus IG @wes.curtiss
Venat IG @jackiebbean
ARR Alisaie IG @lp.cosplayer
ARR Alphinaud IG @sababyun
Samurai WOL:
Graha Tia IG @auros_valurien
Graha Tia IG @_valorx_
Frey Myste Twitter @westwardnine
Gunbreaker WOL Twitter @shinji__inu
Brandhild IG @tsubarashii
Y’shtola IG @achenarcosplay
Jongleurs of Eulmore IG @ccsoapy
Hildibrand/Nashu IG @leo_tux
Estinien IG @helloiambird
Nidhogg-Estinien IG @kingubneo
Endsinger IG @chiibean
Emet-Selch IG @rektdpanda
For any cosplayer I have missed please feel free to comment and share so I may give appropriate credit!
#cosplay #anime #animeexpo #animeexpo2023 #comiccon #convention #animeconvention #finalfantasy #finalfantasyxiv #ff #ffxiv
Warrior of Light IG @antextreme
Ancients Cosplay Group:
SHB Alisaie IG @fluffypupgoespoop
SHB Alphinaud IG @aloofdaydreamer
Miner – Jonathan Fortnight: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/41791051/
Monk WOL IG @kirrundcosplay
Dancer WOL Twitter @timespacecos
White Mage WOL IG @bacitracinplz
Yotsuyu IG @diyferret
Loporrit IG @Zavage_cosplay
Danger Marker:
Hythlodaeus IG @wes.curtiss
Venat IG @jackiebbean
ARR Alisaie IG @lp.cosplayer
ARR Alphinaud IG @sababyun
Samurai WOL:
Graha Tia IG @auros_valurien
Graha Tia IG @_valorx_
Frey Myste Twitter @westwardnine
Gunbreaker WOL Twitter @shinji__inu
Brandhild IG @tsubarashii
Y’shtola IG @achenarcosplay
Jongleurs of Eulmore IG @ccsoapy
Hildibrand/Nashu IG @leo_tux
Estinien IG @helloiambird
Nidhogg-Estinien IG @kingubneo
Endsinger IG @chiibean
Emet-Selch IG @rektdpanda
For any cosplayer I have missed please feel free to comment and share so I may give appropriate credit!
This was cool to see. 👍
awesome! what a fun fanfest! cant wait for london event. Hope its just as good
2:06 That gun transformation caught me off guard. Damn that was cool.