FFXIV – What Content To Expect in Endwalker and When

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27 thoughts on “FFXIV – What Content To Expect in Endwalker and When”

  1. I hope they don’t stop releasing new 4-man dungeons. That’s the primary game for a lot of people, myself included. I have no intention in unsubbing. Still lots to do.

  2. Kinda new to ffxiv, started mid Shadowbringers.

    Not familiar with how much content there is supposed to be, but I’d hope more. Used to other games where you have world events, daily quests, weekly quests, and side activities, in addition to the usual stuff. Though I do understand the type of game this is.

    I love how they don’t care if you quit

  3. The thing about the Four Fiends as the next trial series is that they are only going to do 3 of the 4. They never go beyond 3 trials, unless they devote the expansion patch end trial to the series to give it one more extra than normal. I'm still bummed out that Genbu was just a dungeon boss for the Four Lords. I found it funny that Sapphire Weapon got treated more or less the same way he got treated in FF7 though lol.

  4. I just want more info on glamor storage update, which I thought they said was in 6.1. 400 slots has been full since ShB. Hell some of those sets in the dresser arent even full sets since there's no space. Retainers are mostly full. Armory chest is mostly full. Yet every big patch they're adding 18 weapons/ 18 sets of gear. Craftable glam gear. The amount of gear we're getting is severely disproportionate to the amount of storage we have for it.

  5. I took a break from XIV and started playing XI
    It's honestly really cool and I'd recommend it.
    I've always wanted to play it as a kid but paying a monthly sub was impossible.

  6. Thanks for these, as always. Will probably return in 6.1 at the latest, considering how the new alliance is quite opaque and thus holds a lot of potential for surprise. That aside, really looking forward to how they handle weapon progression systems after Bozja, which was, I think, from actions to encounter design, a new bar they raised. There's no going back to neither Eureka nor "old" grindfests, hopefully.

  7. I like to see the HUB for EW contents and the gateway really wanna know how they utilized the maps
    Myths of the Realm is likely somewhere on Eorzea, Sanctuary of the Twelve is easy picking and maybe too easy
    Trials series If it really 4 Fiends than I pick Garlemald featured Jullus and the Twin
    The Exploration maps + Relics using Thavnair with the events take place in south Ilsabard (Corvos/Locus Amoenus) featured Krile + G'raha doing Baldesion works and Estinien because Vrta wants him to check things there

  8. I wish savage and normal don't release the same day, many would skip story just to compete for world 1st when it should be something to enjoy as you progress.


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