Final Fantasy 14 New Job Viper Details & Reaction | FFXIV Dawntrail

Final Fantasy 14 New Job Viper Details & Reaction | FFXIV Dawntrail Follow on Twitch: CrystalCore …


25 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 New Job Viper Details & Reaction | FFXIV Dawntrail”

  1. Am I the only one that feels it looks just like everything else we have? Some build and burn playstyle? Two swords into staff mode for some attacks then back to dual?
    The aesthetic of course looks great and different from the other melee looks, but gameplay wise was hoping for something a lot more different than what we already have.

  2. Ninja is a melee caster so Viper seems to be different in that regard. Looks like Monk has competition for fastest job. I wonder if the 'staff' is a stance, different moves or what. All in all, I'm excited for it.

  3. Ultimately as a FFXI and XIV player the job system and combat are the ONLY thing holding the game back for me hence my bit of a break; action RPG combat is the way forward but it doesn’t fit with how FFXIV was designed ; truly I wish we could just get a new MMO and keep FFXIV “classic”. Crimson desert has my full attention for upcoming MMOs and combat wise I feel like ESO and PSO2 and even DCUO still feel fresher as there is no “ONE and only ONE rotation” and a lot more freedom in how you play combat wise plus the limited jobs being a let down I genuinely feel like endwalker was a good place to end and have something with combat more like a dragons dogma 2 or dragons dogma online and FF has a single player game (Strangers in paradise) that plays like actions RPGS and even FFXVI that Yoshi himself directed.

    The main reason I never got into wow is it felt dated since day one now FFXIV is starting to feel that way and with unreal 5 now, the MMO that can manage to make it hit (action combat in MMO setting using unreal 5) is gonna take off. Terra to this day is the best MMO combat I’ve played and Viper basically being original ninja just kinda highlights why even new classes isn’t enough (mained MNK, NIN, SAM, and RPR)

  4. I think 'meh' is the appropriate term for the hype level for this. I was hyped for Sage, I remember my hype for Machinist in HW and for RDM and DNC. This is literally just a meh job.

    Will I play it? Probably. Just to see if I like its playstyle but its presentation was very lackluster. It literally just demo'd whats obviously a 1-2-3 and went into stance change which is just Zidane but for FF XIV.

    People were just expecting something different this time around.

  5. I love this class. I wanted a dual sword dps ever since ff14 was a thing in 1.0, and i couldnt be happier. The fact it also has a dual saber and trance mechanic that reminds me of Zidane, my fav ff character, exceeds my expectations. If you dont like it, you are entitled to your opinion. But for me and others who might feel the same, it means the world to me. Im so excited for Viper.


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