(WARNING: Endwalker spoilers ahead!)
I am not ok.
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#finalfantasyxiv #ffxiv #endwalker
Loved this dungeon. Callbacks to old allies and enemies. Gaius' subordinates, Ilberd, Amon. Papalimo, Brochufaunt, Thigh-Mommy, MILFillia. Then we get to meet crystal mommy. And our hearts… 🙁
And there comes the tearing up again….
Personally I think the best Trust members to take for this dungeon are Thancred, Urianger, and Estinien for what may be obvious reasons. 🙂
The first boss is Livia, who you kill at the end of CM. The second boss is the infamous boss of Cape Westwind, the joke of a fight before CM.
There goes one box of tissues. Time to go get another one
The best part of her referring to the question left unanswered in Elpis is that the name of the track that plays during the fight is "Your Answer"
Sorry mom.
was hard play tho this part, i was easily in the same state haha but was nice way of doing it
Super fun instance that was a heartwarming and heart wrenching callbacks. Such an incredible send off for quite a few characters. 💕💕
The trial encounter is amazing, especially when you consider her ultimatum. You feel the weight of her choices over the years, and she has led you to this moment. 👀👀👀👀
Another wonderful reaction video 💞
are you going to do sims 4 again
The fact that "Flow" the theme that plays in Hydaelyn's scene start with "Well come and well met my brave little spark" :'D
The fact that the 8th calamity that we prevented in Shadowbringers people in the dead future were inspired by our tales and created a time machine to save all and Hydaelyn herself was also inspired by us all the time ever since Elpis she endured everything because she trusted that one day her champion will succeed 🙁
Tragic as it sounds… Hydaelyn, Venat, needed to perish here. In her time, people who fulfilled their roles in life would pass on, returning their souls to the star. Venat never believed her role was finished, even after leaving the seat of Azem. This is because she kept finding people in need, kept finding purpose in helping others. Even as a supreme being, her role was unchanged. For lifetimes upon lifetimes she continued that role, helping others in her own way. This is because mankind couldn't help themselves, they weren't strong enough, they weren't wise enough.
But you passed her test. You proved that we have reached that point, that we are able to carry on and move forward, even without Hydaelyn guiding us and protecting us. This is why she lets out such an exhausted sigh in your presence, because you have finally taken that monumental burden from her shoulders. Physically, mentally, she is finally free to return to the star, to return to her friends and loved ones within the star.
As for answering her question, by defeating her you did just that. You proved your conviction, that your journey was worth the steps taken and the steps you've yet to take. You're willing to go this far, and even further, for the sake of everyone. Needless to say, Venat really appreciated that answer.
And at the end of this essay, I have a recommendation: With that trial complete, I cannot stress enough that you should pull up the lyrics to Answers, a song written all the way back in 2.0 when A Realm Reborn launched, and read them again. The song hits very different now.
The first two bosses were two of Gaius' generals. Livia was the female general who was being a Yandere for Gaius and the Second one was the boss from the Cape Westwind trial
22:40 he said the thing! He said the thing! xD
Talking about the launch trailer
The song playing behind Venat/Hydalyn during the last scenes is one you can get off the market board called "Flow". On my server, it's pretty cheap. I'd grab it and give it a listen.
Welcome and well met, my brave little spark
How long you’ve wandered, burned bright as a star
Oh, I have longed, waiting patiently
All this time past every fate
Now sing with me once more
Share of your life
Far greater than memory
It’s loss and love words cannot hold
Boundless, the tale overflows and carries your light out to sea
Remember the rain, near and far beloved
Each drop a blessing, from heavens abovе
And how must time float on those waters
Bеcame one, streams, rivers and lakes
Reaching for the horizon and far beyond
They carry onward, however changed with each brief reflection
By setting sun, by storm’s wake
Till welcomed home to gentle sea
Sinking deeper and deeper in calm embrace
Loving tide sweeping in, bear you down
Should you meet us, arise and surface thus
With your own beating heart wish them well
Deep, dark, far away
I heard of your voice
With your every choice
Now our hands joined round the meaning you sought
I’ll catch your tears
Quench your fears with joy
To your devotion
Where in time all shall as hope be reborn all
Hush love, close your eyes
Let them sleep all blind, in such a still night
It calls to unto dreams, be and all
Though you will weep, the winds rise again, for this journey’s end
Is but one step forward to tomorrow
“Flow” is a song composed by Masayoshi Soken for Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker with lyrics written by Michael-Christopher Koji Fox and performed by Amanda Achen-Keenan.
Just to mention, but calling her Venat at the end is what hits her a little harder emotionally and why she tears up. I like to think it also holds some meaning in that until now she was only known as the deity Hydaelyn which has kept her apart from the world for eons. We acknowledge her duty is finally done so she can return to simply being Venat, and also that we still see her true self.
Yea this was a wild reveal, especially the fact she hid behind the Mothercrystal. The fact they were able to tie it in was pretty amazing to me. Mommy will be missed 🙁
Goodbye, Venat…
We'll take it from here! ♥
I feel Venat's plight matched the theme of this expansion so well. No matter how terrible it gets, never give in and keep fighting. I appreciate that they not only make a wonderful story, but enforce very positive themes of life itself. It hits different when you apply it personally. Things get bad in life, but keep clinging to it. Don't give up on it. Walk it out, so to speak. Step by step find a way forward, and whatever happiness (or purpose) there is, can only be determined by you and you alone. Shockingly enough that very last part is reiterated by Zenos of all people.
6:00 "How do you know that?" Hythlodaus and Montichaigne both suggested that erased memories are restored when one dies and returns to the Aetherial Sea (which is where this is) so after they died they remembered everything.
Boss 1 and 2, They were the woman from castrum meridium, and the tank from cape westwind.
Venat was waiting for us. To prove her long vigil is at an end, that we can carry the torch forward.