I hope one day they will make a dancing emote where anyone can join it and have it be in sync. Imagine the Sprout’s reaction to seeing the other three of his teammates dancing in perfect unison like that! 😂
I stopped playing because I wanted to watch cut scenes but the group was in such a rush, they would just kill the boss without me. I was trying to learn tanking. Took me 3 different dungeons to actually participate in a dungeon final boss fight when I first started.
ironically if they're watching the cutscene for this boss, they wouldnt get a long fall since the final in that dungeon is just…the standard boss music
I applaud people who wait… I was a sprout doing msq dungeon with UNSKIPABLE cut scenes and the party I was in still managed to kill every boss together with the last one while I was stuck watching stuff… Lol
I don’t know how they did it but it was not very nice…
Happened yesterday actually. I was DRK leading the band of merry sprouts and a non sprout in Brayfloxs Longstop.
The non sprout was a dps and couldn't slow the hell down, lept running ahead of me and pulling mobs and the healer was still new to healing, i avoided big pulls to let them get used to it. Ofc we didn't pay it any mind. I would be able to manage just find. Thank god for mitigations. But when we got to the boss the cutscene was playing and the dps just ran into the fray and died. I was waiting with the other sprout near the entrance.
Calmly without feeling the need to chuck a brick at them i explained that they seem to be doing such a god job with it and that the healer was in a cutscene. Like what do you expect me to do.
What song is this
every time i get this dungeon in healer queue u bet i am mandervilling till the sprout ready 2 go
I sweep 😂
I hope one day they will make a dancing emote where anyone can join it and have it be in sync. Imagine the Sprout’s reaction to seeing the other three of his teammates dancing in perfect unison like that! 😂
I stopped playing because I wanted to watch cut scenes but the group was in such a rush, they would just kill the boss without me. I was trying to learn tanking. Took me 3 different dungeons to actually participate in a dungeon final boss fight when I first started.
This is what men do now? Yikes
Is this a different version of the song? Higher rpm.
Never seen that…because om the sprout in the cutscene xD
Remember the good old days when you could skip the cut scenes and be half done with boss by the time sprouts were done with their dungeon preview? 😂😂😂
One of my favorite things to do. Wish I had cool dances though.
ironically if they're watching the cutscene for this boss, they wouldnt get a long fall since the final in that dungeon is just…the standard boss music
yoshi-p why
A Long Fall IMMEDIATELY gets turned up to max BGM. This is not an option.
Cringe just pull fuck em
I applaud people who wait… I was a sprout doing msq dungeon with UNSKIPABLE cut scenes and the party I was in still managed to kill every boss together with the last one while I was stuck watching stuff… Lol
I don’t know how they did it but it was not very nice…
Surprised the DRG didn't accidentally leap off the platform
My friends waiting for me 😇
cant relate cuz i always got spotify playing my music
We all knew this one was a bop
you better know i'm doin my gremlin thing doin da moogle dance XD
nah… I turn the area into an agility course. Basically, I run with Carbuncle, as SCH, around the arena while the others dance.
I play high for the music 💗
It's a tradition that shall not be broken!
Most unrealistic part is that the guy in dark clothes isn't the Dark Knight
Every time! 💃
Happened yesterday actually. I was DRK leading the band of merry sprouts and a non sprout in Brayfloxs Longstop.
The non sprout was a dps and couldn't slow the hell down, lept running ahead of me and pulling mobs and the healer was still new to healing, i avoided big pulls to let them get used to it. Ofc we didn't pay it any mind. I would be able to manage just find. Thank god for mitigations. But when we got to the boss the cutscene was playing and the dps just ran into the fray and died. I was waiting with the other sprout near the entrance.
Calmly without feeling the need to chuck a brick at them i explained that they seem to be doing such a god job with it and that the healer was in a cutscene. Like what do you expect me to do.
Dude left right after. Some people man istg.
Twinning! I blare this shit on my sub while driving ngl lol
YOSHIP I HAVE A PROPOSAL: Bop roulette. Only the duties that have gone viral for how good the music is. Twinning. Warrior of Light. Endsinger. Mom.
I’m the sprout dancing with the vets waiting on the other sprouts 🌱
Every time
sooooo true 😂😂
Damnit, yeah you got me
What is Mysic? (Check your video description 😉 )
Some people try to unironically claim that WoW has better music than FFXIV. Blows my mind.
Who’s the dood dancing
Why is this showing up on my feed twice in two days? I’m not complaining, I dig it lol I’m just confused
All those banger songs make me think, that FF14's team is just a music company that gets their funding by hosting a critically acclaimed MMO.
"Viewing Cutscene" it's bee's knees time boys
true story … cept the goon is normally just eating dirt tanking that ground like a boss …. 😂