Final Fantasy 14 Tanking Basics Guide with advanced tips and tricks

In this video, I will guide you through many of the important aspects of tanking, going through both some of the most basic aspects as well as some more advanced tips and tricks!
In particular, Pulling and defensive cooldown management, as well as positioning is covered in this guide, including examples, some shown, some drawn.

If you have any questions or anything to add, please leave a comment and I will get back to you!

Guide on Enmity:

Role Actions Guide:

Guide on Weaponskills, Spells and Weaving:

Starter guides:
Dark Knight:

Music Used:
Neath Dark Waters: An extended version of this song can be found here: , but be aware that it may contain spoilers for Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers specifically.

00:00 Introduction
00:34 Table of Contents
00:48 Tank Stances
01:22 Pulling
01:40 Ranged attack pull
02:02 Run then AoE pull
02:37 How much to pull
03:20 Pulling multiple packs
04:06 Big pulls does not make a good tank
04:18 Sprint
04:34 Positioning after pulling
05:14 Ranged enemy positioning
05:34 Boss pulls and facing
06:00 Defensive stacking multiplicative
06:51 Healers perspective
07:11 Smoothing damage over preventing it
07:30 Defensive Cooldown Priorities
08:12 Gunbreaker example of weaving and cycling
08:25 Low Blow
08:42 Interject
09:06 Moving as a tank in combat
09:34 Actions to watch out for from the group
10:16 Provoke usage examples
10:52 Using cooldowns on your co-tank
11:20 Suggestions for when things go wrong
12:48 What to do when others pull for you
14:10 Fun Fact


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