FFXIV: Wooden spiral staircase – Housing item- patch 5.55

FFXIV new housing item the wooden spiral staircase from patch 5.55
The staircase is a level 80 carpenter recipe under the housing two section.


4 thoughts on “FFXIV: Wooden spiral staircase – Housing item- patch 5.55”

  1. I'm glad they finally put one in, but it's got a few too many issues. It's way too tall imo, and there's no suitable area to get off once you reach the top. If you try to push a loft next to the top step then it blocks your way getting back up/down again.

  2. I've noticed that you can put the normal wooden stairs at the top so it creates an archway so you don't bump your head on the way up, you can also lower it back down to a decent loft level. Not sure if anyone has tried glitching it through a basement ceiling to lower it down also?


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