Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – #35 – Syrcus Tower

Up the crystal tower we go!

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0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – QUEST: “Syrcus Tower”

27:21 – RAID: Syrcus Tower

36:59 – QUEST: “Syrcus Tower” (continued)


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Edited by Daniel Floyd

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV


20 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – #35 – Syrcus Tower”

  1. This game really reminds me of the fifth season book trilogy. They both count time based on the last time everything was ruined. So if you like this type of story you might give that book series a try as well.

  2. Right, I have to ask. Dan, when you do your match cuts, how are you matching the camera angle? Are you setting it at a specific point, or are you literally just pausing the recording and lining up the angle visually from what you have already recorded?

  3. If I may plug another youtube creator, Jesse Cox has created a couple of very good non-spoiler summaries of the eras and what astral/umbral mean with regard to the elements.

  4. I understand the need to get things done in a timely manner, but to be honest, I'd prefer if you ran these regularly. I don't think watching a group steamroll through this is much fun, I can't imagine it being much fun and those who have never seen these before aren't really getting anything out of this. After all, this is nothing like what they'll see should they decide to play the game themselves. And with a full alliance you could actually show off the mechanics properly.

    Just my opinion though.

  5. Oh, speaking of tea. A warning I got from a voice actor, that they got from a specialist when they ran into voice trouble. Tea with lemon can feel nice, but the lemon increases the damage already done… was quite a shock to hear THAT.

  6. I often wonder what it's like for fans of the FF series to see all these references. I myself have little interest in JRPGs, making XIV the ONLY Final Fantasy game I've enjoyed*. So the mountain of references to other games in the series go right over my head! (I've tried playing Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Pokemon. None have held my attention. …With one or two exceptions.)

    *Maybe once FFVII-Remake is ported to a console I own there might be another exception? Looks fun!

  7. …you know I've always wondered what the platforms around Glasya Lobolas were for. Even doing this raid normally skips mechanics. You just kinda….hit him and move on. He has stuff that pops up around him but it never comes into play.

  8. Syrcus Tower is definitely my favorite of the three Crystal Tower raids. The music is gorgeous, the set pieces are gorgeous, the fights are fun even for level 50, and the lore's neat. These raids becoming mandatory for the story honestly pays off down the line. Spoilers ahead:

    It was….interesting watching people fail the Curtain Call mechanic in The Aitiascope Amon fight. I was just here thinking "how have you guys not done this a million times by now. it's the same dude". Had a goofy grin on my face when Shiva showed up to provide us cover, though.

  9. Well, one thing this game is doing well is that now I want to dig out my DS and play FFIII again. Although this version of those characters is probably more interesting

  10. The 'Nero wandering around in the back of the shot' bit really got me… He's just looking for the snack table, since Durmin hid it from him cause he was taking all the cheese squares.


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