Final Fantasy XIV (2.0) A Realm Reborn – The Complete Story part 2 of 4



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Final Fantasy XIV was relaunched as “A Realm Reborn” in 2013 to critical acclaim. Since then, it has only gotten better with each expansion. In this series, I tell the story from the beginning, in 4 parts. I make use of the in-game voice acting as much as possible, and with my voice, I narrate in the gaps.

In the second part, we begin where the hero has a dangerous mission coming from the Drowning Wench in Limsa Lominsa.

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00:00 Introduction to Chapter 2 of the FFXIV 2.0 Story
00:10 ARR Dungeon Story – Sastasha
00:40 ARR Dungeon Story – Tam-Tara Deepcroft
01:40 ARR Dungeon Story – Copperbell Mines
02:11 A Vision of the Past – Refugee Situation in Ul’dah
02:48 The Waking Sands and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn
04:19 Joining the Scions of the Seventh Dawn
06:07 Investigating the Abductions at Camp Drybone
08:06 The Summoning of Ifrit at the Bowl of Embers
09:48 The Three Grand Companies Wish to Recruit the Hero
10:10 Raubahn and Nanamo Ul Namo deliver a Speech in Ul’dah
11:29 Kan-E-Senna Delivers a Speech in Gridania
13:03 Merlwyb Delivers a Speech in Limsa Lominsa
14:20 Alphinaud and Allisae Discuss the Grand Companies and Speeches
15:00 Joining the Immortal Flames in Ul’dah
15:10 Rescuing Biggs and Wedge from a Crashed Airship
15:49 A Quest to Study the Sylphs of the Twelveswood and their primal Ramuh
18:20 ARR Dungeon Story – The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak
19:43 A Vision of the Past – The Garlean Empire Treading the Twelveswood
19:56 The Elder Slyph Explains the Situation with Ramuh
21:03 End of FFXIV 2.0 Chapter 2 – What are the Ascians up to?


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