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2013: there is no minority representation in video games
2023: your stealing our culture and profiting by putting us in your video games.
Kinda funny how the general idea of cultural appropriate is just another way of describing diversity, yet trying to stop the spread of it
Cultural Appropriation is what Amazon Studios did to The Lord of the Rings franchise.
Aww stfu
I'm of Sami decent and SE is doing nothing wrong
I legitimately don't understand the logic behind cultural appropriation, do they honestly believe the world is going to be a more tolerant place if nobody is allowed to experience other people's cultures?
who gives a fuck. people can use whatever clothes they want.
I’m glad twitter out there to save me from looking at a cute clothing design. I might have like it and learned something about that group of people. Thank god they saved me.
I’m gonna go back to my all white workplace as intended where I can’t co-opt something by liking it
Sooooo ethnic diversity in media is ok, until you use ethnic traits, when it suddenly isn't?
NGO's like to sell themselves as saviors and saints while most of them prey on the vulnerable for personal gain.
Cultural appropriation isn't a thing.
Demonstrably racist white man doesn't care about minority issues and uses his platform to trivialize them — surprise, surprise.
Later asmon will have this video reaction "someone got cancelled bcs wearing anime cosplay and got called cultural appropriation"
i think everyone would be happy if the culture got a cut of the pie
Based square enix
Lol, should be excited to see their style represented.
some fans did same complaint for native american cash shop outfit. Meanwhile actual native american fans loved the outfits, were glad added to the game.
Iam sick of those woke people, trying to force other people to do their bidding. I personally say to them, fuck off and move to north korea.
The question is not whether there is cultural appropriation, its what is wrong with cultural appropriation in the first place?
"Shut up" indeed. Cultural appropriation is just people going "Hey. How dare you like this enough to want some of it?! That's illegal." Even people who spearhead that shit don't have a rough idea where it begins and ends. Is listening to BTS as a non-korean appropriation? Is wearing a silk dress appropriation? Nobody knows because it's a bullshit concept that no sane person supports. It was made up by attention-seekers who have never even pondered the practicality of it.
Isn't alot practically appropriated? Like food, music, language, clothes, furniture all of these cultural parts are essentially globalized. So how does cultural appropriation as an accusation makes sense ever? I mean if something is depicted poorly or someone is disrespectful about a culture I'd hardly call it cultural appropriation I'd just call it being ignorant. But simply wearing a clothing or having a hairstyle how is this bad?
Well I have it on one of my toons and they will have to strip it off my dead Lala corpse. Get bent.
Zach preaching as usual. I love this dude!
Im from Finland and funny thing is, if you travel to Lapland to these Sami areas, they will sell the s*** out of their culture to you, hats, dresses all the bells and whistles.
Obviously they have never played FF. The entire game is full of so called cultural AP. LMAO
As part sami from my fathers side I just think its cool the more visibility we get, crying about it is just ridiculous and actually harmfull to sami people in a long run since most of sami people rely on tourism and nowadays we get tourists who are saying stuff like "i dont think i can buy/use this kind of things" when looking at 4wind hats etc
Cultures are by their nature designed to spread. One cannot appropriate culture, likewise culture is not property.
Aint that just the Danish clothing from South park?