FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2023 in Las Vegas – Day 2

Join us for day two of the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2023 in Las Vegas on Saturday, July 29, 2023!

Stage Schedule / タイムスケジュール

00:00 FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2023 in Las Vegas

48:22 Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXVIII / 第78回FFXIVプロデューサーレターLIVE

3:53:29 Crystalline Conflict Regional Championship 2023 North America / クリスタルコンフリクト リージョンチャンピオンシップ2023 北米決戦トーナメント

6:48:48 Speaking the Language of Creation / ローカライズパネル

View details on the full stage schedule:
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36 thoughts on “FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2023 in Las Vegas – Day 2”

  1. So I was right to call it a fight between Mommy and Daddy with the kids caught in between. It was the first thing to come to mind when the Primals were revealed and the dark faction came to light. 😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅😅

  2. If you're hosting or shout casting a live competitive event, maybe have more up your sleeve than "who wants A to win? Who wants B to win?" How many times did they do that? 😂

  3. Judging by what I've seen/heard from Kate so far, she seems to be a worthy successor to our memelord and savior Koji :3
    Looking forward to more to come in London and Japan ^^

  4. Watched this today Sunday and really great. However, I watched the Language Localization with Kate and Koji because I thought it be interesting to know more what goes into that. I came away more impressed with the amount of work that goes into the language editing as a whole across the entire game from concept to how stuff is conveyed in the game for fullness of story and feel. Really impressed by that panel.


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