FFXIV’s Toxic Positivity and Entitled Nature Hurts My Brain
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#ffxiv #toxicpositivity #discussion
I never thought we'd see the day when a spicy Brian appears!
"Toxic" is so overused and overplayed that it's lost meaning..
But the most "toxic" i've been is when a healer uses rescue on me under any circumstances. Even if it's to save me i'd rather die so i can learn from it, There is A LOT of content i haven't touched on yet outside of msq so for the most part i'm going in blind. It's so annoying and no player should have that level of control over another player. You will hit my enrage timer real fast if you use rescue on me. It's such a pet peeve for me.
but outside of that the only thing that pisses me off in game is crystal conflict (Which i don't do anymore as a result)
So yeah count your blessings that there is only ONE thing in FFXIV that genuinely pisses me off now. lol
Going after things we adore are we? Oof you better not talk bad about them cat girls because i think even Chris and his pig suit will be against you on that one haha
Brian had turned into a beanie wearing wave maker in the FFXIV community. An Erozean Tim Pool if you will lol. Next thing you know he will be on an island sanctuary live streaming chocobo city. I say this all in good fun. Good on you and the hell with any one getting pissed off cause you question things and have opinions.
You've inspired me, Brian. I've been giving your latest videos some thought. I'm not going to quit FFXIV because I enjoy playing the game and have great friends, and have never really had a bad experience with players in game. What I am going to do is unsubscribe and stop supporting ALL content creators and streamers of this game. That's where the toxicity lives and breeds. No more forums or community outside my friends. No more donations to them either. Thanks for your controller guides and the laughs and fun, but all good things come to an end. Thanks and take care! Maybe we'll cross paths in the game someday.
Loving this series of videos Brian. Keep up the great work. 👌🏽
The housing system does suck! I entered 4 lotteries and lost them all…. I gave up but honestly it’s fine I’ll just keep living under the bridges in kugane, the foods good, the music is good and the sights are nice!
Brian, I've seen you become more and more toxic, these videos have clearly demonstrated how much burn out you have being a FFXIV content creator here on YouTube. Maybe take a break, walk away from the comments. Pointing fingers at the community that basically pays your bills and got your viewership up doesn't get anything done other than start a movement of inner imploding with-in the community. Your opinion is still your opinion. Anyone else who listens to you and takes your words to heart, you'll be the one responsible for that influence. No game is perfect, we know this, no game is free of critics, you've clearly become enveloped in your own anger of this community and the anger of this game. You say people need therapy, but what about you? You should take a break man.
The fastest way to get a community to dislike you is to attack the community.
So continue this cycle at your own peril.
I enjoyed your commentary because you seemed like such a nice, positive figure in the community, but I guess that's over.
What I don't get about ppl getting mad about island sanctuary is that no why SE would kill housing specially after this new system.
And is also very good that is another system, if they don't have this system outside the normal game it would be a RMT fest. Housing is almost that now with this big plots for events.
Brian's heel turn saga is in full swing! Definitely interesting content mix up and a real problem in the game. Especially a huge problem with passive aggressive types in duty finder which pushes the desire of people to use trusts for MSQ imo. Will trusts come to normal trials and raids?
Buddy, I could watch hours of content on the things you almost talked about like island sanctuary use among raid players and what cross overs might exist or how people might play for one and not the other. I would love videos about constructive critiques of the game, like how Island Sanctuary might not alleviate housing concerns because it isn't actually housing, or like how it is only available after Endwalker and a lot of new people drawn to the game by such content might not stick around for the hours and hours needed to unlock it. I'd love those videos with real critiques, but…..
You aren't doing any of that kind of content right now. Your last three videos here are about social media critique and an issue effecting every game/TV/movie fandom. None of this are problems with the game, you've admitted it doesn't really happen in game during one of your last videos. You've acknowledged here that dislikes and downvotes elevate the commentary in the algorithm. I agree! Those very very rare 1/1000 comments that are about farming dislikes are going to be front-and-center in any social media site, be it YouTube or Twitter or Reddit. It isn't representative of a community and it isn't even video content about the game. Hearing you admit that you know how downvotes and dislikes boost content and hearing you ask for dislikes here and stating that those disliking are boosting your video, I can only assume you are farming views.
I usually love your content, and not because I want to see the game praised. Tear apart aspects of the game that need improvement! I've already listed two problems I have with the coming patch, stuff like that is needed. Passing these videos off as that kind of content is really boring though and I know you can do better.
only thing i can say on this. ff14 is a big game with many diff type of player who play it. so they have to cast a big net of thing to keep player happy. so we may get stuff for casual or stuff for hardcore or stuff for raiders. i just want to know why get mad about what is added. we all like diff things.
aka let just have fun with the game(i think im wishing for too much XD)
You don’t owe anyone anything. You do you and whatever makes you happy.
On that same note. I don’t owe anyone anything either, so I’m unsubbing. Nothing personal, just not the content or tone I want to listen to.
Having different opinions is okay, but when it turns into antagonizing any group of people with name calling, I step off.
Same reason why I cancelled Pyro. Really sad, but life goes on! Take care and be well!
is the XIV content well this dry that you have to rely on rage bait clicks?
I do think some of your issues isn't with FFXIV but social media in general. It doesn't even have to be gaming. A music content creator will have to deal with toxicity as well. The way you're doing it though isn't productive.
It seriously hurts that I’m strongly considering unsubbing from your channels. You were one of the creators that I enjoyed the most because you always approached each topic, good or bad, positively and with a level head.
You always seemed like a “kill them with kindness” kind of guy and it always impressed me when I would look through the comments and your responses to even the most low, toxic comments were friendly and patient. Now your responses to people who have expressed how much they enjoy you and your content, but really aren’t liking this weird turn you’re on have devolved into “the unsub button is just a click away.” Wow…
You’ve always spoken about how you pride yourself on being genuine in all of the content you create, but this isn’t the same Brian that I and many people subbed to. Calling people “dumb mf’ers” and taking some strange twisted glee in being the “villain of the FFXIV community” just reeks of “drama clickbaiting.”
All of these topics and criticisms are 100% valid and should be discussed. I just hope you notice how many of your fans are leaving comments like mine and realize that you aren’t taking the best approach.
I don't know why you're saying Island Sanctuary isn't Animal Crossing. KK Slider will be playing there every Saturday. I heard that from my uncle who works at Squartendo! /s
I dig the unfiltered Brian, I'm with you regarding to your point of view on the gear updates. You're always going to have toxic people, you'll never be able to please everyone. Keep up the good work buddy and keep pumping out those videos.
I won't quit FFXIV, but ima focus more on NGS for now (even though they don't have any content right now lol)…. just digging the combat a lot more there. Ill check out 14 when they figure out the jobs.
ITT: "Brian's swearing and being bad and I didn't sign up for this I want teddy bear back blah blah blah…"
>You weren't actually paying attention to him, then.
I've been enjoying your's and Chris' work for quite a while now, especially over on W2G, but I've long since noticed how you've been holding back and restraining yourself to try to force being positive and patient on some topics that don't really deserve such attitudes. It's got nothing to do with "being the better person" or any bullshit like that. You can be the better person and still call out shit for being shit. That's a genuine take, and one I've been hoping you'd realize you need to take for a long time now. I'm happy for you to realize you don't need to walk on eggshells for other's feelings, and that making an omelet requires cracking a few shells.
Just make sure the omelet you're making is the one you want, though. No need to crack eggs to make something you're not gonna eat. That's just wasted effort.
Will continue to sub and watch. Good, quality content deserves it.
Bearded man arguing with himself part 3/??
The toxic positivity and viewpoint that Yoshi-P can do no wrong that I've experienced in a good handful of FFXIV circles I've been in are what ultimately made me decide to unsub after I finished Endwalker/6.1's MSQ. People have called me toxic for saying that I wished 6.1 had slightly more combat in it. People have called me a game ruiner for wanting instanced housing. People have said I'm 'complaining just to complain' for saying that I wish the crafting log would tell you which gemstone vendors in ShB/EW zones provided the material you're looking for. I even lost a 5 year friendship because I said that I wished crafting classes had a little bit of recipe crossover when it came to basic materials (ex. allowing goldsmith, armorer, and blacksmith to all be able to craft ingots of iron/gold/etc. and in response that friend went on and on about how my ideas would invalidate other crafters… somehow…). And I was so /tired/ of people trashing every other game that wasn't FFXIV because 'if those were good games then they would have more players'. People get SO defensive over everything in this game and act like a little critique that's offered in a RESPECTFUL way (aka not going around saying in shout chat 'this game is dogshit' just to get a rise out of people) is like directly insulting the devs. Ever since I decided to step away from every FF discord server/Twitter/the game itself, I noticed that I've been feeling a lot less on edge. Before, it felt like I was really walking on eggshells. Couldn't bring up stuff like my hotbar setup or my inventory management routine or my opinions on why I've been feeling a bit bored of modern dungeon design (aka straight line hallways) without people responding in such a passive aggressive way that it felt draining to respond to them. The event that got me to finally say 'I'm done' was when I got chewed out for posting a meme someone made. Used the promotional picture for DSR that FFXIV itself posted to TWITTER before it came out and that picture only photoshopped onto a billboard. And people got mad at me like "delete this, this is a spoiler" even after I literally showed proof that FFXIV's official account posted the same picture in non-meme format. And that brings me to a whole another thing I could talk about for hours. The community's stance on everything being a spoiler. A server I was in wanted every screenshot from an EW zone to be spoiler tagged in discord. Because a screenshot of my character standing against a random wall in Sharlayan is DEFINITELY a spoiler. That TOTALLY ruins the entire story for new players, that screenshot of a wall. The wall that shares the same exact geometry as the Sharlayan buildings in Idyllshire. COMPLETELY spoils the story for sure. I could totally understand the moon or the two 'woah' zones from Endwalker being spoilered for screenshots, but Sharlayan? Really? Ugh, it was just all one big headache.
I have no problem with critiques of FFXIV, but I guess the problem I see with these videos is that you don't provide any examples of exactly the type of behaviour you're talking about. I think you're taking for granted the idea that everyone knows what you're talking about. Most people who don't spend a lot of time on social media spaces outside the game, like myself, don't see the "toxic positivity" that you're talking about. I've watched other content creators who have mentioned a very vocal section of the FFXIV community, but I personally have never seen it. I don't know what they say or the types of arguments they make. That's why I think it sounds like, to a lot people, that you are painting the community with a broad brush, and we're not sure who exactly you're calling a motherfucker and who you aren't.
If you're going to keep making videos in this same vein, I would suggest clipping specific examples of the type of people and behaviour you're referring to. Kind of like how, for WoW, Taliesin and Evitel always do a segment in their videos where they show a bunch of the most ridiculous reactions from the community. It gives everyone a chance to laugh at the dumb takes, and then they can explain why they disagree. Just a suggestion, because when you don't know exactly who or what a content creator is referring to, it can easily feel like they're lumping you in with whatever generalization they're making.
villain arc started and i'm all for it! it's not always good to take this type of tone and stance on stuff, but i feel this community really needs some of it. While very rare, I had my dealings with these people too and it wasn't a pleasant experience at all…
What IS a good way to have these conversations, though?
Like If I – personally – wanted to hash out something like gearing in FFXIV, how would we even go about doing that? Where I might offer suggestions, you offer your takes, we offer constructive critiques, etc.
I think one issue right now is we don't really have systems to do that among ourselves, much less involving the Devs. So we end up with the weird situation of 95% of the community just playing the game happily never even touching the social media side, and the other 5% split into the people who hate everything about the game clashing with the people who love everything about the game, into which a TINY fraction of people like you are wading into that toxic split trying to be reasonable when the only people that frequently use those systems are the people with the most extreme opposed positions already – those who have all but written off the game and hate it vs those who so live and breathe the game that they spend their offline time on social media forums defending it.
So where does that leave people like us trying to have good faith discussions in the middle, when most other people in the middle are the 95% just playing the game who either avoid or don't even know the official forums exist to begin with?
I'm not sure if toxic positivity is a thing honestly,I'm just trying to play a game I enjoy and I'm happy the way ff does incremental changes.
I didn't do savage anyway. Island Sanctuary and Criterion Dungeon's story would take my time. Most likely solo. Oh and I already have a house for the FC. And an apartment. So I glad that Island Sanctuary is different thing. And I know what I enjoy is different from what other people do. I know I'm the odd one. The "not popular kind". As I always be. Even in real life. So anyone feel free to disagree with me. I'd be gladly to disagree with you too. That's how it works.
I saw the addon, oof Brian those dislikes. First off, much love to ya buddy!
There is no cure for stupid outside of napal….I mean nothing can esuna that much stupid.
If my friend didn't just flattened most of his foot this week I'd be inside island sanctuaries.
Island sanctuaries isn't taking away from raiding. SE wouldn't increase the amount of raids in an expansion. Though they can increase the types of content.
Brian, bring it buddy. 🤣
This could be one or the best expansions for a video game. I'm comparing it to nostalgia, its so good.
I find them thoughtful and provoking in a mental way not in a combative way. I think of this more of a one sided debate.
I'm just happy to see what is coming and how it plays.
Those people are mouth breathers, Brian.
Tbh, I find the people that waste their time harassing streamers and content creators like this to be the lowest form of intelligence. It is actively harming the game.
Asmon quit because of these clowns. He hasn't streamed 14 in what, 2-3 weeks after the video he put out. He just doesn't want to deal with the bs this community brings. Not our community of 14 players but the raging little shits with no life.
i hate those people like when i was in eureka a group got me killed and just left me there even though i asked nicely to be brought back and i lost a full level which made me never want to see them again but i cant let those toxic players win
Why is it that this new series of videos is very… Bland doesnt get to the point it tries to convey?
Specially not offering alternatives, like, gearing sucks, should be like this X, or Y, and why it fits to FFXIV or why FFXIV should change completely ita design?
Man I agree with your feelings about a lot of things but it really seems like the haters are just living rent free in your head. I think frank and honest videos are the way to go even if people dislike it but engaging with them for half the video is a little much dude. I think you’ve been hurt lol.
My one issue with FFXIV is that it seems to be consistently getting simpler. Not necessarily easier in terms of Savage and Ultimate, but more rigid where it’s kind of on rails in a lot of areas. The toxic defenders support that trajectory and they seem to fight anyone who is against it tooth and nail. I think what annoys me personally is this is kind of in line with a lot of woke agendas, where they don’t care as much about the integrity of the product as they do whether it spreads their message or not. The FFXIV defenders are essentially (1) pro-inclusion and (2) anti anything that has a chance of leading to discrimination of any sort.
So while you will get FFXIV players up in arms if you complain that it’s too easy, too simple, or too bland. You won’t hear a peep out of them if you say it’s too complex, too difficult, or too intimidating.
I'm glad I don't get involved in "communities" of this stuff. Always people bickering and shit talking in the comments, lol. But, yes, people should be allowed to criticize anything, and not be attacked over it. But these videos make me glad I don't deal with the bullshit part of the community, and just get to enjoy my game, and my FC, where we all can criticize problems, if we choose, and not be crap to each other for it
Guys, this is just him farming for content. Everything in the last videos has already been disussed to death. At this point, this is just sad
I like criticism about games I love because I want them to do better. Housing is odd for me, I personally like the neighborhood aspect, but I also want everyone to have a house. Glamour system needs an update, I also think the dye system could be changed. I also want to say when you come across people who like to argue, be toxic or whatever and you respond back, you put wind in their sails and keep them going. You can't let them live rent free either. Just say what you dislike about the game and let the toxic people float on without the wind.
No more koolaid, welcome to the other side of the XIV community.
What I hate the most in the sense of entitlement, is when I host a pf with clear instructions as to how the run will go. Many will join saying " oh we should do this instead cause it's faster for everyone blah blah. Trying to use "unspoken rules" as a way to take control over a party. If you want a pf to go your way then make your own party. The communities unspoken rules don't actually apply. If it doesn't break ToS then it don't matter how a pf is ran.
I think the biggest gripe most have going into Island Sanctuaries is that SE completely missed the opportunity to give us actual instanced housing… and at least help salve some of the frustrations with the housing system like giving everyone a yard to decorate and also use the housing decorations with the sanctuary. I don't know how much of the housing debacle is the disasterpiece of the backend, and how much of it is SE unwilling to budge with their design decisions.
My take is unless a game has both love and support but also being criticized how can we hope for inprovement so 14 can be the best vertion of its self oneday
If you think you talking about these things is unique, you obviously haven't been to the official forum 🤣
I salute you and hope you manage to stay sane after this. I gave up posting on the forums or w/e other place these devs might actually pay attention other than a handful of people that ''represent'' the community. They managed to convince the team to make these shitty Viera instead of fixing instance load for hunt trains that's been an issue since Cross World function and travel launched back in Stormblood. Thank the heavens Elden Ring and other great games launched, because FFXIV is turning into a stale bread at this point. Looks delicious and few people actually refuse it, but in the end, there's no actual flavor to it. I hope they start to improve on the other fronts that they left the same since HW, such as the gearing system and maybe, as you pointed out on the other video, that Criterion dungeons serves as a foundation or gets improved as time goes by in regards to gear, content and challenge.
Have an awesome day!
*ahem* So, I had to Google toxic positivity. 🤦♀️ And according to it it’s; “We (don’t know who that ‘we’ is) define toxic positivity as the excessive and ineffective overgeneralization of a happy, optimistic state across all situations. The process of toxic positivity results in the denial, minimization, and invalidation of the authentic human emotional experience.” So, in short, I may feel something is bad for me (about the game) but the community tries to convince me it’s not bad, it’s in fact fine, and that I’m wrong and have no reason to think it’s bad? 🤔 Sorry folks I don’t live in a beehive mindset. 😅 Ill be over here with my handful of friends enjoying my game or not, as best I can. 😂 Stay calm, stay cool and stay safe. 👍
I’m here for the drama bro. *eats popcorn *
You're entitled to your opinion, but I urge you to read dialog and commentary on Japanese culture and how they handle critical feedback. American feedback style is a full 180 degree turn from what they consider. Japanese culture is driven by community effort, versus personal effort. The closest you get to that in American feedback is passive aggressive, which is entirely unhealthy way to give people information.
Yo Brian, this is off topic but could you play/stream a FFXI 75 private server without any actions being taken against you from SE?