Final Fantasy 14 LIES that WoW players Believe!

Whether you love or hate Final Fantasy 14 online doesn’t matter but there are so many lies about FFXIV that World of Warcraft players believe without ever checking the source.

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34 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 LIES that WoW players Believe!”

  1. One has to remember that the people spreading and believing these lies. Who are so resistant to ff14 and every other MMO that isn't Wow.
    Are the EXACT Same people who turned Wow into a Toxic Shit hole from inception.
    Worse part is, is Wow welcomed them! It Was designed to Cater to them. Sense before BC when it was just World of Warcraft it was Alliance Vs Hord! Our Guild Vs Yours! My DPS vs Your DPS. Everything about their world was streamlined into a systemic grind of mathematical algorithms and pin point precision playing. Always in opposition to someone else. Ending in a repetitive factory system that only a robot can enjoy. Keeping the tempered and devoted and spitting out everyone else. Thats why people having feelings in Wow is a crime. Yet there expected to stay forever and ever, in a game that make them miserable.
    Again, Blizzard embraced these people because they tended to be the biggest payers. Why work hard for an epic mount when you can just buy it and have it instantly. Why bother leveling when you can just pay for boost. Why bother with community activities and story, just do your new set of dailies, buy tokens, Brag about how star spangled awesome you are. Rinse and repeat!

    Wow Has always been this way, it's why I left back before Cat, its why I left Everquest before that. These games refuse to change, so there left to die the slow death of entropy.

  2. If someone needs this information it takes 2-4 days gametime if you skip all cutszenes to beat the latest expansion and get flying in all zones (please take your time this game is no rush and its worth to read) see ya on da moon!

  3. I will admit, I didn't give it a try sooner because I had preconceptions. Most of that stemmed from the media overage around the disaster that was 1.0. I will admit, I didn't want to want to because I thought at the time the single job multi spec was the RPG standard, not the hilariously bad job system. But with WoW's collapse, I figured why not. Give it a try and worse case I say no and move on. 7 months and several level 80 geared jobs later, i'm wondering how I clinged to WoW's broken mess for so long.

  4. Both games are fun but WoW is a more dynamic game. If they fix the classes a little bit and make the game a more direct experience, they will get people back. I m pessimist because their plan is not to hire the best, but the most diverse and inclusive people. You need passionate GAMERS if you want to build a good game and not activists.

  5. It's not just xiv, in many cases they refuse to play any game not on the Blizzard launcher. Maybe you get them to play league, if you're lucky. Blizzard did a great job mind controlling their customers.

  6. If you are a raider and want clear content easier you do have a set limit currency you need to cap weekly, but that currency is useless once you bis your main job unless you decide to gear your alt

    the first few week of the savage release will be a chore to cap the weekly but you won't bother to cap once you started clearing the content

  7. If you skip all the cutscenes and dialog for the 1st time, it takes about 20 hours. Exactly 8 hours to level 35, and the rest is spent tp level 50. Ive done it with my alt for alternate raid static purpose.

    If you're levelling 2nd job, if you do every maximum level dungeon that you can do, every one dungeon raises one level. So 36 dungeons, however long that takes. Say, 20 min per dungeon, roughly 12 hours per job to get to level 50. Not counting extra exp if you do daily roulettes and queue time.

    So, yeah. You can level a job to 50 in a day. Ive done several job to 50 in a day. 50-80 now that's another story.

  8. Theme park with the rides you choose is the greatest description of FF14 I have ever heard thank you so much for giving me the best way to explain the game to others when I tell them about it.

  9. I play both WoW and FFXIV. WoW is pretty much in a shit state, but I also honestly believe that people misrepresent FFXIV as this perfect game. FFXIV also has its weaknesses, I find it to be the total opposite of WoW, not in a good – bad way, but in the sense of game focus. FFXIV is a RPG first of all which has a larger focus on story and WoW is a mechanical MMO which focuses on things like raids and whatnot. I find that FFXIV is not really a game in which you journey with a friend, it's akin to trying to watch a series in two different TVs. If you two don't stay in the same exact spot as the other, one will be left behind. Both games appeal to different people. It's like an apple and a pear. They may look somewhat similar, but are essentially very different. One does not really replaces the other. Both have their weaknesses and strengths. As much as WoW is in such a bad state and there's always exaggeration of opinion on the internet, I think that a lot of people forget, or choose to do so, that both games have flaws and advantages. Also, just like some people are overly defensive for WoW, it also happens with FFXIV, especially it being the "darling" at the time. When I point out stuff that I personally do not like in FFXIV, even though it's something that bothers ME, I always get a lot of people jumping on me defending those subjective flaws as much as some people bash WoW.

  10. The end game of FFXIV is choice and that's the best part. Also there's a bunch of different ways to level. Palace of the dead/heaven on high, new game+, fates, dungeon spam, roulette, so you can do it multiple ways so it's not so boring like leveling an alt in WoW was

  11. In my humble opinion.
    Wow is dead. You play it once. And that's it. It's replayablility is gone.

    In wrath of lk. I had 8 alts. All at 80. Doing dailies on my main.

    It was a wonderful time.

    But all that hard work got erased with the next expansion. And then after grinding everyone to 85 or 90 in cata. It all got erased..and didn't matter , when the next expansion released.

    It hurts my soul. All my hard work. All my grinding. For what? Nothing.

    Ff14. Every single thing is relevant. You can play all classes on 1 character. All the old stuff matters. Nothing gets erased. My hard work matters. And holds up.

    Ff14 is the superior mmorpg. Wow is dead. Sinking ship. Bobby kotick is burning it to the ground. He needs to be replaced.

    I'm not buying anymore acti-blizz games until it's totally changed

  12. I honestly find this argument that WoW chooses the endgame for you really awkward and wrong, but people simply nod in acceptance.

    The difference of WoW and FF14 is that WoW likes to focus on expansion features that they remove or partially remove from the game after said expansion is done. Tier sets, Legendaries, Garrisons, Artifacts, Heart of Azeroth and now the Covenants. (As I type this I find it very funny to realize Artifacts were actually FF14 relic weapons reimaginated for WoW, just as World Quests are Dynamic Events from GW2)

    You can choose your own endgame in both games, the problem is that the expansion features always end up getting into the way of character growth. Catch up mechanics are very soft handed in WoW and they take forever to go live. In FFXIV you can pretty much expect a patch every 3 months and the catch up mechanics exist from day 1.

    Another problem is that because WoW creates whole new systems every expansion, they also need to create whole new catch up solutions that might not break the game. (This is why renown works well, even though it's an expansion system, the catchup was there from day 1). Creating new solutions takes time, which in turn slows down content production, which again hits WoW hard in the rear when they are in a drought.

    Usually in FFXIV content drought, you start to see older content getting revisited like both deep dungeons and Eureka. People go hard on farming cosmetics and crafting glamours. in WoW players do that too, but because of the limitations they can only go to a certain extent. Timewalking NEEDS to be a feature available all times, older challenge modes, Mage Tower, even Island Expeditions are features that could and would keep the game afloat in times of drought. People would go farming these things instead of complaining on the forums that the new raid is taking forever or even unsubbing. There is only so much fun you can have in a game when you already beat the hardest content/have no interest in it and the only thing left is one shot legacy content. That's like playing Mario with infinite Star Power. It's fun for a few, but gets boring fast.

  13. Man!! I am soooo happy i came over to FF to see for myself…I have played wow since Van til bfa, Ive been HC raider, Ive done pvp in wow, I have done everything. And believed what ppl said about FF…I am now a fan of FF, and love the game..

  14. If anyone is interested. I have an outside perspective. Outside perspective, because I don't play mmos.This is, of course, an opinion, and not objective fact. Wanted to add that disclaimer, because I'm not a professional in the field of psychology. What do I really know? Anyway, my thoughts. (Also punctuation probably sucks)

    Is it just me, or does it seem like WoW players have been programmed for the last 15 years or so to believe that there is only one single formula for a good mmo? There are players who have, quite literally, grown from children to adults, playing WoW. Programmed is a terrible word, but am I wrong?

    Looking in from the outside removes the bias from the equation. Listening to both sides of the WoW vs FFXIV argument is very interesting from my point of view.

    Taking FF out of the equation results in the same problem. A problem that could happen in FF if the development team decides to start implementing anti-consumer features. I don't play mmos because of the time sink they require. Don't get me wrong, I play video games almost every day, but I have a full-time job. I'm not going to come home to a second full-time job just because the developers want to retain my subscription.

    It feels like the WoW devs are attempting to hold their players captive. Using systems that make you miss out on incentives if you miss a single day. "Oh, your Grandma died? Sorry to hear that, but make sure to log in every day leading up to, and on the very day of the funeral to get your dailies done. You don't want to miss out on those incentives that keep your characters, your account, and the last fifteen years of your life relevant. Ok, bye now."

    Jokes aside, I could probably write a book about my opinions on this subject, and I have been sucked into a dumpster fire myself, having pre-ordered Cyberpunk. The final result should be a lesson learned. I will never pre-order another game, no matter how much I trust the developer. No matter how many pre-order incentives they dangle front of me.

    In conclusion. You owe nothing to a company, or a brand. The games we love are developed with a business model in mind. Once you pay for the game, your obligation to that company has been paid in full. If there is a subscription involved, it is now up to the developers to continue their obligation for your paid service. The developers should be just as, if not more loyal to the fans, than the fan base is to them. Everyone playing the game is the source of a company's success, in every way. Why continue to be loyal to a company that no longer values you? Your nostalgia means nothing to the money machine.

    Bit of a rant there. Feel free to call me mean things if I've offended you. I won't take offense. I feel for you WoW players. Try taking a step back. Take the Blizzard brand shock collar off, and look in from the outside for a while. You might get a new perspective.

  15. Never played final fantasy but just comparing what I seen wow looks much cooler. Why gearing when you’re gear will be outdated next patch? Role play server saved my interest and hope wow will be more towards the role playing experience 😍

  16. I’ve been in 6 months is fine but alt character is so unfriendly. You do find some toxicity like I worked some club venues at times it can be toxic but very rare. There’s so much to do what to picked. Accolon is almost correct from my experience of what I said. My point of view avoid big fc’s they tend to be a mess some officers can be toxic. I prefer small quiet fc static or not. All I can say is use community finder you find link shells cross world link shells and fc you bound to find that niche. Like I said this is from my opinion from 6 months compare to a wow player from 4 years. And I did made wonderful awesome friends. Highly recommend it for the community wise. Hope ya like my long comment

  17. i know about Final Fantasy, i like Final Fantasy, but what turns me off about 14 is the people on there, they're the ones who chased me off, the players who nonstop praise the game, and players who evangelize themselves, trying to "save" people from WoW, that simply annoys the shitfuck out of me.

  18. Played until stormblood and just didn't really like it. Found more joy in GW2. It's not lies. There's people that just don't like it. It's an opinion sorry not everybody loves the great powerful ff14 lol.

  19. Not everyone who tries FF is going to like it. Plain and simple. I personally love it, it's become my main game.

    That said, the amount of total BS that gets thrown out about it on the WoW forums, for one, is bizarre. My favourite lately was that, as you mentioned, there is no competitive WF race. Like, wut? Savages and Ultimates are super competitive for that, and those fights are fucking TOUGH. See: Scripe's take on Savage Eden.

  20. Im not a PvP player in FF14 but ended up playing it once per day because you can level up other job by playing the PvP to get daily reward

    Queue the job you want to lvl up, once inside change to the job that you confortable with and the daily reward will given to the job that you originally queue the pvp mode.

  21. Lvl 50 on an alt job can be achieved in a few hours with skipping. I'm someone who doesn't play for too long (about 2 hrs a day) and I got my alt jobs to 50 in barely any time. Just do FATES until ~20 and the rest is just dungeons.

  22. I would have to disagree about FFXIV having PvP, or rather having PvP as they've come to define it. To them, PvP = tribalism-based PvP with "For the Horde" and "For the Alliance" battle cries and mentality. Such a set-up creates an instant community, no effort required. Horde players will leap to defend other Horde players from Alliance PCs and vis versa. That doesn't exist in FFXIV, and anyone spouting "For the Maelstrom" will just get odd looks and jokes about someone PvPing too much in WoW.

    There's no animosity-based PvP either, since every player can switch to another Grand Company whenever they want. It's pretty much impossible to build the animosity when the Maelstrom player right next to you could have been a Twin Adder just last week; ffs, there is a literal achievement for getting max rank in every GC.

    So the PvP they want and expect is not in FFXIV.

  23. If skipping cutscenes you can get to 50 in a few hours. Each part after that is a day each. So if you skip cutscenes it's half a day for ARR base, 1 day for ARR to 2.55, 1 day for Heavensward, 1 day for HW patches and so on. So you can bang out 1-80 in 6-7 days easy.


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