FFXIV Weeb Reacts to Warlords of Draenor Trailer – WOW

Blizzard’s Dragonflight (DF) has released, & it’s time for another episode in FF14 Weeb Reacts to World of Warcraft trailers. Today’s cinematic is Warlords of Draenor (WOD), with Grom Hellscream, Garrosh, Gul’dan, a big chungus pit lord, and a Final Fantasy XIV streamer making soy faces. While the video game cutscene is awesome, I heard the expansion lacked content and gameplay. Also I don’t like time travel or alternate timelines, but whatevs. Hope you enjoy the reactions, commentary, highlights and funny moments.


I’m a Voice Actor who streams FFXIV (and more) on Twitch. Feel free to join the party!

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#WorldOfWarcraft #FFXIV #Dragonflight


6 thoughts on “FFXIV Weeb Reacts to Warlords of Draenor Trailer – WOW”

  1. WoD had so much potential but they scrapped like half the xpac. One of the most disappointing things was an entire raid in Shattrath City, the Burning Crusade expansion hub city, was canceled. The zones and music though were top tier. This expansion they started to do more voice acting and incorporating more story cutscenes, as well as do a graphical overhaul of player character models.

  2. I was at Blizzcon when they announced this, and I knew this expansion was going to be a problem. They got so many timeline/alternate universe questions and consistently failed to explain it properly, like they were surprised people would even care how/why any of it was happening.


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