FFXIV Variant Dungeon path guideto to get the Mount | 12 Paths (Top comment is improved solutions)

Variant Dungeons were a lot of fun and have a lot of secrets to discover. But nobody has time for that so we use the hard work of others for personal gain so go get your mount! Enjoy!

Reddit Thread:
1) Whom the Silkie Serves (Left door, push water lever, use teleporter by placing green and yellow sacks) MIGHT BE TRIGGERED BY OPENING THE CLOSET ON THE LEFT BEFORE NANAMO OPENS THE METAL GATE
2) Pride and Acceptance (Left door, do not push water lever, use teleporter by placing green and yellow sacks) MIGHT BE TRIGGERED BY OPENING THE CLOSET ON THE LEFT BEFORE NANAMO OPENS THE METAL GATE
3)A Spot in the Sunlight (Left door, enable water path, yellow left green right, walk into all dandelions)
4) A Key Memory (Left door, no water lever, match color sacks)
5) In Father’s Stead (Right door,whatever trolley, answer spark (ramuh))
6) Ul’dah’s Sin to Bear (Right door, whatever trolley, answer flame (ifrit))
7) To Learn More of Myrrh (Right door, right trolley, Room with 5 drakes = kill them from LARGEST to SMALLEST (father-mother-brother-sister-ling)
8) Ul’dah and Sil’dih (Middle door, left valve, fail scales, right lever)
9) Raising the Flags (Middle door, left valve, fail scales, Left lever)
10) My Mother’s Eyes (Middle door, right valve, helm+fruit scales, left pillar)
11)The Thorne Legacy (Middle door, right valve, helm+fruit scales, right pillar)
12) Right door (right trolley, room with 5 drakes = kill them from LARGEST to SMALLEST (father-mother-brother-sister-ling, (QUICKLY pick up Incense Burner )then stand in front of and target the coffin/sarcophagus and do the following emotes: /bow, /respect, /vpose, /kneel

♥ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZeeTM__


9 thoughts on “FFXIV Variant Dungeon path guideto to get the Mount | 12 Paths (Top comment is improved solutions)”

  1. For 1 and 2 The closest before the metal gate is needed (Grab front right green and back left yellow and put green down first on the right piller)
    12 you need to pick up the Incense Burner after the Drakes when you kill hte wraiths (ONLY ONE PERSON CAN EMOTE AND YOU CAN RESTART IF NEED)

  2. i will input more info here.
    left door : its not about where you need to place the sack , its about picking the correct sack which is NE sack atop of boulder (green) and SE corner sack on the ground (yellow). clue is note from the middle door (after teleport , kill mobs and open the door on your left. dont go near nanamo, so the dialogue wont be triggered)
    right door : i think killing drakes in order from father-mother-brother-sister-ling is only meant to open the secret path.
    for record no 7, you need to pick up myrrh burner incense after killing wraith mob. its on the right side of the room and go straight kill the boss (dont do secret boss or record 7 wont be completed)
    for record no 12, the emote clue is from the record no 7. hence why record no 7 called 'To Learn More of Myrrh' you literally need to bring it back first and read the record (probably just my own scenario) to complete record no 12. gl

  3. All 12 notes:
    Left Path
    #1 Room with Green + Yellow Sacks, take the GREEN SACK in the NE corner on top of the rubble, and the YELLOW SACK in the SE corner on the very small hill of dirt(I would have 1 person grab. Green right then yellow and place green first on right), after clearing the enemies after teleporting, there is a door to the west behind the rubble that you can open before moving ahead. This door won't have a name or be interactable until Nanamo walks up to the gate to leave, do not walk up to Nanamo immediately if you want to open this door first.
    #2 Same as #1, but do not open the door
    #3 Primary Path, use two of the wrong sacks (don't activate the teleporter) and trigger the puff circles after the door opens
    #4 Primary Path, use two of the wrong sacks (don't activate the teleporter) and don't trigger the puff circles after the door opens

    Right Path
    #5 Before final boss, answer the first option (Spark)
    #6 Before final boss, answer the second option (Flame)
    #7 After first boss, take the lift to the RIGHT and kill the drakes from LARGEST to SMALLEST (grab the incense in the room with the Wraiths,
    #12 After the first boss, take the lift to the RIGHT and kill the drakes from LARGEST to SMALLEST, then kill the Wraiths & Revenants and pick up the incense, once you reach the Coffin, target the coffin (do not interact with it) and use /bow, /respect, /vpose, /kneel in this order, with a brief pause between each emote. Nanamo will have dialogue and will move if you've done it correctly
    (Parties juts have 1 person emote, you can restart the emotes if needed)

    Middle Path
    #8 Put nothing or any combination that is not Helmet+Fruit into the Scales, then use the Right Lever before the boss.
    #9 Put nothing or any combination that is not Helmet+Fruit into the Scales, then use the Left Lever before the boss.
    #10 Before the final boss, Scales -> Helmet + Fruit -> Nald Statue
    #11 Before the final boss, Scales -> Helmet + Fruit -> Thal Statue


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