FFXIV – YoshiP mentioned the MOD – Clipping

This is the story that Yoshi P. mentions regarding the MOD.
Since the story of the Texas billboard has spread to Japan, we decided to make a clipping at this time.

I won’t be touching on this topic in particular anymore and will continue to post clipping videos at my own pace 😀


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I’m translating the ffxiv clipping into English.
English translations are not perfect, so please do not believe everything!

【Clips source】

#YoshiP #FFXIV #MOD #ff14 #吉田直樹
©SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


16 thoughts on “FFXIV – YoshiP mentioned the MOD – Clipping”

  1. The line has been drawn, Please do not cross it again. I love mods and I would like them to remain in the shadows please . I hope the Bans won't be to crazy .

  2. Yeah, nah. I'll keep modding till the day I die. It's my computer, I determine how software on it should operate. Japan's backwards laws against these things should be eradicated.

  3. Square will find it really hard to control artistic expression, even when it uses their assets in the US. They'd lose that legal battle pretty quickly and they know it.

  4. Unfortunately, they're not going to stop and they're going to ruin it for all of us. Even those of us who only dabble with plugins and less invasive things. Yoshi is probably going to end up making us install an anti-cheat program or some shit like so many other games just to deal with it. It's been so many years of him repeating himself, it's just a matter of time before has to do something drastic.

  5. It's a kinda sad place Yoshi P. and his team are in, they can't endorse mods cause it would cause massive legal troubles cause the game is so widespread available. For example all nudity etc. would be outright illegal in arabic countries and they would get troubles with their age ratings plus it would be crazy hard to control. On the other hand they can't just purge all mods cause it would destroy a huge chunk of their playerbase which would make investors sad. Housing people use tools, gposers use tools, roleplayers use mods and tools and raiders and guidemakers too. They would burn all these communities to the ground if they go full nuclear on mods.

    So we are trapped in this weird limbo now and some stupid nightclub fellas try to flip the table cause they couldn't keep quiet. At some point they will force SE hand and everyone will lose.

  6. The FFXIV modding community is already on thin ice, as YoshiP and team are very lenient towards them. These people have been taking advantage of this, until it gets taken away from them. There will be scorched-Earth reckoning bound to happen. I'd say, just perma ban em.

  7. Can't believe it had to come to this. Even though I'm on Crystal and can easily pop over to that night club if I so wanted, I most definitely won't. Not only because it's simply not my thing, but because purely out of principle. I swear, they could've done so many other things to advertise their little party. Instead, they chose to create a full blown controversy for easy attention and both jeopardize everyone else's enjoyment of the game along with directly disrespecting the wishes of our developers. Screw that night club. Not even gonna say its name because it's not worth mentioning.


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