FFXIV's Highest Effort Event is a CAR!

Mechanics and MGP are for CARS!

0:00 – Getting the MGP
36:09 – Quest Starts
2:06:22 – Farming for that HAMMERHEAD Track

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21 thoughts on “FFXIV's Highest Effort Event is a CAR!”

  1. This can sound a little harsh, but I do so enjoy when Kyle is all by himself and finally getting some spotlight, it's so relaxing, I feel Garrett tends to run the show way to much, we need more Kyle involvement, I also miss Kyle's Pov in the MSQ streams/videos.

  2. I missed the whimsy series so much and it made me think. I so badly want a cozy, Sagan-like, sitting by the fireplace lore series from Kyle one day. I would totally tune into off-beat lore summaries presented with a bit of whimsy and from that oh so soothing voice

  3. As someone who mains Samurai, let me tell you a useful tip that took me ages to figure out. When you target an enemy, look at the targeting circle underneath them. If it's open in the back, then you have to hit positionals with your skills. If it's a complete circle, that enemy does not require you to be at their side or rear for you to hit your positional skills, as they technically have no sides or rear. So around the 1:20:30 mark you actually didn't have to worry about your positionals on that enemy as anywhere counts.


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