FFXIV x FFXV: A Nocturne for Heroes 2021 (Guide/Walkthrough)

This video will help guide you through the entirety of the “A Nocturne For Heroes” seasonal Final Fantasy 14 & Final Fantasy 15 crossover event, where you can complete a chain of quests and battles with Noctis.

Garuda’s microburst attack in Messenger of the Winds (07:15) is a killer and timing is important to avoiding damage.

One of the rewards available during this event is the Regalia mount, which becomes available from a vendor in the Gold Saucer.

00:43 The Man in Black (Quest 1)
01:06 Like Clockwork FATE
01:48 In The Dark of Night (Quest 2)
02:33 Iseultalon (Battle 1)
04:50 Messenger of Winds (Quest 3)
05:35 Garuda Battle (Battle 2)
07:15 Garuda’s Microburst
08:36 Event Rewards


10 thoughts on “FFXIV x FFXV: A Nocturne for Heroes 2021 (Guide/Walkthrough)”

  1. Thank you very much. I kept trying to warp to the damn pillars, but she kept killing me. Just waiting until the 6th pulse and doing it had me beat it the very first time. Your a life saver.

  2. Thank you so much for this video, man.
    An advice for ppl who might be in the same situation as me: I'm new, barely started the game. At first I thought I kept dying because my gear was too weak, but turns out, my vpn was tanking my ping, and it didn't register when I hid behind the rock. I realized it when I kept walking through the rock. I turned it off for the fight, and I beat her no problem.

  3. This quest just outright ignores casual players. I play regularly with a girl who will NEVER be capable of this! I doubt I can, I've died like nine times now and I'm about to abandon it. NOT FUN! It was the first four times!


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