Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail GETS WOKE? | Reviews Claim New Expansion Pushes TRANS STORY | Hypnocast

Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail GETS WOKE? | Reviews Claim New Expansion Pushes TRANS STORY | Hypnocast

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14 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail GETS WOKE? | Reviews Claim New Expansion Pushes TRANS STORY | Hypnocast”

  1. It absolutely does push a trans story, albeit indirectly.

    Anyone who has played the game has heard and seen just how awful and unacceptable the performance of Wuk Lamat’s VA was.

    The person who delivered that performance was grossly incapable and unqualified, so he undoubtedly wasn’t hired due to being the best performer for the job. So it begs the question: besides being a trans person and providing the US Square office who made that decision with social credit points, what other reason would there have been to hire him?

    Sometimes the swimming, quaking bird is just a duck and it isn’t more complicated than that

  2. Wuk Lamat is a female and daughter to the king, so far I really love the story why people want to make it something its not makes sense they are losing footing so they are trying to ruin this for people but its not woke or atleast I dont see it???

  3. I like Wuk Lamat, and it does not matter who voices a character, as long as the story is good and no Agenda add to the character, Plus Dawn trail is like ARR its setting up the new Arc

  4. I dont care about the voice actor really. I can't call a Japanese game woke, its one of those things where babies are attaching western sensibilities to non western countries. And remember they were banning Wokies who were harassing Asmogold when he was playing the game, so i really dont think Square cares as much about someones political ideology, i think they care about money.

  5. As I did say… At this point, considering every woman in the waifu battle had a short reign about a day.
    Yes, I see a new waifu champion everyday now 😆

  6. I'm playing the story, I have no idea what they are talking about…. So far Wuk's VA is fine. I don't care who the VA is, just be a good VA…that's all I care about. Regardless of race, skin color, gender. Just don't talk about personal politics or push in games that doesn't belong. You're there to do a job, get paid, go home and wait for next day or next gig. I'm just getting burned out on the woke crap now that it's no different than the left's way of thinking. The anti-woke has gone too far deep in what they are trying to do. I am playing the story btw, I don't see any trans story….unless they provide very very specific scenes that makes it so. I don't see any hints of it. So there's some derangements going on and it needs to be addressed. I mean, for decades females have been playing VAs for boy characters, why weren't ppl upset over that? Where's the outrage? I also don't focus alot on the FF14 community. It's too toxic for it's own good. Too positive, too negative, I can't tell anymore. As for the game, it is showing promise on what yoshi-p said, that the game's combat is taking risks so i'm seeing new mechanics being presented. The music is great, can't go wrong with that. The zones…..can do many gposes in it. The references of that FF game is pretty much in your face.

    Also the WoL being in the backseat is a nice change of pace. For 5 expansions, you were the face of the story, can your character have a damn break lol? The story…..I say this. YOU CANNOT HAVE MULTIPLE BANGERS. It's impossible. You MUST have a balance. You need a boring story to create good stories, then back to it.

  7. Two things ruin this expansion: Woke Lamat and the childishly simple story.

    The VA sounds like a dude, period. Nothing else matters when it comes to VA work. It's an immersion breaking talentless DEI hire that's like nails on a chalkboard every time the abomination of a character opens its mouth. The character itself is also cringe. It's like I'm running around with a season 1 Naruto shouting "BELIVE IT" every five seconds. We had characters like this before, but they were gone when you left the zone. They didn't follow you around the whole time and put their infantile mind on display every time they shove you out of the spotlight.

    And the story is stupid. Not "I don't like the story" kind of stupid. I'm talking about final season Game of Thrones level stupid. The characters are childishly simple and one-dimensional when we KNOW the writers can do better. The obvious villain who honestly belongs on the old Superfriends show because he is such an idiot and making me scream "why does nobody just kill this guy already!?" while the shadow villain that will be the real cause of all the suffering is making me roll my eyes at his lack of logic.

    "It's the start of a new 10 year story" isn't an excuse for writing bad characters in a terrible plot, nor is it a good enough reason to sideline the player as the main character. It just shows they are out of good ideas, and no longer have the talent to write a voiceless protagonist. Which I will admit is rather hard. But it was something they managed to do very well for the past ten years.

  8. Look I hate all the woke diversity and DEI stuff. But I think this is just people looking for sht where there is none. Voice acting is one thing where the gender, race, or sexual preference of the voice actor is relevant. Naruto, Luffy, and Gon are all voiced by women in the English dubs, and they work, Shredder in the original TMNT cartoon was voiced by Uncle Phil. As far as Wuk Lamats English voice actor, I actually really like it, even more so than the Japanese version which is too bubbly and girly girl-ish. I like that in English she has a different foreign accent. She sounds female, and the character herself is female in the game. Plus she is of large build and is a "Tank" character. Nothing suggests any woke agenda and so far I like Wuk Lamat's character. However, I am a bit worried about the story. It's very politically driven, and I'm hoping they don't fck it up. But as for the pacing I'm fine with it. It's a new story and this is part of the world-building. And we got about 3 years' worth of patches before we see a conclusion to the story from Dawntrail. I don't want it to be over any time soon.


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