Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – #49 – Moenbryda

The Scions have gained a new friend! A tall one!

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0:00 – Introduction

0:23 – QUEST: “Tendrils of Intrigue”

15:36 – QUEST: “Chasing Ivy”

21:58 – QUEST: “In Flagrante Delicto”

32:52 – QUEST: “A Simple Plan”

44:00 – QUEST: “The Instruments of Our Deliverance”

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Edited by Daniel Floyd

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV


37 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – #49 – Moenbryda”

  1. I love how the game will have a ton of references to various job quest lines being done (I know WHM has some, among other mentioned, and I only have that to lv50 atm!). There’s also a ton of dialogue bonuses if you complete as much raid content as possible. I think the only one that isn’t later mentioned is probably the Nier raid series. (Tho it’s also, uh. Unique. Lol. Honestly hope you do that one on this channel, but I am aware the chances are low bc lack of MSQ relevance. q.q)

  2. I find it interesting that Moenbryda is one of the few NPCs I can think of that have an armor set that's similar to ones the player can get (outside the Mogstation). She's wearing a deep purple variation of the Brand-new War set (or Foestriker's/Saurian/Direwolf for other color variants).
    Most other NPCs have a distinctive look, but it was nice to share taste with one of them, since I was glamoured to look like I was wearing Foestriker's Tabard at the time I ran through this content.

  3. Moenbryda is such a delight and so is her relationship with Urianger, regardless if romantic or platonic. I just imagine a tiny extroverted Moenbryda dragging poor introverted Urianger around Sharlayan and it’s a wonderful mental image. Can never have enough fanart of that tbh. :3c

    Also, I swear the first time I saw Moenbryda, my brain just instantly went “PANSEXUAL”. Bc I swear the Qu33r coding is blatant as heck lol.

  4. All the allied NPCs: this high ranking Lieutenant in the Flames is the traitor.

    Me: Is she though? Feels like a red herring, even with the guy getting all freaked about someone following her.

  5. Time to talk about another translation issue with the game, Urianger talking like that. No one but him talks in the pseudo Shakespearean way that he always does in the English, but its to portray a character quirk that is first evident with Moenbryda. He is painfully awkward and socially uncomfortable most of the time. And Moenbryda breaks him out of his shell so to speak. I think that awkwardness not being well portrayed mostly comes down to how he is voice acted in particular. Because so many of this line reads are VERY flatly in ARR it comes across more that this guy just talks like this cause its an accent and less he talks like this because he awkward.

  6. Ohhh I am looking forward to the next episode. That duty has one of my favourite pieces of music in the whole soundtrack, it's fantastic.

  7. Roegadyn dictionary fun fact: Moenbryda translates to… Moon Bride. Gotta be one of the most readable Sea Wolf names in the game!
    (Though I can't complain, since I play one myself, and I'm still not sure about my own character's pronunciation :P)

  8. Inspector Durmin always gets his… Ivy? It's time for your spoiler free lore comment!

    Whoops, looks like I was wrong about what was coming up in this episode. I forget how packed these later ARR patches were. If I haven't motioned it before, Patch 2.4 was released in October 2014, and brought the Rogue/Ninja job!

    7:45 – Kan-E-Senna goes through some important geopolitical notes for us here. The reason the Garlean Empire hasn't been an immediate threat is due to a succession crisis, but that is no longer. Emperor Varis now controls the Empire, and will slowly begin to reassert Garlean expansion.

    The entire investigation into the Ivy, as well as their method of infiltration helps build intrigue, but also helps show where the cracks in the institutions of Eorzea are. The Flames may have a General with high integrity, but the Ivy found its way to snake through their ranks and spread influence.

    30:50 – Insert FF7 Remake's "The Most Muscular" here.

    31:20 – Some more of Tataru's endeavors for additional skills! She's surprisingly handy with those knives…

    We get to meet Moenbryda! If you aren't taking notice (like I did when I first played through these quests), Moenbryda is a Roegadyn from Sharlyan, and an Archon to boot! For all of Urianger's comments about youthfulness, it's important to remember, they are the same age: 29. Moenbryda and Uriganger fulfill a lot of "childhood friend" tropes for each other. Moenbryda is acquainted with so many members of the Scions because she is a member of Louisoix's Circle of Knowing, but was not transferred into the Scions of the Seventh Dawn until now. Also, Moenbryda is voiced by Laura Post!

    Okay, now next episode is time for concert tickets! Ready your glowsticks, Playfriends! We go to The Akh Afah Amphitheatre!


    Ep 049

    The story of Eorzea is a grand and sprawling narrative. One that, unfortunately, belies a simple telling broken up over months of individual sessions – including necessary if tragic breaks. In the interest of helping viewers remember the characters and terminology they have seen before I have taken the liberty of creating a pronoun glossary of sorts of Durmin's adventures.

    A few notes before we get started (this text will be the same in every episode, so feel free to skip it in future episodes). First: And most importantly, this glossary is COMPLETELY SPOILER SAFE. I have manually built each entry from the episodes that preceded it; although I have played most of the game, I have taken every effort to just copy information from these videos. Second: This is not a story recap, most of the story will not appear here. This is just a glossary of terms. Finally: This little project turned out to be significantly more exhausting that I anticipated and while I am happy to continue, I will make mistakes. There may be missing information in these records, and I welcome any additions provided they can timestamp the text where the information came from. I also shift in and out of various tones as I get more and less tired, so please forgive these inconsistencies, I plan to slowly unify the tone over time now that 2.0 is complete.

    I'll also be including fun facts about the glossary at the end of each expansion.

  10. The light and shadows playing over Roaille's face during the arrest scene made it look weirdly like a cutscene from the Playstation era. Appropriate, considering how much she resemblances a character from FF VIII.

  11. My WoL is a female Roegadyn, and I got SO excited when Moenbryda showed up. Another tall lady! Let's be friends! Let's affectionately bully Urianger! (My favorite voice line from her is still to come though.) 😀

  12. Huh. I just now noticed – the tattoo on Moenbryda's leg? Yda and Y'Shtola have the same mark on the sleeves of their respective shirts. I think Papalymo has his on his right pauldron, and Thancred's is on his collar.

    The mark of their pre-Scion affiliation, or simply a Sharlayan sigil?

  13. I like moenbryda already, especially when you look at how she deals with characters like urianger. Either they are one of those brother and sister combo's or one of those uncanny friendships where moenbryda is the one that always pulls the stiff urianger along while he begrudgingly likes whatever he is thrown into thanks to her.

  14. Letting you know Dan, I speak French and even for me, some of the Elezen names leave me completely confused as to what the pronunciation is supposed the be. Roaille is one of those.

  15. She’s the highest ranking foreigner in the Immortal Flames… unless you include the only person ranked higher than her…

    So that means… well I’m not sure but probably not nothing


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