FFXIV versus GW2 lighting! Geegan Blown Away at FFXIV’s Art…

FFXIV versus GW2 lighting! Geegan Blown Away at FFXIV’s Art…
Final Fantasy 14 Reminds Me Of When I First Tried WoW because of the quaint little towns at the beginning of both games. The warm sense of Goldshire when first created my Human Warrior back in 2006. The music of the human starting area and the screeches of the kobolds. Final Fantasy 14 gave me a similar vibe with the music, lush forests, and the quaint little town. The NPCs were very well made, and the graphics compared to some of today’s popular RPG titles. FF14 reminds me more of an RPG than an MMORPG, and so far is delivering on all fronts as a great game I want to return to.

You can join in the fun watching me continue this playthrough series over on my twitch.

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I’ve played WoW since 2006, 2 months before The Burning Crusade came out. In this video, you will find some clips of me trying out FF14 and the vibe FFXIV gave me after a few of my live streams.

I’m considering making this a playthrough series as I did when I tried out Guild Wars 2 last year.

Topics In Video –
final fantasy 14, ff14, ffxiv, final fantasy endwalker, final fantasy a realm reborn, ff arr, final fantasy jobs, final fantasy first impressions, new player tries final fantasy, ex wow player tries ff14 for the first-time, 16 Year Wow Veteran’s Reaction To FFXIV In 2022 – FF14, New FFxiv player blown away by the FF14 story, Final Fantasy 14 highlights and reactions, FFXIV reactions to gameplay, ff14 gameplay, ffxiv expansion, ff14 asmongold, ffxiv asmongold, ffxiv ranger, ffxiv archer, ffxiv best jobs, ffxiv stream, ffxiv twitch

#FinalFantasyXIV #WorldofWarcraft #WoWvsFFXIV


4 thoughts on “FFXIV versus GW2 lighting! Geegan Blown Away at FFXIV’s Art…”

  1. If you check out Gshade (I think it's an accepted mod, a couple streamers also use it like Pint, Pyromancer, Preach, HaruHissatsu), there are different presets and flavors that help make the graphics shine some more, with added features like ambient occlusion, dof, different contrast, lighting and saturation stuff.
    And later on once you head into some newer zones, art direction gets better.

    Plus come 7.0 in probably a year or 2, there'll be a graphics update overall with better resolution models (hair, eyes, etc.) and lighting, more lighting points. Plus QoL still being worked on. It's an exciting time


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